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Bioinspiration refers to the human development of novel materials, devices, structures, and behaviors inspired by solutions found in biological organisms, where they have evolved and been refined over millions of years. [1] The goal is to improve modeling and simulation of the biological system to attain a better understanding of nature's critical structural features, such as a wing, for use in future bioinspired designs. [2] Bioinspiration differs from biomimicry in that the latter aims to precisely replicate the designs of biological materials. Bioinspired research is a return to the classical origins of science: it is a field based on observing the remarkable functions that characterize living organisms and trying to abstract and imitate those functions.



Ideas in science and technology often arise from studying nature. In the 16th and 17th century, G. Galilei, J. Kepler and I. Newton studied the motion of the sun and the planets and developed the first empirical equation to describe gravity. A few years later, M. Faraday and J. C. Maxwell derived the fundamentals of electromagnetism by examining interactions between electrical currents and magnets. The studies of heat transfer and mechanical work lead to the understanding of thermodynamics. However, quantum mechanics originated from the spectroscopic study of light. Current objects of attention have originated in chemistry but the most abundant of them are found in biology, e.g. the study of genetics, characteristics of cells and the development of higher animals and disease. [3]

The current field of research

Bioinspiration is a solidly established strategy in the field of chemistry, but it is not a mainstream approach. Especially, this research is still developing its scientific and technological systems, on academic and industrial levels. In recent years, it is also considered to develop composites for aerospace and military applications. [4]

This field dates back from the 1980s but in the 2010s, many natural phenomena have not been studied. [3] [5]

Typical characteristics of Bioinspiration


Bio-inspired research is a form of study that takes inspiration from the natural world. Unlike traditional chemistry research, it does not delve into the microscopic details of molecules. Instead, it focuses on understanding the functions and behaviors of living organisms. By observing nature's solutions, researchers can find innovative ideas for technology and problem-solving.

A limitless source of ideas

There are various kinds of organisms and many different strategies that have proved successful in biology at solving some functional problem. Some kinds of high-level bio functions may seem simple, but they are supported by many layers of underlying structures, processes, molecules and their elaborate interaction. There is no chance to run out of phenomena for bio-inspired research.


Often, bio-inspired research about something can be much easier than precisely replicating the source of inspiration. For example, researchers do not have to know how a bird flies to make an airplane.

Transcultural field

Bioinspiration returns to observation of nature as a source of inspiration for problem-solving and make it part of a grand tradition. The simplicity of many solutions emerge from a bio-inspired strategy, combined with the fact that different geographical and cultural regions have different types of contact with animals, fish, plants, birds and even microorganisms. This means different regions will have intrinsic advantages in areas in which their natural landscape is rich. So bio-inspired research is trans-cultural field.

Technical applications

There are many technical applications available nowadays that are bioinspired. However, this term should not be confused with biomimicry. For example, an airplane in general is inspired by birds. The wing tips of an airplane are biomimetic because their original function of minimizing turbulence and therefore needing less energy to fly, are not changed or improved compared to nature's original. Nano 3D printing methods are also one of the novel methods for bioinspiration. Plants and animals have particular properties which are often related to their composition of nano - and micro- surface structures. For example, research has been conducted to mimic the superhydrophobicity of Salvinia molesta leaves, the adhesiveness of gecko's toes on slippery surfaces, and moth antennas which inspire new approaches to detect chemical leaks, drugs and explosives. [6]

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Biomimetic architecture is a branch of the new science of biomimicry defined and popularized by Janine Benyus in her 1997 book. Biomimicry refers to innovations inspired by nature as one which studies nature and then imitates or takes inspiration from its designs and processes to solve human problems. The book suggests looking at nature as a Model, Measure, and Mentor", suggesting that the main aim of biomimicry is sustainability.

The Salvinia effect describes the permanent stabilization of an air layer upon a hierarchically structured surface submerged in water. Based on biological models, biomimetic Salvinia-surfaces are used as drag reducing coatings (up to 30% reduction were previously measured on the first prototypes. When applied to a ship hull, the coating would allow the boat to float on an air-layer, reducing energy consumption and emissions. Such surfaces require an extremely water repellent super-hydrophobic surface and an elastic hairy structure in the millimeter range to entrap air while submerged. The Salvinia effect was discovered by the biologist and botanist Wilhelm Barthlott and his colleagues and has been investigated on several plants and animals since 2002. Publications and patents were published between 2006 and 2016. The best biological models are the floating ferns with highly sophisticated hierarchically structured hairy surfaces, and the back swimmers with a complex double structure of hairs and microvilli. Three of the ten known Salvinia species show a paradoxical chemical heterogeneity: hydrophilic hair tips, in addition to the super-hydrophobic plant surface, further stabilizing the air layer.

Self-cleaning surfaces are a class of materials with the inherent ability to remove any debris or bacteria from their surfaces in a variety of ways. The self-cleaning functionality of these surfaces are commonly inspired by natural phenomena observed in lotus leaves, gecko feet, and water striders to name a few. The majority of self-cleaning surfaces can be placed into three categories:

  1. superhydrophobic
  2. superhydrophilic
  3. photocatalytic.
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Hao Yan is a Chinese-American chemist, a (bio)molecular designer, programmer and engineer.

Javier G. Fernandez is a Spanish physicist and bioengineer. He is associate professor at the Singapore University of Technology and Design. He is known for his work in biomimetic materials and sustainable biomanufacturing, particularly for pioneering chitin's use for general and sustainable manufacturing.

Bioinspired armor are materials that were inspired by the composition, and most importantly, the microstructures commonly found in nature’s natural defense mechanisms. These microstructures have been evolved by organisms to protect themselves from exterior forces, such as predatory attacks. These materials and their microstructures are optimized to withstand large forces. By taking inspiration from these materials we can design armor that has better penetration resistance and force dissipation properties than previously possible.


  1. Sanchez, Clément; Arribart, inspired design; Guille, Marie Madeleine Giraud (2005). "Biomimetism and bioinspiration as tools for the design of innovative materials and systems". Nature Materials. 4 (4): 277–288. Bibcode:2005NatMa...4..277S. doi:10.1038/nmat1339. PMID   15875305.
  2. "Definition of BIOINSPIRED". Aerospace America. Retrieved 26 September 2018.
  3. 1 2 Whitesides, G. M. (15 May 2015). "Bioinspiration: something for everyone". Interface Focus. 5 (4): 20150031. doi:10.1098/rsfs.2015.0031. PMC   4590425 . PMID   26464790.
  4. Islam, Muhammed Kamrul; Hazell, Paul J.; Escobedo, Juan P.; Wang, Hongxu (July 2021). "Biomimetic armour design strategies for additive manufacturing: A review". Materials & Design. 205: 109730. doi: 10.1016/j.matdes.2021.109730 .
  5. Krishnan, Rajeshwar. "Biomimetic or Bioinspired?" (PDF). The Electrochemical Society (ECS).
  6. Anthony, Lowder (25 October 2017). "Nanoscribe's Nano 3D Printer Used to Study Animal Shapes and Bioinspired Materials - 3D Printing Media Network". 3D Printing Media Network.


See also