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Breeding for drought resistance is the process of breeding plants with the goal of reducing the impact of dehydration on plant growth.
In nature or crop fields, water is often the most limiting factor for plant growth. If plants do not receive adequate rainfall or irrigation, the resulting dehydration stress can reduce growth more than all other environmental stresses combined.
Drought can be defined as the absence of rainfall or irrigation for a period of time sufficient to deplete soil moisture and cause dehydration in plant tissues. Dehydration stress results when water loss from the plant exceeds the ability of the plant's roots to absorb water and when the plant's water content is reduced enough to interfere with normal plant processes.
About 15 million km2 of the land surface is covered by crop-land, [1] and about 16% of this area is equipped for irrigation (Siebert et al. 2005 [2] ). Thus, in many parts of the world, including the United States, plants may frequently encounter dehydration stress. Rainfall is very seasonal and periodic drought occurs regularly. The effect of drought is more prominent in sandy soils with low water holding capacity. On such soils some plants may experience dehydration stress after only a few days without water.
During the 20th century, the rate of increase in `blue' water withdrawal (from rivers, lakes, and aquifers) for irrigation and other purposes was higher than the growth rate of the world population (Shiklomanov 1998 [3] ). Country-wise maps of irrigated areas are available. [4] [5]
Soil moisture deficit is a significant challenge to the future of crop production. Severe drought in parts of the U.S., Australia, and Africa in recent years drastically reduced crop yields and disrupted regional economies. Even in average years, however, many agricultural regions, including the U.S. Great Plains, suffer from chronic soil moisture deficits. Cereal crops typically attain only about 25% of their potential yield due to the effects of environmental stress, with dehydration stress the most important cause. Two major trends will likely increase the frequency and severity of soil moisture deficits:
Although changes in tillage and irrigation practices can improve production by conserving water, enhancing the genetic tolerance of crops to drought stress is considered an essential strategy for addressing moisture deficits.
A plant responds to a lack of water by halting growth and reducing photosynthesis and other plant processes in order to reduce water use. As water loss progresses, leaves of some species may appear to change colour — usually to blue-green. Foliage begins to wilt and, if the plant is not irrigated, leaves will fall off and the plant will eventually die. Soil moisture deficit lowers the water potential of a plant's root and, upon extended exposure, abscisic acid is accumulated and eventually stomatal closure occurs. This reduces a plant's leaf relative water content.
The time required for dehydration stress to occur depends on the water-holding capacity of the soil, environmental conditions, stage of plant growth, and plant species. Plants growing in sandy soils with low water-holding capacity are more susceptible to dehydration stress than plants growing in clay soils. A limited root system will accelerate the rate at which dehydration stress develops. A plant's root system may be limited by the presence of competing root systems from neighbouring plants, by site conditions such as compacted soils or high water tables, or by container size (if growing in a container). A plant with a large mass of leaves in relation to the root system is prone to drought stress as the leaves may lose water faster than the roots can supply it. Newly planted plants and poorly established plants may be especially susceptible to dehydration stress because of the limited root system or the large mass of stems and leaves in comparison to roots.
Aside from the moisture content of the soil, environmental conditions of high light intensity, high temperature, low relative humidity and high wind speed will significantly increase plant water loss. The prior environment of a plant also can influence the development of dehydration stress. A plant that has been exposed to dehydration stress (hardened) previously and has recovered may become more drought resistant. Also, a plant that was well-watered prior to being water-limited will usually survive a period of drought better than a continuously dehydration-stressed plant.
The degree of resistance to drought depends upon individual crops. Generally three strategies can help a crop to mitigate the effect of dehydration stress:
The Drought Resistance terms in summary (Levitt, J. (1980); [6] Blum, A. (2011) [7] )
If the plant shows dehydration avoidance, the environmental factor is excluded from the plant tissues by reducing water loss ("water savers", e.g. by thick leaf epicuticular wax, leaf rolling, leaf posture) or maintaining water uptake ("water spenders", e.g. by growing deeper roots). Dehydration avoidance is desirable in modern agriculture, where drought resistance requires the maintenance of economically viable plant production under dehydration stress. The role of dehydration avoidance is maintaining water supply and sustaining leaf hydration and turgidity with the purpose of maintaining stomatal opening and transpiration as long as possible under water deficit. This is essential for leaf gas exchange, photosynthesis and plant production through carbon assimilation.
If the plant shows dehydration tolerance, the environmental factor enters the plant tissues but the tissues survive, by e.g. maintaining turgor and osmotic adjustment.
Dehydration escape involves e.g. early maturing or seed dormancy, where the plant uses previous optimal conditions to develop vigor. Dehydration recovery refers to some plant species being able to recuperate after brief drought periods.
A proper timing of life-cycle, resulting in the completion of the most sensitive developmental stages while water is abundant, is considered to be a dehydration escape strategy. Avoiding dehydration stress with a root system capable of extracting water from deep soil layers, or by reducing evapotranspiration without affecting yields, is considered as dehydration avoidance. Mechanisms such as osmotic adjustment (OA) whereby a plant maintains cell turgor pressure under reduced soil water potential are categorised as dehydration tolerance mechanisms. Dehydration avoidance mechanisms can be expressed even in the absence of stress and are then considered constitutive. Dehydration tolerance mechanisms are the result of a response triggered by dehydration stress itself and are therefore considered adaptive. When the stress is terminal and predictable, dehydration escape through the use of shorter duration varieties is often the preferable method of improving yield potential. Dehydration avoidance and tolerance mechanisms are required in situations where the timing of drought is mostly unpredictable.
Drought resistance mechanisms are genetically controlled and genes or QTL responsible for drought resistance have been discovered in several crops which opens avenue for molecular breeding for drought resistance.
Resistance to drought is a quantitative trait, with a complex phenotype, often confounded by plant phenology. Breeding for drought resistance is further complicated since several types of abiotic stress, such as high temperatures, high irradiance, and nutrient toxicities or deficiencies can challenge crop plants simultaneously.
When a plant is exposed to water deficit, it may accumulate a variety of osmotically active compounds such as amino acids and sugars, resulting in a lowering of the osmotic potential. Examples of amino acids that may be up-regulated are proline and glycine betaine. This is termed osmotic adjustment and enables the plant to take up water, maintain turgor and survive longer.
The ability to survive dehydration is influenced by a cell's ability to survive at reduced water content. This can be considered complementary to OA because both traits will help maintain leaf growth (or prevent leaf death) during water deficit. Crop varieties differ in dehydration tolerance and an important factor for such differences is the capacity of the cell membrane to prevent electrolyte leakage at decreasing water content, or “cell membrane stability (CMS)”. The maintenance of membrane function is assumed to mean that cell activity is also maintained. Measurements of CMS have been used in different crops and are known to be correlated with yields under high temperature and possibly under dehydration stress.
In sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench), drought resistance is a trait that is highly correlated with the thickness of the epicuticular wax layer. Experiments have demonstrated that rice varieties with a thick cuticle layer retain their leaf turgor for longer periods of time after the onset of a water-stress.
As photosynthesis becomes inhibited by dehydration, the grain filling process becomes increasingly reliant on stem reserve utilisation. Numerous studies have reported that stem reserve mobilisation capacity is related to yield under dehydration stress in wheat. In rice, a few studies also indicated that this mechanism maintains grain yield under dehydration stress at the grain filling stage. This dehydration tolerance mechanism is stimulated by a decrease in gibberellic acid concentration and an increase in abscisic acid concentration.
For emergence from deep sowing (to exploit dry upper soil), this is practised to help seedlings reach the receding moisture profile, and to avoid high soil surface temperatures which inhibit germination. [8] Screening at these stage provides practical advantages, specially when managing large amount of germ-plasms.
Usually ideotypes are developed to create an ideal plant variety. The following traits constitutes ideotype of wheat by International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT).
Thinner, wider leaves (i.e., with a relatively low specific leaf weight) and a more prostrate growth habit help to increase ground cover, thus conserving soil moisture and potentially increasing radiation use efficiency. [9]
The benefit of ABA accumulation under dehydration has been demonstrated (Innes et al. 1984). [10] It appears to pre-adapt plants to stress by reducing stomatal conductance, rates of cell division, organ size, and increasing development rate. However, high ABA can also result in sterility since high ABA levels may abort developing florets
The concept of combination phenomics comes from the idea that two or more plant stresses have common physiological effects or common traits - which are an indicator of overall plant health. [12] [13] [14] As both biotic and abiotic stresses can result in similar physiological consequence, drought resistant plants can be separated from sensitive plants. Some imaging or infrared measuring techniques can help to speed the process for breeding process. For example, spot blotch intensity and canopy temperature depression can be monitored with canopy temperature depression. [15]
Recent research breakthroughs in biotechnology have revived interest in targeted drought resistance breeding and use of new genomics tools to enhance crop water productivity. Marker-assisted breeding is revolutionising the improvement of temperate field crops and will have similar impacts on breeding of tropical crops. Other molecular breeding tool include development of genetically modified crops that can tolerate plant stress. As a complement to the recent rapid progress in genomics, a better understanding of physiological mechanisms of dehydration response will also contribute to the progress of genetic enhancement of crop drought resistance. It is now well accepted that the complexity of the dehydration syndrome can only be tackled with a holistic approach that integrates physiological dissection of crop dehydration avoidance and - tolerance traits using molecular genetic tools such as marker-assisted selection (MAS), micro-arrays and transgenic crops, with agronomic practices that lead to better conservation and utilisation of soil moisture, and better matching of crop genotypes with the environment. MAS has been implemented in rice varieties to assess the drought tolerance and to develop new abiotic stress-tolerant varieties [16] [17]
Abiotic stress is the negative impact of non-living factors on the living organisms in a specific environment. The non-living variable must influence the environment beyond its normal range of variation to adversely affect the population performance or individual physiology of the organism in a significant way.
Halotolerance is the adaptation of living organisms to conditions of high salinity. Halotolerant species tend to live in areas such as hypersaline lakes, coastal dunes, saline deserts, salt marshes, and inland salt seas and springs. Halophiles are organisms that live in highly saline environments, and require the salinity to survive, while halotolerant organisms can grow under saline conditions, but do not require elevated concentrations of salt for growth. Halophytes are salt-tolerant higher plants. Halotolerant microorganisms are of considerable biotechnological interest.
Agricultural biotechnology, also known as agritech, is an area of agricultural science involving the use of scientific tools and techniques, including genetic engineering, molecular markers, molecular diagnostics, vaccines, and tissue culture, to modify living organisms: plants, animals, and microorganisms. Crop biotechnology is one aspect of agricultural biotechnology which has been greatly developed upon in recent times. Desired trait are exported from a particular species of Crop to an entirely different species. These transgene crops possess desirable characteristics in terms of flavor, color of flowers, growth rate, size of harvested products and resistance to diseases and pests.
Moisture stress is a form of abiotic stress that occurs when the moisture of plant tissues is reduced to suboptimal levels. Water stress occurs in response to atmospheric and soil water availability when the transpiration rate exceeds the rate of water uptake by the roots and cells lose turgor pressure. Moisture stress is described by two main metrics, water potential and water content.
Ecophysiology, environmental physiology or physiological ecology is a biological discipline that studies the response of an organism's physiology to environmental conditions. It is closely related to comparative physiology and evolutionary physiology. Ernst Haeckel's coinage bionomy is sometimes employed as a synonym.
Agropyron cristatum, the crested wheat grass, crested wheatgrass, fairway crested wheat grass, is a species in the family Poaceae. This plant is often used as forage and erosion control. It is well known as a widespread introduced species on the prairies of the United States and Canada.
A leaf sensor is a phytometric device that measures water loss or the water deficit stress (WDS) in plants by real-time monitoring the moisture level in plant leaves. The first leaf sensor was developed by LeafSens, an Israeli company granted a US patent for a mechanical leaf thickness sensing device in 2001. LeafSen has made strides incorporating their leaf sensory technology into citrus orchards in Israel. A solid state smart leaf sensor technology was developed by the University of Colorado at Boulder for NASA in 2007. It was designed to help monitor and control agricultural water demand. AgriHouse received a National Science Foundation (NSF) STTR grant in conjunction with the University of Colorado to further develop the solid state leaf sensor technology for precision irrigation control in 2007.
Marker assisted selection or marker aided selection (MAS) is an indirect selection process where a trait of interest is selected based on a marker linked to a trait of interest, rather than on the trait itself. This process has been extensively researched and proposed for plant- and animal- breeding.
Drought tolerance is the ability by which a plant maintains its biomass production during arid or drought conditions. Some plants are naturally adapted to dry conditions, surviving with protection mechanisms such as desiccation tolerance, detoxification, or repair of xylem embolism. Other plants, specifically crops like corn, wheat, and rice, have become increasingly tolerant to drought with new varieties created via genetic engineering. From an evolutionary perspective, the type of mycorrhizal associations formed in the roots of plants can determine how fast plants can adapt to drought.
In regard to agriculture, Abiotic stress is stress produced by natural environment factors such as extreme temperatures, wind, drought, and salinity. Humankind doesn't have much control over abiotic stresses. It is very important for humans to understand how stress factors affect plants and other living things so that we can take some preventative measures.
Upland rice is a type of rice grown on dry soil rather than flooded rice paddies. It is sometimes also called dry rice.
Dehydrin (DHN) is a multi-family of proteins present in plants that is produced in response to cold and drought stress. DHNs are hydrophilic, reliably thermostable, and disordered. They are stress proteins with a high number of charged amino acids that belong to the Group II Late Embryogenesis Abundant (LEA) family. DHNs are primarily found in the cytoplasm and nucleus but more recently, they have been found in other organelles, like mitochondria and chloroplasts.
Biotic stress is stress that occurs as a result of damage done to an organism by other living organisms, such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites, beneficial and harmful insects, weeds, and cultivated or native plants. It is different from abiotic stress, which is the negative impact of non-living factors on the organisms such as temperature, sunlight, wind, salinity, flooding and drought. The types of biotic stresses imposed on an organism depend the climate where it lives as well as the species' ability to resist particular stresses. Biotic stress remains a broadly defined term and those who study it face many challenges, such as the greater difficulty in controlling biotic stresses in an experimental context compared to abiotic stress.
Deficit irrigation (DI) is a watering strategy that can be applied by different types of irrigation application methods. The correct application of DI requires thorough understanding of the yield response to water and of the economic impact of reductions in harvest. In regions where water resources are restrictive it can be more profitable for a farmer to maximize crop water productivity instead of maximizing the harvest per unit land. The saved water can be used for other purposes or to irrigate extra units of land. DI is sometimes referred to as incomplete supplemental irrigation or regulated DI.
Irrigation in viticulture is the process of applying extra water in the cultivation of grapevines. It is considered both controversial and essential to wine production. In the physiology of the grapevine, the amount of available water affects photosynthesis and hence growth, as well as the development of grape berries. While climate and humidity play important roles, a typical grape vine needs 25-35 inches of water a year, occurring during the spring and summer months of the growing season, to avoid stress. A vine that does not receive the necessary amount of water will have its growth altered in a number of ways; some effects of water stress are considered desirable by wine grape growers.
Leymus racemosus is a species of perennial wild rye known by the common name mammoth wild rye. It is native to southeastern and eastern Europe, Middle Asia, Caucasus, Siberia, China, Mongolia, New Zealand, and parts of North America. Culms are 50–100 cm long, and 10–12 mm in diameter.
Plant breeding is the science of changing the traits of plants in order to produce desired characteristics. It has been used to improve the quality of nutrition in products for humans and animals. The goals of plant breeding are to produce crop varieties that boast unique and superior traits for a variety of applications. The most frequently addressed agricultural traits are those related to biotic and abiotic stress tolerance, grain or biomass yield, end-use quality characteristics such as taste or the concentrations of specific biological molecules and ease of processing.
Plant breeding is process of development of new cultivars. Plant breeding involves development of varieties for different environmental conditions – some of them are not favorable. Among them, heat stress is one of such factor that reduces the production and quality significantly. So breeding against heat is a very important criterion for breeding for current as well as future environments produced by global climate change.
Leymus mollis is a species of grass known by the common names American dune grass, American dune wild-rye, sea lyme-grass, strand-wheat, and strand grass. Its Japanese name is hamaninniku. It is native to Asia, where it occurs in Japan, China, Korea, and Russia, and northern parts of North America, where it occurs across Canada and the northern United States, as well as Greenland. It can also be found in Iceland.
Barley is known to be more environmentally-tolerant than other cereal crops, in terms of soil pH, mineral nutrient availability, and water availability. Because of this, much research is being done on barley plants in order to determine whether or not there is a genetic basis for this environmental hardiness.