Cacao swollen shoot virus | |
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Cacao ( Theobroma cacao ) showing swollen shoot diseased stem | |
Virus classification ![]() | |
(unranked): | Virus |
Realm: | Riboviria |
Kingdom: | Pararnavirae |
Phylum: | Artverviricota |
Class: | Revtraviricetes |
Order: | Ortervirales |
Family: | Caulimoviridae |
Genus: | Badnavirus |
Species: | Cacao swollen shoot virus |
Synonyms | |
Cacao swollen shoot virus (CSSV) is a plant pathogenic virus of the family Caulimoviridae that primarily infects cacao trees. It decreases cacao yield within the first year of infection, and usually kills the tree within a few years. Symptoms vary by strain, but leaf discoloration, stem/root swelling, and die-back generally occur. The virus is transmitted from tree to tree by mealybug vectors. It was first discovered in Ghana in 1936, and is currently endemic in Togo, Ghana and Nigeria. [1] Over 200 million trees have already been claimed by this disease, which has prompted Ghana to launch the most ambitious and costly eradication effort of any country in the world against a viral plant disease. [1]
Cacao swollen shoot virus should not be confused with the related species Cacao swollen shoot CD virus and Cacao swollen shoot Togo A virus . [2]
Cacao swollen-shoot virus (CSSV) principally infects Theobroma cacao (cacao tree) and has a major effect on crop yields. Within one year of infection yields decrease by 25%, and within two years by 50%. The trees are usually killed within 3 to 4 years. [3] Symptoms vary depending on the strain of virus. Main symptoms include: leaf chlorosis (interveinal), root necrosis, red vein banding in young leaves, small mottled pods, and stem/root swelling followed by die-back. [4] CSSV has also been isolated from alternative hosts Cola chlamydanta, Ceiba pentandra, Adansonia digitata, Cola gigantean and Sterculia tragacantha. [1] These alternate hosts display the same symptoms as infected cacao trees, but with less severity. [5] Symptoms also vary with environmental conditions. Neither nutrition nor temperature changes have a perceivable effect on symptoms, but increased light intensity inhibits the development of root/stem swellings in infected plants. [6] Shaded cacao trees exhibit decreased growth and slightly more severe symptoms. [6]
Cacao swollen-shoot virus has a double stranded circular DNA genome that is 7.4 kb in size and bacilliform in structure. [1] It is transmitted primarily through mealybug (Pseudococcidae) vectors. Once within the host, the virus uses the host to replicate. The virus codes for RNA silencing genes, which turn off the host plant's defenses. Its genome also codes for a movement protein, which allows the virus to move throughout the plant using the plasmodesmata. Of the many identified strains, the most studied and severe is the New Juaben strain, which is widespread in eastern Ghana. There is some spread of the virus at all times of year, but seasonally, spread depends on the size and activity of the mealybug population. [7] It is hard to see this correlation within the cacao population because symptoms start to show at times of new growth. [7]
CSSV is primarily transmitted by mealybugs. These mealybugs have a mutualistic relationship with ants which provide protection in return for sugar exudates. Fourteen species of mealybugs within the family Pseudoccidae act as vectors for CSSV, but Planococcoides njalensis and Planococcus citri are the most important mealybug vectors. [4] Transmission is semi-persistent, meaning that the virus is taken up into the vector's circulatory system, but does not replicate within it. [1] The feeding period required for acquisition of the virus is, at minimum, 20 minutes, but optimally 2–4 days. [8] Once acquired, the virus can be transmitted within 15 minutes, but optimal transmission occurs 2–10 hours after acquisition. [8] No transmission of the virus occurs through the mealybug eggs.
Although primarily transmitted by mealybugs, CSSV can also be mechanically transmitted, through wounds. [3] A recent study has found that CSSV can also be transmitted by seed. [9]
Light intensity has the effect of reducing swelling in shoots while plants in the shade show more severe symptoms. [6] Temperature and nutrition have no significant effect. [6] Since mealy bugs are the vectors of the virus, environmental conditions favorable to mealy bugs could increase the spread of the virus. Planococcus njalensis population density is closely correlated with density of ants in the genus Crematogaster, which build protective carton tents over the mealy bug colonies. [10] High-density planting can facilitate the spread of the virus when mealy bugs are able to go from plant to plant through the interlocked canopy. [11] [12] Aside from crawling from plant to plant, mealy bugs can be dispersed by wind as well. In controlled trials, 340 feet was the maximum distance a mealy bug could be spread from an infected plant to a cacao seedling by wind dispersal. In dry conditions, aerial dispersal is increased. [12]
Only occurs in West Africa. Major problem in Togo, Ghana, Cote d'Ivorie and Nigeria; transmitted by mealybugs. The Swollen Shoot Virus is not native to cocoa but jumped into the cocoa from trees that grew in the tropical forests of W. Africa (e.g. Ceiba pentandra, Adansonia digitata, Cola chlamydantha, Cola gigantea and Sterculia tragacantha). The virus is a badnavirus within the family Caulimoviridae. [13] Eradication of infected trees has been the most widely used means of control. In Ghana, between 2006 and 2010, over 28 million trees were removed for being visibly infected or for being in contact with infected trees. [14] This serves to remove the source of inoculum to prevent spread of the virus; however the method has not succeeded to significantly control the disease. Since there are alternative host species that could also serve as inoculum, their removal has been advised too. [14] Although it has been suggested the importance of alternative hosts in cacao re-infection is not that great compared to cacao-cacao infection, [15] it is still advised by Dzahini-Obiatey et al. that alternative hosts, such as Cola gigantea, be removed from newly planted fields. [16]
It is advised that all obviously infected trees in the surrounding plantations be removed before planting any new plantation. Also, a cordon, or gap, should be left around the entire plantation, putting the new plants a recommended 10 meters away from any old plantations that could contain infected trees. [17] It is also recommended that the cordon be planted with a CSSV-resistant crop to provide a physical barrier to the mealy bug vectors.
This is viewed as a waste of land, however, by farmers in Ghana who are set on growing only the valuable cacao plant, so they are resistant to the idea. This issue is being addressed by suggesting alternative money-making crops such as citrus and oil palm, which have promise as barriers that prevent the spread of CSSV. [18] Farmers are also occasionally resistant to the idea of killing infected plants if they feel they can still get some harvest from them. [19] In both cases, education through extension practices has been suggested as a means of convincing farmers to participate in these control measures, as well as more rigid implementation of these recommendations. [14]
If only a single seedling is infected in a new plantation, it may seem insignificant at first.[ according to whom? ] However, once the canopy starts to grow together with interlocking branches, mealy bug movement is facilitated and the virus can quickly spread to the whole plantation. [11] [12] Since the virus is transmitted readily through seed, [9] only seed that is known to be free of the virus should be planted.
Planococcus njalensis population density is closely correlated with density of ants in the genus Crematogaster, which build protective carton tents over the mealy bug colonies. [10] Crematogaster populations however are negatively correlated with populations of ants of the genus Oecophylla. [10] This could be a natural biological control that is worth considering if agents to control the Crematogaster ants are developed, since they should not target Oecophylla ants as well.
Cacao swollen shoot virus has had a major impact on cocoa production in Africa. Since its discovery in 1936, it has not been effectively contained, [14] despite costly eradication efforts, especially in Ghana. [1] With yield losses of 25% and 50% the first and second years, respectively, [3] and eventual death of the plant, this has been a persistent issue affecting the livelihoods of cocoa farmers. The partially effective methods of management mentioned above were not realized until the late 1960s and 1970s. Between 1936 and that time the cocoa industry of Ghana almost completely broke down, causing much rural discontent and political uproar. [20] Today CSSV is responsible for 15% of total cocoa crop loss in the world. [19]
Mealybugs are insects in the family Pseudococcidae, unarmored scale insects found in moist, warm habitats. Of the more than 2000 described species, many are considered pests as they feed on plant juices of greenhouse plants, house plants and subtropical trees and also act as a vector for several plant diseases. Some ants live in symbiotic relationships with them, protecting them from predators and feeding off the honeydew which they excrete.
Plum pox, also known as sharka, is the most devastating viral disease of stone fruit from the genus Prunus. The disease is caused by the plum pox virus (PPV), and the different strains may infect a variety of stone fruit species including peaches, apricots, plums, nectarine, almonds, and sweet and tart cherries. Wild and ornamental species of Prunus may also become infected by some strains of the virus.
Potato leafroll virus (PLRV) is a member of the genus Polerovirus and family Solemoviridae. The phloem limited positive sense RNA virus infects potatoes and other members of the family Solanaceae. PLRV was first described by Quanjer et al. in 1916. PLRV is transmitted by aphids, primarily the green peach aphid, Myzus persicae. PLRV is one of the most important potato viruses worldwide but particularly devastating in countries with limited resources and management. It can be responsible for individual plant yield losses of over 50%. One estimate suggests that PLRV is responsible for an annual global yield loss of 20 million tons. Symptoms include chlorosis, necrosis and leaf curling.
Citrus tristeza virus (CTV) is a viral species of the genus Closterovirus that causes the most economically damaging disease to its namesake plant genus, Citrus. The disease has led to the death of millions of Citrus trees all over the world and has rendered millions of others useless for production. Farmers in Brazil and other South American countries gave it the name "tristeza", meaning sadness in Portuguese and Spanish, referring to the devastation produced by the disease in the 1930s. The virus is transmitted most efficiently by the brown citrus aphid.
Aster yellows is a chronic, systemic plant disease caused by several bacteria called phytoplasma. The aster yellows phytoplasma (AYP) affects 300 species in 38 families of broad-leaf herbaceous plants, primarily in the aster family, as well as important cereal crops such as wheat and barley. Symptoms are variable and can include phyllody, virescence, chlorosis, stunting, and sterility of flowers. The aster leafhopper vector, Macrosteles quadrilineatus, moves the aster yellows phytoplasma from plant to plant. Its economic burden is primarily felt in the carrot crop industry, as well as the nursery industry. No cure is known for plants infected with aster yellows. Infected plants should be removed immediately to limit the continued spread of the phytoplasma to other susceptible plants. However, in agricultural settings such as carrot fields, some application of chemical insecticides has proven to minimize the rate of infection by killing the vector.
Phytophthora megakarya is an oomycete plant pathogen that causes black pod disease in cocoa trees in west and central Africa. This pathogen can cause detrimental loss of yield in the economically important cocoa industry, worth approximately $70 billion annually. It can damage any part of the tree, causing total yield losses which can easily reach 20-25%. A mixture of chemical and cultural controls, as well as choosing resistant plant varieties, are often necessary to control this pathogen.
Moniliophthora perniciosa is a fungus that causes "witches' broom disease" (WBD) of the cocoa tree T. cacao. This pathogen is currently limited to South America, Panama and the Caribbean, and is perhaps one of the best-known cocoa diseases, thought to have co-evolved with cocoa in its centre of origin.
Banana bunchy top virus (BBTV) is a plant pathogenic virus of the family Nanoviridae known for infecting banana plants and other crops. It is aphid transmitted.
Impatiens necrotic spot orthotospovirus(INSV) is a plant pathogenic virus of the order Bunyavirales. It was originally believed to be another strain of Tomato spotted wilt virus, but genetic investigations revealed them to be separate viruses. It is a negative-strand RNA virus which has a tripartite genome. It is largely spread by the insect vector of the western flower thrips. The virus infects more than 648 species of plants including important horticultural and agricultural species such as fuchsia, tomato, orchids, and lettuce (especially romaine). As the name implies, the main symptom on plants is necrotic spots that appear on the leaves. The INSV virus infects by injecting the RNA the virus contains into the cell which then starts using the cell resources to transcribe what the virus RNA states. Viral infection can often result in the death of the plant. The disease is mainly controlled by the elimination of the western flower thrip vector and by destroying any infected plant material.
Orthotospovirus is a genus of negative-strand RNA viruses, in the family Tospoviridae of the order Bunyavirales, which infects plants. Tospoviruses take their name from the species Tomato spotted wilt orthotospovirus (TSWV) which was discovered in Australia in 1919. TSWV remained the only known member of the family until the early 1990s when genetic characterisation of plant viruses became more common. There are now at least twenty species in the genus with more being discovered on a regular basis. Member viruses infect over eight hundred plant species from 82 different families.
Planococcus citri, commonly known as the citrus mealybug, is a species of mealybugs native to Asia. It has been introduced to the rest of the world, including Europe, the Americas, and Oceania, as an agricultural pest. It is associated with citrus, but it attacks a wide range of crop plants, ornamental plants, and wild flora.
Black pod disease is a protozoal disease of Cocoa trees. This pathogen if left untreated can destroy all yields; annually the pathogen can cause a yield loss of up to 1/3 and up to 10% of total trees can be lost completely.
Little cherry disease or LChD, sometimes referred to as little cherry, K & S little cherry or sour cherry decline, is a viral infectious disease that affects cherry trees, most notably sweet cherries and sour cherries . Little cherry disease should not be confused with cherry buckskin disease, which is caused by Phytoplasma. Note that both diseases are among the diseases referred to as cherry decline.
Grapevine virus A (GVA) is a moderately common genetic virus that affects Vitis vinifera and American Vitis grapevine species throughout the world and can be fatal if not treated. Grapevine virus A is in the family Betaflexiviridae and genus Vitivirus. The common name for this virus is grapevine closterovirus. Common symptoms in infected grapevines include stem pitting. Although there is a treatment available to cure infected grapevines, it is not one hundred percent effective, so preventative measures are the best solution to the virus. Every inhabited continent on the globe has had breakouts of grapevine closterovirus due to the complex genetic makeup of the virus. Grapevine virus A has a single-stranded RNA genome, which is similar to that of Grapevine virus B. There are multiple strains of the virus that vary both molecularly and biologically which account for the slightly different symptoms exhibited by infected plants.
Blueberry shock virus (BlShV) is an Ilarvirus belonging to the Bromoviridae family. The Bromoviridae family contains single-stranded, positive-sense RNA viruses. Virus particles are icosahedral and 30 nm in diameter. Blueberry shock virus causes shock of blueberries in Oregon, Washington, and British Columbia. It gets its name because plants are shocked by the initial infection, meaning the flowers and foliage blight and wilt in the early spring, right when the plant is in full bloom. BIShV was first discovered in a blueberry field containing highbush blueberry in Washington in 1991. It continued to spread to Oregon, Washington and British Columbia since that time. In 2009, the disease was found in a western Michigan field, and may be preset in Pennsylvania as of 2011. Since its discovery, eradication is in progress to eliminate the disease and reduce loss of yield from it.
Badnavirus is a genus of viruses, in the family Caulimoviridae order Ortervirales. Plants serve as natural hosts. There are 67 species in this genus. Diseases associated with this genus include: CSSV: leaf chlorosis, root necrosis, red vein banding in young leaves, small mottled pods, and stem/root swelling followed by die-back. Infection decreases yield by 25% within one year, 50% within two years and usually kills trees within 3–4 years.
Cocoa necrosis virus (CoNV) is a plant pathogenic virus of the genus nepovirus that infects Theobroma cacao en natura causing cacao necrosis disease. CoNV is considered synonymous with Strain S of cacao swollen shoot virus. Unlike Cacao swollen shoot virus, it is not transmitted by mealybugs nor vectored by aphids, beetles, or leafhoppers that also commonly infest cacao. It is serologically, distantly related to Tomato black ring virus and very distantly related to Grapevine chrome mosaic virus.
Tomato spotted wilt orthotospovirus (TSWV) is a spherical negative-sense RNA virus. Transmitted by thrips, it causes serious losses in economically important crops and it is one of the most economically devastating plant viruses in the world.
The cardamom mosaic virus (CdMV) is a mosaic virus that affects the production of green cardamom (E. cardamomum). It is a member of the genus Macluravirus (recognized under the family Potyviridae by ICTV in 1988), and is transmitted through aphids (P.caladii) and infected rhizomes, the former in a non-persistent manner.
Planococcus ficus, commonly known as the vine mealybug, is a species of mealybug, belonging to the family Pseudococcidae, native to tropical and subtropical regions. The vine mealybug is found in Europe, Northern Africa, Southern Africa, the Americas, and the Middle East. The vine mealybug is invasive to weedy plants in many different regions of the world.