Calvary at Plougonven

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The Plougonven calvary. On the upper level is the resurrection scene, and on the left of that, the scene where Jesus is mocked and then where he is flogged. On the corniche below is St Yves standing between a rich man and a poor man. This is followed by a scene depicting the Annunciation then the visitation. St Yves was the patron saint of Plougonven Plougonven (29) Calvaire 01.JPG
The Plougonven calvary. On the upper level is the resurrection scene, and on the left of that, the scene where Jesus is mocked and then where he is flogged. On the corniche below is St Yves standing between a rich man and a poor man. This is followed by a scene depicting the Annunciation then the visitation. St Yves was the patron saint of Plougonven

The Calvary at Plougonven (commune at Plougonven) is located within Brittany, France.



This calvary is part of the Plougonven "enclos paroissial". On an octagonal base, the structure is 4 metres high and on the two corniches running around this base are a series of sculptural groups which depict scenes from the life and death of Jesus Christ. Erected in 1554, the sculptural work was executed by the workshop of the "ymageurs", Bastien and Henry Prigent (see note 1) who also worked on the calvary at Pleyben. The calvary suffered considerable damage in 1794 during the aftermath of the French revolution after which the statues were hidden away in the cemetery grounds by the local people for safe-keeping. In 1810 the calvary was re-erected but with a wooden cross, this replaced in 1836 by a cross in stone. Then from 1897 to 1898, the sculptor Yann Larhantec carried out a substantial restoration, taken further in 2009 by Pierre Floc'h. The Calvary is dedicated to St Yves the parish's patron. The enclosure church itself dates to 1523 and is designed in the shape of a Latin cross with a nave and eight side chapels. It contains many sculptures and interesting features. [1] [2] [3] [4] The "enclos" was listed as an historic monument in 1916.

The summit of the calvary

Three crosses reach up from the upper platform of the Calvary, that involving Jesus Christ's crucifixion and the crosses of the good and the bad robber. Jesus' cross has two crosspieces, on the first of which are back to back statues depicting the Virgin Mary with St Paul and his sword and John the Evangelist with St Peter and his key. On the second crosspiece are statues of two horsed cavaliers, St Longinus on the right of Jesus and St Stephaton, who reached up to Jesus with a sponge, on the left. These crosses and the statuary involved were created as part of Larhantec's restoration. [4] There is a pietà at the base of the central cross showing the Virgin Mary distraught and in tears with the body of Jesus across her knee, her hands clasped together. She is surrounded by St John and Mary Magdalene. The pietà was the work of Bastien Prigent. [4]

The north west face

A closer view of the scene depicting Christ carrying the cross. John is supporting Mary, his right hand on her shoulder, then Jesus struggles to carry the cross helped by Simon of Cyrene surrounded by several soldiers. One soldier at the base of the cross rests his knee on the cross, no doubt to make it heavier. In the centre of this group, St Veronica holds up her veil that now carries Jesus' image. All the faces of the participants in the carrying of the cross scene were carved by Bastien Prigent. Plougonven (29) Calvaire Detail 31.JPG
A closer view of the scene depicting Christ carrying the cross. John is supporting Mary, his right hand on her shoulder, then Jesus struggles to carry the cross helped by Simon of Cyrene surrounded by several soldiers. One soldier at the base of the cross rests his knee on the cross, no doubt to make it heavier. In the centre of this group, St Veronica holds up her veil that now carries Jesus' image. All the faces of the participants in the carrying of the cross scene were carved by Bastien Prigent.

On the upper platform, the subject dealt with is Christ carrying the cross, the composition including Jesus bending under the weight of the cross and accompanied by three Roman soldiers, Simon of Cyrene helping and holding a rope, St Veronica with her veil, another soldier, the Virgin Mary distraught and in tears, supported by John the Evangelist. To the right of the scene depicting Jesus carrying the cross is the "mise au tombeau"; Jesus being prepared for burial. [4] On the lower corniche of the north west facing side, we commence with Jesus in discussion with the lawyers, John the Baptist baptizing Jesus (he wears an animal skin) whilst an angel holds Jesus' robe, Satan presenting bread to Jesus in the "temptation" scene and finally Jesus praying in Gethsemane with John the Evangelist asleep at his side.

Images of statues on the north west face

The south east face

A view of part of the Plougonven calvary. On the upper level left is Jesus brought before Pontius Pilate by two guards. Pilate sits on his throne. This is followed by the scene depicting Christ carrying the cross commencing with John the Evangelist supporting the Virgin Mary. On the corniche below and starting on the left side we have the Nativity and the Adoration of the Magi scenes, then St Yves surrounded by a rich man and a poor man and finish on the right side with Jesus being baptized by John the Baptist watched by a kneeling angel who is carrying Jesus' robe. We finally catch the edge of the statue of Satan in the "temptation" scene Plougonven 5 Le calvaire Vue partielle 1.JPG
A view of part of the Plougonven calvary. On the upper level left is Jesus brought before Pontius Pilate by two guards. Pilate sits on his throne. This is followed by the scene depicting Christ carrying the cross commencing with John the Evangelist supporting the Virgin Mary. On the corniche below and starting on the left side we have the Nativity and the Adoration of the Magi scenes, then St Yves surrounded by a rich man and a poor man and finish on the right side with Jesus being baptized by John the Baptist watched by a kneeling angel who is carrying Jesus' robe. We finally catch the edge of the statue of Satan in the "temptation" scene

On the upper platform we have a scene showing four soldiers applying the Crown of thorns to Jesus' head, Jesus brought before Pontius Pilate behind whom a servant prepares a towel and a pitcher of water from which Pilate will subsequently wash his hands, whilst a soldier waits and we finish with three soldiers leading Jesus off, Pilate having declared his verdict. On the lower corniche we have depictions of the Nativity, the Adoration of the Magi and Jesus talking with the lawyers.

Images of statues on the south east face

The south face

At the foot of Jesus' cross there is a statue depicting a kneeling Mary Magdalene. In front of her is the Resurrection scene with Jesus emerging from his Sarcophagus, his right hand raised and giving a blessing and a "Resurrection cross" or "Triumphal cross" in his left hand. A kneeling soldier sleeps on the right hand side of the tomb and another soldier, also sleeping, sits to the right, holding on to a musket, an anachronism explained by the fact that this part of the scene was by Larhantec. Behind him two other soldiers look on. On the right of the resurrection scene is Jesus being mocked and ridiculed by four soldiers ("Christ aux outrages") and then a scene showing Jesus being flogged. Next to the depiction of Mary Magdalene at the foot of the cross is a pietà and around this are the figure of a standing man and John the Evangelist. On the other side of the cross from the pietả, there is an "Ecce Homo". To the right of the pietả there is a depiction of the open mouth of Hell Harrowing of Hell. Adam has already emerged but a demon is stopping Eve from joining him. On the lower corniche the depiction of Jesus' arrest includes Judas Iscariot shown holding a purse, St Peter asleep by the side of a colleague then Peter drawing his sword, Malchus struck and falling to the ground and Judas embracing Jesus. These sculptures are then followed by a depiction of St Yves standing between a depiction of a rich man and a poor man. We finish with a depiction of the Annunciation and finally the Visitation (Christianity)


Note 1. The brothers Bastien and Henry Prigent were sculptors whose workshop was active between 1527 and 1577. Best known for their work on the great monumental calvaries of Pleyben dedicated to St Yves and Plougonven dedicated to St Germain and statuary in the church porches of Pencran, Landivisiau and Guipavas plus the decoration to the upper part of the porch at Lampaul-Guimiliau. They were also responsible for sculptural decoration on some smaller calvaries and crosses. [4] The Prigent workshop also worked on the gisant of Laurent Richard at Plouvien.

Note 2. Yan Larhantec's restoration involved work on up to thirty of the existing sculptures and the three crosses were entirely his work. Only the two cavaliers on one of the central crosses' crosspiece were original. Larhantec strove to replicate the style of the Prigent brothers. The dedication inscription has been moved during the various restorations and repairs and is now located at the back of the base of the central cross. It reads


Images of statues on the south face

See also

Additional notes on the Calvary

In the folds of some of the clothes worn by the characters depicted in the calvary, traces of paint and gold gilding have been found suggesting that at one time the figures had been painted.

Yann Larhantec's restoration

Larhantec was commissioned to carry out a restoration in July 1897. He created three new crosses. He repaired the horses and their riders, restored all the statuary and, under strict instruction from the clergy, he changed the order of the statues bringing them into line with the text of the gospel.

The costumes

Apart from Jesus and the Virgin Mary, the characters depicted wear the clothes worn in the 16th century by Breton peasants and the bourgeoisie. The guards wear helmets, breastplates and leggings. Pontius Pilate wears ermine and has a mortar on his head looking much like a bailiff of the time. The depiction of the devil wears the attire of a pilgrim which he raises slightly to display his forked feet. Mary Magdalene wears the dress of a châtelaine of Henry II's time, with heavily pleated robe, slashed sleeves and a lace guimpe [5]

Further reading

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  2. "The Plougonven calvary" . Retrieved 19 February 2015.
  3. "The Plougonven calvary". Archived from the original on 2014-07-31. Retrieved 19 February 2015.
  4. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Le Seac'h, Emmanuelle (2014). Sculpteurs sur pierre en Basse-Bretagne. Les ateliers du XVe au XV11e siècle. Presses Universitaires de Rennes. ISBN   978-2-7535-3309-7.
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