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But the catalecticant of the biquadratic function of x, y was first brought into notice as an invariant by Mr Boole; and the discriminant of the quadratic function of x, y is identical with its catalecticant, as also with its Hessian. Meicatalecticizant would more completely express the meaning of that which, for the sake of brevity, I denominate the catalecticant.


Sylvester (1852), quoted by Miller (2010)

In mathematical invariant theory, the catalecticant of a form of even degree is a polynomial in its coefficients that vanishes when the form is a sum of an unusually small number of powers of linear forms. It was introduced by Sylvester (1852); see Miller (2010). The word catalectic refers to an incomplete line of verse, lacking a syllable at the end or ending with an incomplete foot.

Binary forms

The catalecticant of a binary form of degree 2n is a polynomial in its coefficients that vanishes when the binary form is a sum of at most n powers of linear forms ( Sturmfels 1993 ).

The catalecticant of a binary form can be given as the determinant of a catalecticant matrix( Eisenbud 1988 ), also called a Hankel matrix , that is a square matrix with constant (positive sloping) skew-diagonals, such as

Catalecticants of quartic forms

The catalecticant of a quartic form is the resultant of its second partial derivatives. For binary quartics the catalecticant vanishes when the form is a sum of two 4th powers. For a ternary quartic the catalecticant vanishes when the form is a sum of five 4th powers. For quaternary quartics the catalecticant vanishes when the form is a sum of nine 4th powers. For quinary quartics the catalecticant vanishes when the form is a sum of fourteen 4th powers. ( Elliott 1913 , p. 295)

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In mathematical invariant theory, an invariant of a binary form is a polynomial in the coefficients of a binary form in two variables x and y that remains invariant under the special linear group acting on the variables x and y.

This page is a glossary of terms in invariant theory. For descriptions of particular invariant rings, see invariants of a binary form, symmetric polynomials. For geometric terms used in invariant theory see the glossary of classical algebraic geometry. Definitions of many terms used in invariant theory can be found in, ,, ,, ,, , and the index to the fourth volume of Sylvester's collected works includes many of the terms invented by him.

In mathematics, a ternary cubic form is a homogeneous degree 3 polynomial in three variables.

In mathematics, a ternary quartic form is a degree 4 homogeneous polynomial in three variables.
