Certificate (complexity)

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In computational complexity theory, a certificate (also called a witness) is a string that certifies the answer to a computation, or certifies the membership of some string in a language. A certificate is often thought of as a solution path within a verification process, which is used to check whether a problem gives the answer "Yes" or "No".


In the decision tree model of computation, certificate complexity is the minimum number of the input variables of a decision tree that need to be assigned a value in order to definitely establish the value of the Boolean function .

Use in definitions

The notion of certificate is used to define semi-decidability: [1] a formal language is semi-decidable if there is a two-place predicate relation such that is computable, and such that for all :

   x ∈ L ⇔ there exists y such that R(x, y)

Certificates also give definitions for some complexity classes which can alternatively be characterised in terms of nondeterministic Turing machines. A language is in NP if and only if there exists a polynomial and a polynomial-time bounded Turing machine such that every word is in the language precisely if there exists a certificate of length at most such that accepts the pair . [2] The class co-NP has a similar definition, except that there are certificates for the words not in the language.

The class NL has a certificate definition: a problem in the language has a certificate of polynomial length, which can be verified by a deterministic logarithmic-space bounded Turing machine that can read each bit of the certificate once only. [3] Alternatively, the deterministic logarithmic-space Turing machine in the statement above can be replaced by a bounded-error probabilistic constant-space Turing machine that is allowed to use only a constant number of random bits. [4]


The problem of determining, for a given graph and number , if the graph contains an independent set of size is in NP. Given a pair in the language, a certificate is a set of vertices which are pairwise not adjacent (and hence are an independent set of size ). [5]

A more general example, for the problem of determining if a given Turing machine accepts an input in a certain number of steps, is as follows:

 L = {<<M>, x, w> | does <M> accept x in |w| steps?}  Show L ∈ NP.  verifier:    gets string c = <M>, x, w such that |c| <= P(|w|)    check if c is an accepting computation of M on x with at most |w| steps    |c| <= O(|w|3)    if we have a computation of a TM with k steps the total size of the computation string is k2    Thus, <<M>, x, w> ∈ L ⇔ there exists c <= a|w|3 such that <<M>, x, w, c> ∈ V ∈ P

See also

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  1. Cook, Stephen. "Computability and Noncomputability" (PDF). Retrieved 7 February 2013.
  2. Arora, Sanjeev; Barak, Boaz (2009). "Definition 2.1". Complexity Theory: A Modern Approach. Cambridge University Press. ISBN   978-0-521-42426-4.
  3. Arora, Sanjeev; Barak, Boaz (2009). "Definition 4.19". Complexity Theory: A Modern Approach. Cambridge University Press. ISBN   978-0-521-42426-4.
  4. A. C. Cem Say, Abuzer Yakaryılmaz, "Finite state verifiers with constant randomness," Logical Methods in Computer Science, Vol. 10(3:6)2014, pp. 1-17.
  5. Arora, Sanjeev; Barak, Boaz (2009). "Example 2.2". Complexity Theory: A Modern Approach. Cambridge University Press. ISBN   978-0-521-42426-4.