
Last updated
Chlorine-37, 37Cl
Symbol 37Cl
Names chlorine-37, 37Cl, Cl-37
Protons (Z)17
Neutrons (N)20
Nuclide data
Natural abundance 24.23%
Isotope mass 36.965903 Da
Isotopes of chlorine
Complete table of nuclides

Chlorine-37 (37
), is one of the stable isotopes of chlorine, the other being chlorine-35 (35
). Its nucleus contains 17 protons and 20 neutrons for a total of 37 nucleons. Chlorine-37 accounts for 24.23% of natural chlorine, chlorine-35 accounting for 75.77%, giving chlorine atoms in bulk an apparent atomic weight of 35.45(1) g/mol. [1]


Remarkably, solar neutrinos were discovered by an experiment (Homestake Experiment) using a radiochemical method based on chlorine-37 transmutation. [2]

Neutrino detection

One of the historically important radiochemical methods of solar neutrino detection is based on inverse electron capture triggered by the absorption of an electron neutrino. [3] Chlorine-37 transmutes into argon-37 via the reaction [4]


Argon-37 then de-excites itself via electron capture (half-life = 35 d) into chlorine-37 via the reaction


These last reactions involve Auger electrons of specific energies. [3] [5] The detection of these electrons confirms that a neutrino event took place. Detection methods involve several hundred thousand liters of carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) or tetrachloroethylene (C2Cl4) stored in underground tanks. [2] [3] [6]


The representative terrestrial abundance of chlorine-37 is 24.22(4)% of chlorine atoms, [7] with a normal range of 24.14–24.36% of chlorine atoms. When measuring deviations in isotopic composition, the usual reference point is "Standard Mean Ocean Chloride" (SMOC), although a NIST Standard Reference Material (975a) also exists. SMOC is known to be around 24.219% chlorine-37 and to have an atomic weight of around 35.4525. [8]

There is a known variation in the isotopic abundance of chlorine-37. This heavier isotope tends to be more prevalent in chloride minerals than in aqueous solutions such as sea water, although the isotopic composition of organochlorine compounds can vary in either direction from the SMOC standard in the range of several parts per thousand. [8]

See also

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A chemical element is a chemical substance that cannot be broken down into other substances by chemical reactions. The basic particle that constitutes a chemical element is the atom. Elements are identified by the number of protons in their nucleus, known as the element's atomic number. For example, oxygen has an atomic number of 8, meaning each oxygen atom has 8 protons in its nucleus. Atoms of the same element can have different numbers of neutrons in their nuclei, known as isotopes of the element. Two or more atoms can combine to form molecules. Chemical compounds are molecules made of atoms of different elements, while mixtures contain atoms of different elements not necessarily combined as molecules. Atoms can be transformed into different elements in nuclear reactions, which change an atom's atomic number.

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Molar mass</span> Mass per amount of substance

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Relative atomic mass, also known by the deprecated synonym atomic weight, is a dimensionless physical quantity defined as the ratio of the average mass of atoms of a chemical element in a given sample to the atomic mass constant. The atomic mass constant is defined as being 1/12 of the mass of a carbon-12 atom. Since both quantities in the ratio are masses, the resulting value is dimensionless. These definitions remain valid even after the 2019 redefinition of the SI base units.

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Mass number</span> Number of heavy particles in the atomic nucleus

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Amount of substance</span> Extensive physical property

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Raymond Davis Jr.</span> American scientist (1914–2006)

Raymond Davis Jr. was an American chemist and physicist. He is best known as the leader of the Homestake experiment in the 1960s-1980s, which was the first experiment to detect neutrinos emitted from the Sun; for this he shared the 2002 Nobel Prize in Physics.

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Naturally occurring nickel (28Ni) is composed of five stable isotopes; 58
, 60
, 61
, 62
and 64
, with 58
being the most abundant. 26 radioisotopes have been characterised with the most stable being 59
with a half-life of 76,000 years, 63
with a half-life of 100.1 years, and 56
with a half-life of 6.077 days. All of the remaining radioactive isotopes have half-lives that are less than 60 hours and the majority of these have half-lives that are less than 30 seconds. This element also has 8 meta states.

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Neutrino detector</span> Physics apparatus which is designed to study neutrinos

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Homestake experiment</span> Underground experiment to count solar neutrinos

The Homestake experiment was an experiment headed by astrophysicists Raymond Davis, Jr. and John N. Bahcall in the late 1960s. Its purpose was to collect and count neutrinos emitted by nuclear fusion taking place in the Sun. Bahcall performed the theoretical calculations and Davis designed the experiment. After Bahcall calculated the rate at which the detector should capture neutrinos, Davis's experiment turned up only one third of this figure. The experiment was the first to successfully detect and count solar neutrinos, and the discrepancy in results created the solar neutrino problem. The experiment operated continuously from 1970 until 1994. The University of Pennsylvania took it over in 1984. The discrepancy between the predicted and measured rates of neutrino detection was later found to be due to neutrino "flavour" oscillations.

The standard solar model (SSM) is a mathematical treatment of the Sun as a spherical ball of gas. This model, technically the spherically symmetric quasi-static model of a star, has stellar structure described by several differential equations derived from basic physical principles. The model is constrained by boundary conditions, namely the luminosity, radius, age and composition of the Sun, which are well determined. The age of the Sun cannot be measured directly; one way to estimate it is from the age of the oldest meteorites, and models of the evolution of the Solar System. The composition in the photosphere of the modern-day Sun, by mass, is 74.9% hydrogen and 23.8% helium. All heavier elements, called metals in astronomy, account for less than 2 percent of the mass. The SSM is used to test the validity of stellar evolution theory. In fact, the only way to determine the two free parameters of the stellar evolution model, the helium abundance and the mixing length parameter, are to adjust the SSM to "fit" the observed Sun.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Standard atomic weight</span> Relative atomic mass as defined by IUPAC (CIAAW)

The standard atomic weight of a chemical element (symbol Ar°(E) for element "E") is the weighted arithmetic mean of the relative isotopic masses of all isotopes of that element weighted by each isotope's abundance on Earth. For example, isotope 63Cu (Ar = 62.929) constitutes 69% of the copper on Earth, the rest being 65Cu (Ar = 64.927), so

GALLEX or Gallium Experiment was a radiochemical neutrino detection experiment that ran between 1991 and 1997 at the Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso (LNGS). This project was performed by an international collaboration of French, German, Italian, Israeli, Polish and American scientists led by the Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik Heidelberg. After brief interruption, the experiment was continued under a new name GNO from May 1998 to April 2003.


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