Circle of thirds

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In music theory, the circle of thirds, also known as the cycle of thirds, is a way of organizing pitches, and a musical tool that helps musicians remember and memorize the order of thirds in a scale, and hence the notes of the chords in those scales. The circle of thirds is not as well known or as versatile as the circle of fifths, but it can still be a valuable concept for musicians to know. [1] For example, the cycle of thirds is inherently important to chord construction, as most triads are built on the cycle of thirds. [2]


Because the circle of thirds is based on the order of thirds in a scale, rather than its ascending scale degrees, the scale degrees of the cycle are in the following order: 1-3-5-7-2-4-6. In the key of C, the order of notes will be C-E-G-B-D-F-A. However, when in another key than C, the order won't start from C, but will still be the same overall order when seen as a circle. For example, for A minor is: A-C-E-G-B-D-F. [1]



The concept of a "circle of thirds" is relatively new in the history of music. Although certainly not the first to use it, a popular American jazz musician named John Coltrane often used a cycle composed of a sequence of major thirds for his unique key changes, hence the namesake for "coltrane changes". His popularity during the 1960s and in the ensuing decades, brought a lot of attention to the augmented triads, and at the same time, the concept of a cycle of thirds, which was mainly inspired by the "coltrane changes". [3] [4]

Although the exact date when the term "circle of thirds" was coined is not known, the circle of thirds and the coltrane changes continue to be used in many jazz compositions to this day, and has extended its reach into other musical genres, such as rock, pop, and other forms of popular music. [4]

Structure and modern usage

The C major triad mentioned on the left, as seen in traditional sheet music. Major chord on C.png
The C major triad mentioned on the left, as seen in traditional sheet music.

Chord construction

In music, triads are primarily built on the circle of thirds. In fact, by going progressively forward in sequence of the circle of thirds, many chords can be constructed. For example, in A major, the first notes in the cycle of thirds are A, C♯, and E, which is also the three notes present in the A major triad. [2] But this rule not only applies to major or minor chords, but also to seventh chords. For example, in the key in E minor, the tonic chord (E, G, B) becomes an E minor seventh chord (E, G, B, D), if the fourth note (D) is added to the triad. This applies to all other chords in the scale. [1]

See also

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Coltrane changes are a harmonic progression variation using substitute chords over common jazz chord progressions. These substitution patterns were first demonstrated by jazz musician John Coltrane on the albums Bags & Trane and Cannonball Adderley Quintet in Chicago. Coltrane continued his explorations on the 1960 album Giant Steps and expanded on the substitution cycle in his compositions "Giant Steps" and "Countdown", the latter of which is a reharmonized version of Eddie Vinson's "Tune Up". The Coltrane changes are a standard advanced harmonic substitution used in jazz improvisation.

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Harmonic major scale</span> Musical scale

In music theory, the harmonic major scale is a musical scale found in some music from the common practice era and now used occasionally, most often in jazz. It corresponds to the Raga Sarasangi in Indian Carnatic music, or Raag Nat Bhairav in Hindustani music.

In music theory, an inversion is a rearrangement of the top-to-bottom elements in an interval, a chord, a melody, or a group of contrapuntal lines of music. In each of these cases, "inversion" has a distinct but related meaning. The concept of inversion also plays an important role in musical set theory.

In music, harmonization is the chordal accompaniment to a line or melody: "Using chords and melodies together, making harmony by stacking scale tones as triads".

Musicians use various kinds of chord names and symbols in different contexts to represent musical chords. In most genres of popular music, including jazz, pop, and rock, a chord name and its corresponding symbol typically indicate one or more of the following:

  1. the root note,
  2. the chord quality,
  3. whether the chord is a triad, seventh chord, or an extended chord,
  4. any altered notes,
  5. any added tones, and
  6. the bass note if it is not the root.



  1. 1 2 3 "Circle of Thirds: Visual Tool for Chords in Major or Minor Scales". Retrieved 2024-08-28.
  2. 1 2 Bleu, Nicola. "Basic Music Theory: The Complete Beginner's Guide". Your Creative Aura. Retrieved 2024-09-11.
  3. Marie, Yona (August 9, 2021). "Circle of Thirds - Is it a Thing?". Yona Marie Music.
  4. 1 2 "Coltrane Changes Explained". TJPS. Retrieved 2024-01-31.
