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CiteProc is the generic name for programs that produce formatted bibliographies and citations based on the metadata of the cited objects and the formatting instructions provided by Citation Style Language (CSL) styles. The first CiteProc implementation used XSLT 2.0, but implementations have been written for other programming languages, including JavaScript, [1] Java, [2] Haskell, [3] PHP, [4] Python, [5] Ruby [6] and Emacs Lisp. [7]


CiteProc, CSL, and Cite Schema make up the Citation Style Language project, a Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike licensed effort "to provide a common framework for formatting bibliographies and citations across markup languages and document standards. In an ideal world, one could use the same CSL files to format DocBook, TEI, OpenOffice, WordML ... or even LaTeX documents." [8] [9]

Different implementations of CiteProc are able to use different bibliographic databases; many can use MODS XML.

Notable applications that support CiteProc

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  1. "fbennett- citeproc-js - wiki - Home — Bitbucket". Atlassian. 18 Mar 2014. Retrieved 19 Apr 2014.
  2. "citeproc-java". Michel Krämer. 27 Feb 2014. Retrieved 19 Apr 2014.
  3. "citeproc-hs - A Haskell Implementation of the Citation Style Language". Andrea Rossato. 17 Mar 2012. Archived from the original on 30 April 2014. Retrieved 19 Apr 2014.
  4. "seboettg / citeproc-php — GitHub". 15 Mar 2013. Retrieved 2 Jun 2016.
  5. "citeproc-py: Python Package Index".
  6. "citeproc-ruby".
  7. "citeproc-el".
  8. "Creative Commons- Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported- CC BY-SA 3.0". Creative Commons. 25 Mar 2014. Retrieved 19 Apr 2014.
  9. "XBiblio". Bruce D’Arcus. 29 Aug 2010. Retrieved 19 Apr 2014.
  10. "Pandoc - Pandoc User's Guide". Retrieved 2019-07-10.