CodeCharge Studio

Last updated

CodeCharge Studio
Developer(s) Yes Software, Inc.
Stable release [1]
Operating system Windows
Type Web application framework / Template Engine
License Proprietary

CodeCharge Studio is a rapid application development (RAD) and integrated development environment (IDE) for creating database-driven web applications. [2] It is a code generator and templating engine that separates the presentation layer from the coding layer, with the aim of allowing designers and programmers to work cohesively in a web application [3] (the model-view-controller design pattern).


CodeCharge is the first product released by Yes Software, Inc., [4] after two years of development. [3]


CodeCharge utilizes point-and-click wizards [3] for creating record and search forms, grids, and editable grids without the need for programming. The databases it supports include MySQL, MS SQL Server, MS Access, PostgreSQL, and Oracle, as well as any other database that supports web connectivity. CodeCharge can export code to all major programing languages, such as ASP.NET, ASP, Java, ColdFusion, PHP, and Perl. [2] [5]

CodeCharge employs an interactive user interface (UI) designed for the creation of web applications. [6] When generating code, CodeCharge automatically structures the code, using naming conventions and comments to describe the code's purpose. [7] Moreover, CodeCharge keeps the application separate from the code it generates, so that projects may be converted to any language at any time. [8]

Without additional programming, a CodeCharge-generated project is not a routed web site (where everything is routed through, for example, index.asp); rather, every page is accessible by reference to its own name or URL.


Here are listed technologies which used, when the application is ready and running.

The application uses the Microsoft .NET 2 Framework and will also install when the .NET 3.5 framework is detected on the host computer.

Application generating technologies

  • PHP
  • Perl
  • .NET
  • Java
  • ASP
  • Coldfusion
  • xml


In 2003, regarding the original version of CodeCharge Studio, Arbi Arzoumani of PHP Architect wrote: [6]

"For its price tag this code generation application is well worth it. One great application that I can see this being used for is creating prototypes of web applications in very short periods of time. In other words, last minute proposals."

Kevin Yank of SitePoint Tech Times was impressed "by the many ways in which experienced developers could draw added power out of the software, instead of being limited by it, as is the case with most RAD tools for Web development." [10]

In his review of CodeCharge Studio 2.0, Troy Dreier wrote in Intranet Journal, "CodeCharge Studio [allows] Web application developers [to] shave literally months off their development times." [11]

CodeCharge Studio 3.0 received a rating of 3.5 out of 5 from Peter B. MacIntyre of php|architect. [5]

See also

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  1. "CodeCharge Studio 5.0 Update Available" . Retrieved 14 July 2012.
  2. 1 2 Troy Dreier "Supercharge Your Intranet With CodeCharge Studio." Intranet Journal. 08/30/02
  3. 1 2 3 Tom Sullivan "Startup aims to combine Web design, development." Computerworld .4 June 2002
  4. Nevada Secretary of State, Corp Status "."
  5. 1 2 3 Peter B. MacIntyre. "CodeCharge 3.0 Yet Another IDE?" php|architect May 2006
  6. 1 2 Arbi Arzoumani "Reviewed For You: CodeCharge Studio 1.0." PHP Architect . January 2003.
  7. Mike Gunderloy "Product Reviews: CodeCharge Studio 1.0.6." Microsoft Certified Professional Magazine. 08/07/2002.
  8. 1 2 Kevin Yank "Software Reviews." SitePoint Tech Times, Issue #43. 2 July 2002
  9. Linda M’mayi. "Website Development for Automation of the Leave/Travel System and to Interface a Database." Summer Internship in Science and Technology (SIST). Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, Batavia, IL. 11 August 2005.
  10. Kevin Yank "Software Reviews." SitePoint Tech Times, Issue #62. 2 April 2003
  11. Troy Dreier "CodeCharge Studio 2.0: Here's What's New." Intranet Journal. 5/19/2003.