Comparison of Gaussian process software

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This is a comparison of statistical analysis software that allows doing inference with Gaussian processes often using approximations.


This article is written from the point of view of Bayesian statistics, which may use a terminology different from the one commonly used in kriging. The next section should clarify the mathematical/computational meaning of the information provided in the table independently of contextual terminology.

Description of columns

This section details the meaning of the columns in the table below.


These columns are about the algorithms used to solve the linear system defined by the prior covariance matrix, i.e., the matrix built by evaluating the kernel.


These columns are about the points on which the Gaussian process is evaluated, i.e. if the process is .


These columns are about the values yielded by the process, and how they are connected to the data used in the fit.


These columns are about finding values of variables which enter somehow in the definition of the specific problem but that can not be inferred by the Gaussian process fit, for example parameters in the formula of the kernel.

If both the "Prior" and "Posterior" cells contain "Manually", the software provides an interface for computing the marginal likelihood and its gradient w.r.t. hyperparameters, which can be feed into an optimization/sampling algorithm, e.g., gradient descent or Markov chain Monte Carlo.

Linear transformations

These columns are about the possibility of fitting datapoints simultaneously to a process and to linear transformations of it.

Comparison table

Name License Language SolversInputOutputHyperparametersLinear transformationsName
PyMC Apache Python YesKroneckerSparseNDNoAnyCorrelatedYesYesNoYesYes PyMC
Stan BSD, GPL customYesNoNoNDNoAnyCorrelatedYesYesNoYesYes Stan
scikit-learn BSD Python YesNoNoNDYesBernoulliUncorrelatedManuallyManuallyNoNoNo scikit-learn
fbm [7] Free C YesNoNoNDNoBernoulli, PoissonUncorrelated, StationaryManyYesNoNoYes fbm
GPML [8] [7] BSD MATLAB YesNoSparseNDNoManyi.i.d.ManuallyManuallyNoNoNo GPML
GPstuff [7] GNU GPL MATLAB, R YesSparse, MarkovSparseNDNoManyCorrelatedManyYesFirst RBFNoYes GPstuff
GPy [9] BSD Python YesNoSparseNDNoManyUncorrelatedYesYesNoNoNo GPy
GPflow [9] Apache Python YesNoSparseNDNoManyUncorrelatedYesYesNoNoNo GPflow
GPyTorch [10] MIT Python YesToeplitz, KroneckerSparseNDNoManyUncorrelatedYesYesFirst RBFManuallyManually GPyTorch
GPvecchia [11] GNU GPL R YesNoSparse, HierarchicalNDNoExponential familyUncorrelatedNoNoNoNoNo GPvecchia
pyGPs [12] BSD Python YesNoSparseNDGraphs, ManuallyBernoullii.i.d.ManuallyManuallyNoNoNo pyGPs
gptk [13] BSD R YesBlock?SparseNDNoGaussianNoManuallyManuallyNoNoNo gptk
celerite [3] MIT Python, Julia, C++ NoSemisep. [lower-alpha 1] No1DNoGaussianUncorrelatedManuallyManuallyNoNoNo celerite
george [6] MIT Python, C++ YesNoHierarchicalNDNoGaussianUncorrelatedManuallyManuallyNoNoManually george
neural-tangents [14] [lower-alpha 2] Apache Python YesBlock, KroneckerNoNDNoGaussianNoNoNoNoNoNo neural-tangents
DiceKriging [15] GNU GPL R YesNoNoNDNo?GaussianUncorrelatedSCAD RBFMAPNoNoNo DiceKriging
OpenTURNS [16] GNU LGPL Python, C++ YesNoNoNDNoGaussianUncorrelatedManually (no grad.)MAPNoNoNo OpenTURNS
UQLab [17] Proprietary MATLAB YesNoNoNDNoGaussianCorrelatedNoMAPNoNoNo UQLab
ooDACE Archived 2020-08-09 at the Wayback Machine [18] Proprietary MATLAB YesNoNoNDNoGaussianCorrelatedNoMAPNoNoNo ooDACE Archived 2020-08-09 at the Wayback Machine
DACE Proprietary MATLAB YesNoNoNDNoGaussianNoNoMAPNoNoNo DACE
GpGp MIT R NoNoSparseNDNoGaussiani.i.d.ManuallyManuallyNoNoNo GpGp
SuperGauss GNU GPL R, C++ NoToeplitz [lower-alpha 3] No1DNoGaussianNoManuallyManuallyNoNoNo SuperGauss
STK GNU GPL MATLAB YesNoNoNDNoGaussianUncorrelatedManuallyManuallyNoNoManually STK
GSTools GNU LGPL Python YesNoNoNDNoGaussianNoNoNoNoNoNo GSTools
PyKrige BSD Python YesNoNo2D,3DNoGaussiani.i.d.NoNoNoNoNo PyKrige
GPR Apache C++ YesNoSparseNDNoGaussiani.i.d.Some, ManuallyManuallyFirstNoNo GPR
celerite2 MIT Python NoSemisep. [lower-alpha 1] No1DNoGaussianUncorrelatedManually [lower-alpha 4] ManuallyNoNoYes celerite2
GPJax Apache Python YesNoSparseNDGraphsBernoulliNoYesYesNoNoNo GPJax
Stheno MIT Python YesLow rankSparseNDNoGaussiani.i.d.ManuallyManuallyApproximateNoYes Stheno
Name License Language ExactSpecializedApproximateNDNon-realLikelihoodErrorsPriorPosteriorDeriv.FiniteSumName
SolversInputOutputHyperparametersLinear transformations


  1. 1 2 celerite implements only a specific subalgebra of kernels which can be solved in . [3]
  2. neural-tangents is a specialized package for infinitely wide neural networks.
  3. SuperGauss implements a superfast Toeplitz solver with computational complexity .
  4. celerite2 has a PyMC3 interface.

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A Neural Network Gaussian Process (NNGP) is a Gaussian process (GP) obtained as the limit of certain sequences of neural networks. Specifically, a wide variety of network architectures converges to a GP in the infinitely wide limit, in the sense of distribution. The NNGP concept constitutes an intensional definition: Mathematically it is just a GP, one distinguished by how it is obtained.

In statistics and machine learning, Gaussian process approximation is a computational method that accelerates inference tasks in the context of a Gaussian process model, most commonly likelihood evaluation and prediction. Like approximations of other models, they can often be expressed as additional assumptions imposed on the model, which do not correspond to any actual feature, but which retain its key properties while simplifying calculations. Many of these approximation methods can be expressed in purely linear algebraic or functional analytic terms as matrix or function approximations. Others are purely algorithmic and cannot easily be rephrased as a modification of a statistical model.

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