Comparison of cryptographic hash functions

Last updated

The following tables compare general and technical information for a number of cryptographic hash functions. See the individual functions' articles for further information. This article is not all-inclusive or necessarily up-to-date. An overview of hash function security/cryptanalysis can be found at hash function security summary.


General information

Basic general information about the cryptographic hash functions: year, designer, references, etc.

FunctionYearDesignerDerived fromReference
BLAKE 2008Jean-Philippe Aumasson
Luca Henzen
Willi Meier
Raphael C.-W. Phan
ChaCha20 Website
BLAKE2 2012Jean-Philippe Aumasson
Samuel Neves
Zooko Wilcox-O'Hearn
Christian Winnerlein
BLAKE Website
RFC   7693
BLAKE3 2020Jack O'Connor
Jean-Philippe Aumasson
Samuel Neves
Zooko Wilcox-O'Hearn
BLAKE2 Website
GOST R 34.11-94 1994 FAPSI and VNIIstandart GOST 28147-89 RFC   5831
HAVAL 1992 Yuliang Zheng
Josef Pieprzyk
Jennifer Seberry
KangarooTwelve 2016Guido Bertoni
Joan Daemen
Michaël Peeters
Gilles Van Assche
Keccak Website
MD2 1989 Ronald Rivest RFC   1319
MD4 1990 RFC   1320
MD5 1992 MD4 RFC   1321
MD6 2008 Website
RIPEMD 1992The RIPE Consortium [1] MD4
1996 Hans Dobbertin
Antoon Bosselaers
Bart Preneel
RIPEMD Website
SHA-0 1993 NSA SHA-0
SHA-1 1995 SHA-0 Specification
SHA-224 2004
SHA-3 (Keccak)2008Guido Bertoni
Joan Daemen
Michaël Peeters
Gilles Van Assche
RadioGatún Website
Streebog 2012 FSB, InfoTeCS JSC RFC   6986
Tiger 1995 Ross Anderson
Eli Biham
Whirlpool 2004 Vincent Rijmen
Paulo Barreto


AlgorithmOutput size (bits)Internal state size [note 1] Block sizeLength sizeWord size Rounds
BLAKE2b 5125121024128 [note 2] 6412
BLAKE2s 25625651264 [note 3] 3210
BLAKE3 Unlimited [note 4] 256 [note 5] 51264327
GOST 2562562562563232
HAVAL 256/224/192/160/128256102464323/4/5
MD2 1283841283218
MD4 12812851264323
MD5 128128512643264
PANAMA 256873625632
RadioGatún Unlimited [note 6] 58 words19 words [note 7] 1–64 [note 8] 18 [note 9]
RIPEMD 128128512643248
RIPEMD-128, -256128/256128/256512643264
SHA-0 160160512643280
SHA-1 160160512643280
SHA-224, -256 224/256256512643264
SHA-384, -512, -512/224, -512/256 384/512/224/25651210241286480
SHA-3 224/256/384/512 [note 10] 16001600 - 2*bits [note 11] 6424
SHA3 -224224160011526424
SHA3 -256256160010886424
SHA3 -38438416008326424
SHA3 -51251216005766424
Tiger(2)-192/160/128 192/160/128192512646424
Whirlpool 512512512256810


  1. The internal state here means the "internal hash sum" after each compression of a data block. Most hash algorithms also internally use some additional variables such as length of the data compressed so far since that is needed for the length padding in the end. See the Merkle–Damgård construction for details.
  2. The size of BLAKE2b's message length counter is 128-bit, but it counts message length in bytes, not in bits like the other hash functions in the comparison. It can hence handle eight times longer messages than a 128-bit length size would suggest (one byte equaling eight bits). A length size of 131-bit is the comparable length size ().
  3. The size of BLAKE2s's message length counter is 64-bit, but it counts message length in bytes, not in bits like the other hash functions in the comparison. It can hence handle eight times longer messages than a 64-bit length size would suggest (one byte equaling eight bits). A length size of 67-bit is the comparable length size ().
  4. It's technically 264 bytes which equals 267 bits [2]
  5. The full BLAKE3 incremental state includes a chaining value stack up to 1728 bytes in size. However, the compression function itself does not access this stack. A smaller stack can also be used if the maximum input length is restricted.
  6. RadioGatún is an extendable-output function which means it has an output of unlimited size. The official test vectors are 256-bit hashes. RadioGatún claims to have the security level of a cryptographic sponge function 19 words in size, which means the 32-bit version has the security of a 304-bit hash when looking at preimage attacks, but the security of a 608-bit hash when looking at collision attacks. The 64-bit version, likewise, has the security of a 608-bit or 1216-bit hash. For the purposes of determining how vulnerable RadioGatún is to length extension attacks, only two words of its 58-word state are output between hash compression operations.
  7. RadioGatún is not a Merkle–Damgård construction and, as such, does not have a block size. Its belt is 39 words in size; its mill, which is the closest thing RadioGatún has to a "block", is 19 words in size.
  8. Only the 32-bit and 64-bit versions of RadioGatún have official test vectors
  9. The 18 blank rounds are only applied once in RadioGatún, between the end of the input mapping stage and before the generation of output bits
  10. Although the underlying algorithm Keccak has arbitrary hash lengths, the NIST specified 224, 256, 384 and 512 bits output as valid modes for SHA-3.
  11. Implementation dependent; as per section 7, second paragraph from the bottom of page 22, of FIPS PUB 202.

Compression function

The following tables compare technical information for compression functions of cryptographic hash functions. The information comes from the specifications, please refer to them for more details.

FunctionSize (bits) [note 1] Words ×
Passes =
Rounds [note 2]
Operations [note 3] Endian [note 4]
Word Digest Chaining
[note 5]
values [note 6]
Block Length
[note 7]
GOST R 34.11-94 32×8 = 256×8 = 256324A B L SLittle
HAVAL-3-128 32×4 = 128×8 = 256×32 = 1,0246432 × 3 = 96A B SLittle
HAVAL-3-160 ×5 = 160
HAVAL-3-192 ×6 = 192
HAVAL-3-224 ×7 = 224
HAVAL-3-256 ×8 = 256
HAVAL-4-128 ×4 = 12832 × 4 = 128
HAVAL-4-160 ×5 = 160
HAVAL-4-192 ×6 = 192
HAVAL-4-224 ×7 = 224
HAVAL-4-256 ×8 = 256
HAVAL-5-128 ×4 = 12832 × 5 = 160
HAVAL-5-160 ×5 = 160
HAVAL-5-192 ×6 = 192
HAVAL-5-224 ×7 = 224
HAVAL-5-256 ×8 = 256
MD2 8×16 = 128×32 = 256×48 = 384×16 = 128None48 × 18 = 864BN/A
MD4 32×4 = 128×16 = 5126416 × 3 = 48A B SLittle
MD5 16 × 4 = 64
RIPEMD 32×4 = 128×8 = 256×16 = 5126416 × 3 = 48A B SLittle
RIPEMD-128 16 × 4 = 64
RIPEMD-256 ×8 = 256
RIPEMD-160 ×5 = 160×10 = 32016 × 5 = 80
RIPEMD-320 ×10 = 320
SHA-0 32×5 = 160×16 = 5126416 × 5 = 80A B SBig
SHA-256 ×8 = 256×8 = 25616 × 4 = 64
SHA-224 ×7 = 224
SHA-512 64×8 = 512×8 = 512×16 = 102412816 × 5 = 80
SHA-384 ×6 = 384
Tiger-192 64×3 = 192×3 = 192×8 = 512648 × 3 = 24A B L SNot Specified
Tiger-160 ×2.5=160
Tiger-128 ×2 = 128
Function Word Digest Chaining
Block Length Words ×
Passes =
Operations Endian
Size (bits)


  1. The omitted multiplicands are word sizes.
  2. Some authors interchange passes and rounds.
  3. A: addition, subtraction; B: bitwise operation; L: lookup table; S: shift, rotation.
  4. It refers to byte endianness only. If the operations consist of bitwise operations and lookup tables only, the endianness is irrelevant.
  5. The size of message digest equals to the size of chaining values usually. In truncated versions of certain cryptographic hash functions such as SHA-384, the former is less than the latter.
  6. The size of chaining values equals to the size of computation values usually. In certain cryptographic hash functions such as RIPEMD-160, the former is less than the latter because RIPEMD-160 use two sets of parallel computation values and then combine into a single set of chaining values.
  7. The maximum input size = 2length size − 1 bits. For example, the maximum input size of SHA-1 = 264 − 1 bits.

See also

Related Research Articles

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This article summarizes publicly known attacks against cryptographic hash functions. Note that not all entries may be up to date. For a summary of other hash function parameters, see comparison of cryptographic hash functions.

BLAKE is a cryptographic hash function based on Daniel J. Bernstein's ChaCha stream cipher, but a permuted copy of the input block, XORed with round constants, is added before each ChaCha round. Like SHA-2, there are two variants differing in the word size. ChaCha operates on a 4×4 array of words. BLAKE repeatedly combines an 8-word hash value with 16 message words, truncating the ChaCha result to obtain the next hash value. BLAKE-256 and BLAKE-224 use 32-bit words and produce digest sizes of 256 bits and 224 bits, respectively, while BLAKE-512 and BLAKE-384 use 64-bit words and produce digest sizes of 512 bits and 384 bits, respectively.

In cryptography and computer security, a length extension attack is a type of attack where an attacker can use Hash(message1) and the length of message1 to calculate Hash(message1message2) for an attacker-controlled message2, without needing to know the content of message1. This is problematic when the hash is used as a message authentication code with construction Hash(secretmessage), and message and the length of secret is known, because an attacker can include extra information at the end of the message and produce a valid hash without knowing the secret. Algorithms like MD5, SHA-1 and most of SHA-2 that are based on the Merkle–Damgård construction are susceptible to this kind of attack. Truncated versions of SHA-2, including SHA-384 and SHA-512/256 are not susceptible, nor is the SHA-3 algorithm. HMAC also uses a different construction and so is not vulnerable to length extension attacks. Lastly, just performing Hash(messagesecret) is enough to not be affected.

Streebog is a cryptographic hash function defined in the Russian national standard GOST R 34.11-2012 Information Technology – Cryptographic Information Security – Hash Function. It was created to replace an obsolete GOST hash function defined in the old standard GOST R 34.11-94, and as an asymmetric reply to SHA-3 competition by the US National Institute of Standards and Technology. The function is also described in RFC 6986 and one out of hash functions in ISO/IEC 10118-3:2018.


  1. Dobbertin, Hans; Bosselaers, Antoon; Preneel, Bart (21–23 February 1996). RIPEMD-160: A strengthened version of RIPEMD (PDF). Fast Software Encryption. Third International Workshop. Cambridge, UK. pp. 71–82. doi: 10.1007/3-540-60865-6_44 .
  2. page 8