Comparison of functional programming languages

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The table shows a comparison of functional programming languages which compares various features and designs of different functional programming languages.

Name Pure Lazy evaluation Typing Abstract data types Algebraic data types Data is immutable Type classes Garbage collectionFirst appeared
Common Lisp No [1] Simulated with thunks [2] Dynamic [3] Yes [4] Extension [5] No [6]  ?Yes1984
Scheme No [7] Yes [8] Dynamic [7] Yes [9] Simulated with thunks [10] No [11] NoYes1975
Racket NoDefault in Lazy Racket [12] Dynamic by default, gradual with Typed Racket [13] Yes [14] Yes, with Algebraic Racket [15] Partial [16] NoYes1995
Clojure No [17] Yes [18] Dynamic [19] Yes [20] Yes [21] Yes [22] NoYes2007
Standard ML No [23] No [24] [25] Static [26] YesYesYes [27] NoYes1983
OCaml No [28] Yes [28] Static [29] Yes [30] Yes [31] Yes [32] Simulated with parametric modules [33] Yes1996
F# No [34] Yes [35] Static [36] Yes [37] Yes [38] Yes [39] NoYes2005
Haskell Yes [40] Default [41] Static [42] Yes [40] Yes [43] Yes [44] Yes [45] Yes1990
Scala No [46] Yes [47] Static [46] Yes [48] Yes [48] Yes [49] Yes [50] Yes2004
JavaScript No [51] [ unreliable source? ]Extension [52] Dynamic [53] Extension [54] Extension [55] Partial [56] [57]  ?Yes1995
Clean Yes [58] Yes, with optional strictness annotations [59] Static with uniqueness/optionally dynamic [60] Yes [59] Yes [59] Yes, except for unique types [59] Yes [59] Yes1987
Miranda Yes [61] Default [62] Static [61] Yes [63] Yes [61] YesNoYes1986
SASL Yes [64] YesDynamic [65] YesYesYesNoYes1972
Elixir NoStream module [66] DynamicYesNoYes ?Yes2012
Erlang NoNo [67] DynamicYes [68] NoYes [69]  ?Yes1986
Elm YesNoStatic [70]  ?Yes [71] Yes [70] NoYes2012
Futhark YesNoStatic [72] YesYesYes [70] NoYes2014
Python No [73] Simulated with generatorsDynamic [74] Yes [75] NoPartial [76]  ?Yes1991
Idris Yes [77] Yes [77] Static [77] Yes [77] Yes [77] Yes [77] Yes [77] Yes2007
Nix YesNoStatic[ citation needed ]NoYesYesNoYes2003
Wolfram Language NoNoStaticYesYesYesNoYes1988
Kotlin NoLazy delegation [78] and Sequence [79] StaticYesNoYesNoYes2011
Swift NoNoStaticYesYesYesNoSwift uses Automatic Reference Counting, which differs from tracing garbage collection but is designed to provide similar benefits with better performance.2014
Julia NoNo [80] Dynamic [81] Yes [81] NoPartial [81]  ?Yes2012
PureScript YesNoStaticYesYesYesYesYes2013
Rust NoLazy iterators [82] and external libraries [83] Static [84] Yes [85] Yes [86] Yes [87] Yes, through traits [85] No2010
Bosque NoNoStaticYesYesYes ?Yes2019
D Optional [88] [89] Optional [90] Static [91]  ?YesYes [92] NoYes [93] 2001
Gleam No [94] Experimental external librariesStaticYesYesYesNoYes2019

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In computer science, functional programming is a programming paradigm where programs are constructed by applying and composing functions. It is a declarative programming paradigm in which function definitions are trees of expressions that map values to other values, rather than a sequence of imperative statements which update the running state of the program.

This is a "genealogy" of programming languages. Languages are categorized under the ancestor language with the strongest influence. Those ancestor languages are listed in alphabetic order. Any such categorization has a large arbitrary element, since programming languages often incorporate major ideas from multiple sources.

Programming languages can be grouped by the number and types of paradigms supported.

In computer programming, an assignment statement sets and/or re-sets the value stored in the storage location(s) denoted by a variable name; in other words, it copies a value into the variable. In most imperative programming languages, the assignment statement is a fundamental construct.

Metaprogramming is a computer programming technique in which computer programs have the ability to treat other programs as their data. It means that a program can be designed to read, generate, analyse, or transform other programs, and even modify itself, while running. In some cases, this allows programmers to minimize the number of lines of code to express a solution, in turn reducing development time. It also allows programs more flexibility to efficiently handle new situations with no recompiling.

An expression-oriented programming language is a programming language in which every construction is an expression and thus yields a value. The typical exceptions are macro definitions, preprocessor commands, and declarations, which expression-oriented languages often treat as statements.

In computer science, a tail call is a subroutine call performed as the final action of a procedure. If the target of a tail is the same subroutine, the subroutine is said to be tail recursive, which is a special case of direct recursion. Tail recursion is particularly useful, and is often easy to optimize in implementations.

Concurrent computing is a form of computing in which several computations are executed concurrently—during overlapping time periods—instead of sequentially—with one completing before the next starts.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Scala (programming language)</span> General-purpose programming language

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Programming languages are used for controlling the behavior of a machine. Like natural languages, programming languages follow rules for syntax and semantics.

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