A concept search (or conceptual search) is an automated information retrieval method that is used to search electronically stored unstructured text (for example, digital archives, email, scientific literature, etc.) for information that is conceptually similar to the information provided in a search query. In other words, the ideas expressed in the information retrieved in response to a concept search query are relevant to the ideas contained in the text of the query.
Concept search techniques were developed because of limitations imposed by classical Boolean keyword search technologies when dealing with large, unstructured digital collections of text. Keyword searches often return results that include many non-relevant items (false positives) or that exclude too many relevant items (false negatives) because of the effects of synonymy and polysemy. Synonymy means that one of two or more words in the same language have the same meaning, and polysemy means that many individual words have more than one meaning.
Polysemy is a major obstacle for all computer systems that attempt to deal with human language. In English, the most frequently used terms have several common meanings. For example, the word fire can mean: a combustion activity; to terminate employment; to launch, or to excite (as in fire up). For the 200 most-polysemous terms in English, the typical verb has more than twelve common meanings, or senses. The typical noun from this set has more than eight common senses. For the 2000 most-polysemous terms in English, the typical verb has more than eight common senses and the typical noun has more than five. [1]
In addition to the problems of polysemous and synonymy, keyword searches can exclude inadvertently misspelled words as well as the variations on the stems (or roots) of words (for example, strike vs. striking). Keyword searches are also susceptible to errors introduced by optical character recognition (OCR) scanning processes, which can introduce random errors into the text of documents (often referred to as noisy text) during the scanning process.
A concept search can overcome these challenges by employing word sense disambiguation (WSD), [2] and other techniques, to help it derive the actual meanings of the words, and their underlying concepts, rather than by simply matching character strings like keyword search technologies.
In general, information retrieval research and technology can be divided into two broad categories: semantic and statistical. Information retrieval systems that fall into the semantic category will attempt to implement some degree of syntactic and semantic analysis of the natural language text that a human user would provide (also see computational linguistics). Systems that fall into the statistical category will find results based on statistical measures of how closely they match the query. However, systems in the semantic category also often rely on statistical methods to help them find and retrieve information. [3]
Efforts to provide information retrieval systems with semantic processing capabilities have basically used three approaches:
A variety of techniques based on artificial intelligence (AI) and natural language processing (NLP) have been applied to semantic processing, and most of them have relied on the use of auxiliary structures such as controlled vocabularies and ontologies. Controlled vocabularies (dictionaries and thesauri), and ontologies allow broader terms, narrower terms, and related terms to be incorporated into queries. [4] Controlled vocabularies are one way to overcome some of the most severe constraints of Boolean keyword queries. Over the years, additional auxiliary structures of general interest, such as the large synonym sets of WordNet, have been constructed. [5] It was shown that concept search that is based on auxiliary structures, such as WordNet, can be efficiently implemented by reusing retrieval models and data structures of classical information retrieval. [6] Later approaches have implemented grammar to expand the range of semantic constructs. The creation of data models that represent sets of concepts within a specific domain (domain ontologies), and which can incorporate the relationships among terms, has also been implemented in recent years.
Handcrafted controlled vocabularies contribute to the efficiency and comprehensiveness of information retrieval and related text analysis operations, but they work best when topics are narrowly defined and the terminology is standardized. Controlled vocabularies require extensive human input and oversight to keep up with the rapid evolution of language. They also are not well suited to the growing volumes of unstructured text covering an unlimited number of topics and containing thousands of unique terms because new terms and topics need to be constantly introduced. Controlled vocabularies are also prone to capturing a particular worldview at a specific point in time, which makes them difficult to modify if concepts in a certain topic area change. [7]
Information retrieval systems incorporating this approach counts the number of times that groups of terms appear together (co-occur) within a sliding window of terms or sentences (for example, ± 5 sentences or ± 50 words) within a document. It is based on the idea that words that occur together in similar contexts have similar meanings. It is local in the sense that the sliding window of terms and sentences used to determine the co-occurrence of terms is relatively small.
This approach is simple, but it captures only a small portion of the semantic information contained in a collection of text. At the most basic level, numerous experiments have shown that approximately only a quarter of the information contained in text is local in nature. [8] In addition, to be most effective, this method requires prior knowledge about the content of the text, which can be difficult with large, unstructured document collections. [7]
Some of the most powerful approaches to semantic processing are based on the use of mathematical transform techniques. Matrix decomposition techniques have been the most successful. Some widely used matrix decomposition techniques include the following: [9]
Matrix decomposition techniques are data-driven, which avoids many of the drawbacks associated with auxiliary structures. They are also global in nature, which means they are capable of much more robust information extraction and representation of semantic information than techniques based on local co-occurrence statistics. [7]
Independent component analysis is a technique that creates sparse representations in an automated fashion, [10] and the semi-discrete and non-negative matrix approaches sacrifice accuracy of representation in order to reduce computational complexity. [7]
Singular value decomposition (SVD) was first applied to text at Bell Labs in the late 1980s. It was used as the foundation for a technique called latent semantic indexing (LSI) because of its ability to find the semantic meaning that is latent in a collection of text. At first, the SVD was slow to be adopted because of the resource requirements needed to work with large datasets. However, the use of LSI has significantly expanded in recent years as earlier challenges in scalability and performance have been overcome. [11] and even open sourced. [12] LSI is being used in a variety of information retrieval and text processing applications, although its primary application has been for concept searching and automated document categorization. [13]
The effectiveness of a concept search can depend on a variety of elements including the dataset being searched and the search engine that is used to process queries and display results. However, most concept search engines work best for certain kinds of queries:
As with all search strategies, experienced searchers generally refine their queries through multiple searches, starting with an initial seed query to obtain conceptually relevant results that can then be used to compose and/or refine additional queries for increasingly more relevant results. Depending on the search engine, using query concepts found in result documents can be as easy as selecting a document and performing a find similar function. Changing a query by adding terms and concepts to improve result relevance is called query expansion . [19] The use of ontologies such as WordNet has been studied to expand queries with conceptually-related words. [20]
Relevance feedback is a feature that helps users determine if the results returned for their queries meet their information needs. In other words, relevance is assessed relative to an information need, not a query. A document is relevant if it addresses the stated information need, not because it just happens to contain all the words in the query. [21] It is a way to involve users in the retrieval process in order to improve the final result set. [21] Users can refine their queries based on their initial results to improve the quality of their final results.
In general, concept search relevance refers to the degree of similarity between the concepts expressed in the query and the concepts contained in the results returned for the query. The more similar the concepts in the results are to the concepts contained in the query, the more relevant the results are considered to be. Results are usually ranked and sorted by relevance so that the most relevant results are at the top of the list of results and the least relevant results are at the bottom of the list.
Relevance feedback has been shown to be very effective at improving the relevance of results. [21] A concept search decreases the risk of missing important result items because all of the items that are related to the concepts in the query will be returned whether or not they contain the same words used in the query. [15]
Ranking will continue to be a part of any modern information retrieval system. However, the problems of heterogeneous data, scale, and non-traditional discourse types reflected in the text, along with the fact that search engines will increasingly be integrated components of complex information management processes, not just stand-alone systems, will require new kinds of system responses to a query. For example, one of the problems with ranked lists is that they might not reveal relations that exist among some of the result items. [22]
Formalized search engine evaluation has been ongoing for many years. For example, the Text REtrieval Conference (TREC) was started in 1992 to support research within the information retrieval community by providing the infrastructure necessary for large-scale evaluation of text retrieval methodologies. Most of today's commercial search engines include technology first developed in TREC. [24]
In 1997, a Japanese counterpart of TREC was launched, called National Institute of Informatics Test Collection for IR Systems (NTCIR). NTCIR conducts a series of evaluation workshops for research in information retrieval, question answering, automatic summarization, etc. A European series of workshops called the Cross-Language Evaluation Forum (CLEF) was started in 2001 to aid research in multilingual information access. In 2002, the Initiative for the Evaluation of XML Retrieval (INEX) was established for the evaluation of content-oriented XML retrieval systems.
Precision and recall have been two of the traditional performance measures for evaluating information retrieval systems. Precision is the fraction of the retrieved result documents that are relevant to the user's information need. The recall is defined as the fraction of relevant documents in the entire collection that are returned as result documents. [21]
Although the workshops and publicly available test collections used for search engine testing and evaluation have provided substantial insights into how information is managed and retrieved, the field has only scratched the surface of the challenges people and organizations face in finding, managing, and, using information now that so much information is available. [22] Scientific data about how people use the information tools available to them today is still incomplete because experimental research methodologies haven't been able to keep up with the rapid pace of change. Many challenges, such as contextualized search, personal information management, information integration, and task support, still need to be addressed. [22]
Information retrieval (IR) in computing and information science is the process of obtaining information system resources that are relevant to an information need from a collection of those resources. Searches can be based on full-text or other content-based indexing. Information retrieval is the science of searching for information in a document, searching for documents themselves, and also searching for the metadata that describes data, and for databases of texts, images or sounds.
A search engine is an information retrieval system designed to help find information stored on a computer system. The search results are usually presented in a list and are commonly called hits. Search engines help to minimize the time required to find information and the amount of information which must be consulted, akin to other techniques for managing information overload.
An image retrieval system is a computer system used for browsing, searching and retrieving images from a large database of digital images. Most traditional and common methods of image retrieval utilize some method of adding metadata such as captioning, keywords, title or descriptions to the images so that retrieval can be performed over the annotation words. Manual image annotation is time-consuming, laborious and expensive; to address this, there has been a large amount of research done on automatic image annotation. Additionally, the increase in social web applications and the semantic web have inspired the development of several web-based image annotation tools.
Question answering (QA) is a computer science discipline within the fields of information retrieval and natural language processing (NLP), which is concerned with building systems that automatically answer questions posed by humans in a natural language.
Latent semantic analysis (LSA) is a technique in natural language processing, in particular distributional semantics, of analyzing relationships between a set of documents and the terms they contain by producing a set of concepts related to the documents and terms. LSA assumes that words that are close in meaning will occur in similar pieces of text. A matrix containing word counts per document is constructed from a large piece of text and a mathematical technique called singular value decomposition (SVD) is used to reduce the number of rows while preserving the similarity structure among columns. Documents are then compared by taking the cosine of the angle between the two vectors formed by any two columns. Values close to 1 represent very similar documents while values close to 0 represent very dissimilar documents.
Document retrieval is defined as the matching of some stated user query against a set of free-text records. These records could be any type of mainly unstructured text, such as newspaper articles, real estate records or paragraphs in a manual. User queries can range from multi-sentence full descriptions of an information need to a few words.
Content-based image retrieval, also known as query by image content (QBIC) and content-based visual information retrieval (CBVIR), is the application of computer vision techniques to the image retrieval problem, that is, the problem of searching for digital images in large databases. Content-based image retrieval is opposed to traditional concept-based approaches.
In text retrieval, full-text search refers to techniques for searching a single computer-stored document or a collection in a full-text database. Full-text search is distinguished from searches based on metadata or on parts of the original texts represented in databases.
The Text REtrieval Conference (TREC) is an ongoing series of workshops focusing on a list of different information retrieval (IR) research areas, or tracks. It is co-sponsored by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and the Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity, and began in 1992 as part of the TIPSTER Text program. Its purpose is to support and encourage research within the information retrieval community by providing the infrastructure necessary for large-scale evaluation of text retrieval methodologies and to increase the speed of lab-to-product transfer of technology.
Search Engine Results Pages (SERP) are the pages displayed by search engines in response to a query by a user. The main component of the SERP is the listing of results that are returned by the search engine in response to a keyword query.
Relevance feedback is a feature of some information retrieval systems. The idea behind relevance feedback is to take the results that are initially returned from a given query, to gather user feedback, and to use information about whether or not those results are relevant to perform a new query. We can usefully distinguish between three types of feedback: explicit feedback, implicit feedback, and blind or "pseudo" feedback.
A search engine is an information retrieval software program that discovers, crawls, transforms and stores information for retrieval and presentation in response to user queries.
Search engine indexing is the collecting, parsing, and storing of data to facilitate fast and accurate information retrieval. Index design incorporates interdisciplinary concepts from linguistics, cognitive psychology, mathematics, informatics, and computer science. An alternate name for the process, in the context of search engines designed to find web pages on the Internet, is web indexing.
Query expansion (QE) is the process of reformulating a given query to improve retrieval performance in information retrieval operations, particularly in the context of query understanding. In the context of search engines, query expansion involves evaluating a user's input and expanding the search query to match additional documents. Query expansion involves techniques such as:
Enterprise search is the practice of making content from multiple enterprise-type sources, such as databases and intranets, searchable to a defined audience.
Human–computer information retrieval (HCIR) is the study and engineering of information retrieval techniques that bring human intelligence into the search process. It combines the fields of human-computer interaction (HCI) and information retrieval (IR) and creates systems that improve search by taking into account the human context, or through a multi-step search process that provides the opportunity for human feedback.
Compound-term processing, in information-retrieval, is search result matching on the basis of compound terms. Compound terms are built by combining two or more simple terms; for example, "triple" is a single word term, but "triple heart bypass" is a compound term.
Ranking of query is one of the fundamental problems in information retrieval (IR), the scientific/engineering discipline behind search engines. Given a query q and a collection D of documents that match the query, the problem is to rank, that is, sort, the documents in D according to some criterion so that the "best" results appear early in the result list displayed to the user. Ranking in terms of information retrieval is an important concept in computer science and is used in many different applications such as search engine queries and recommender systems. A majority of search engines use ranking algorithms to provide users with accurate and relevant results.
XML retrieval, or XML information retrieval, is the content-based retrieval of documents structured with XML. As such it is used for computing relevance of XML documents.
Contextual search is a form of optimizing web-based search results based on context provided by the user and the computer being used to enter the query. Contextual search services differ from current search engines based on traditional information retrieval that return lists of documents based on their relevance to the query. Rather, contextual search attempts to increase the precision of results based on how valuable they are to individual users.