Country Development Unit

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The Country Development Unit is a non-political and non-governmental organization in Afghanistan, established in early 1992 to participate in the rehabilitation and development of the war-torn country. It has registered with the MoP and is a member of the Afghan NGOs' Coordination Bureau .


Projects have been implemented with the collaboration of donors such as UNHCR, UNICEF, UNOPS, ADB, CIDA, CARE, Hummer Forum, IRC, JEN LBG/USAID and ICR.

The projects implemented comprised road rehabilitation, irrigation net works, clinic construction, return and IDP rapid assessment surveys, shelter, shallow well development, IGP (quilt making, stove production, carpentry training and production), school construction, and distribution of food and non-food items. Badakhshan, Logar, Kabul, Kapisa and Khost were covered by the projects.

CDU is involved with the Construction Vocational Training Projects such as Wooden Productive. Carpentry Training in Jabal Saraj, Parwan where 240 carpenters were trained in 2002 and now it is one of the CDU's ongoing projects on IG bases. CDU want to expand these kinds of training in Kabul as well as other provinces.


CDU is an Afghan non-governmental, humanitarian organization that supports sustainable development in Afghanistan through promoting the ability of local communities to decide upon and manage their own development process.

The aim is cooperation with civil society organizations, the private sector and governmental institutions, with an emphasis on poverty eradication, and assistance towards the return and re-integration of refugees and internally displaced people.

List of projects implemented:

Building construction/renovation

Irrigation network

Water supply and sanitation

Vocational training

Distribution of relief goods


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[1] [2] [3]

  1. "Member NGOs - ANCB". Archived from the original on 2008-05-07. Retrieved 2008-04-30.
  2. REFS Afghanistan Archived 2007-10-09 at the Wayback Machine
  3. Afghanistan Research and Evaluation Unit - A to Z Guide