Crop tolerance to seawater

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Crop tolerance to seawater is the ability of an agricultural crop to withstand the high salinity induced by irrigation with seawater , or a mixture of fresh water and seawater. There are crops that can grow on seawater and demonstration farms have shown the feasibility. [1] The government of the Netherlands reports a breakthrough in food security as specific varieties of potatoes, carrots, red onions, white cabbage and broccoli appear to thrive if they are irrigated with salt water. [2]


Salt Farm Texel

The Salt Farm Texel, a farm on the island of Texel, The Netherlands, is testing the salt tolerance of crops under controlled field conditions. There are 56 experimental plots of 160 m2 each that are treated in eight replicas with seven different salt concentrations. These concentrations are obtained with intensive daily drip irrigations of 10 or more mm (i.e. more than 10 liter per m2 per day) with water having a salt concentration expressed in electric conductivity (EC) of 2, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20 and 35 dS/m. [3] The range of EC values is obtained by mixing fresh water with the appropriate amount of seawater having a salinity corresponding to an EC value of about 50 dS/m. After planting, crops were allowed to germinate under fresh water conditions before the salt treatment started.

Soil salinity

The soil salinity is expressed in the electric conductivity of the extract of a saturated soil paste (ECe in dS/m). [4]

Author Schleiff presented a classification of salt tolerance of crops based on ECe in dS/m [5] that may be summarized as follows:

Salt tolerance
ECe (dS/m) ^)
Tolerance classification
   < 2very sensitive
   2 – 4sensitive
   4 – 6slightly sensitive
   6 – 8moderately tolerant
   8 – 10tolerant
   > 10very tolerant

^) The crop performs well (no yield reduction) up to the soil salinity level listed in the table. Beyond that level, the yield goes down.

The main difference with the classification published by Richards in the USDA Agriculture Handbook No. 60, 1954 [4] is that the classes are narrower with steps of 2 dS/m instead of 4.

Maas-Hoffman model fitted to a data set.
In this example the crop has a salt tolerance (threshold) of ECe=7 dS/m beyond which the yield declines. M-H model.png
Maas–Hoffman model fitted to a data set.
In this example the crop has a salt tolerance (threshold) of ECe=7 dS/m beyond which the yield declines.
Data from Salt Farm Brochure. Boundaries (yellow) and error ranges (light brown) have been added. The scatter is quite high. It is not known whether the yield percentages were computed year by year (A), or for all years combined (B). In case B the error ranges are still larger due to annual yield differences. No analysis of variance (Anova) was done to prove that the Maas-Hoffman model really is a statistically significant improvement over a simple, straightforward, downward sloping linear regression model. Mignonne+envelopes.png
Data from Salt Farm Brochure. Boundaries (yellow) and error ranges (light brown) have been added. The scatter is quite high. It is not known whether the yield percentages were computed year by year (A), or for all years combined (B). In case B the error ranges are still larger due to annual yield differences. No analysis of variance (Anova) was done to prove that the Maas-Hoffman model really is a statistically significant improvement over a simple, straightforward, downward sloping linear regression model.
The Salt Farm Texel also published a graph of the yield-salinity relation of white cabbage. Boundary lines were added separately in red color. The boundaries suggest that the slope of the ellipse encompassing the confidence area of the breakpoint should be upward to the right instead of to the left. However the Texel document does not give an explanation of the construction of the ellipse. White cabbage.png
The Salt Farm Texel also published a graph of the yield-salinity relation of white cabbage. Boundary lines were added separately in red color. The boundaries suggest that the slope of the ellipse encompassing the confidence area of the breakpoint should be upward to the right instead of to the left. However the Texel document does not give an explanation of the construction of the ellipse.


The Salt Farm Texel uses the Maas–Hoffman model for crop response to soil salinity. [6] The model uses a response function starting with a horizontal line connected further on to a downward sloping line. The connection point is also called threshold or tolerance. Up to the threshold the crop is not affected by soil salinity while beyond it the yield starts declining. The model is fitted to the data by piecewise linear regression. [7]


Crop Variety  ^)Threshold *)
(ECe in dS/m)
Potato  x)Mignonne    #)4.1slightly sensitive
Met1.9very sensitive
CarrotCas4.5slightly sensitive
Nat< 1very sensitive
Ben< 1very sensitive
"102"5.0slightly sensitive
Red5.9slightly sensitive
LettuceBatavia H< 1very sensitive
Batavia S2.3sensitive
Butterhead L1.8very sensitive
Cabbage  White cabbage  #)  4.6slightly sensitive
Broccoli5.6slightly sensitive
BarleyQue 20143.3sensitive      +)
Que 20151.7very sensitive  +)

^) Many variety names are uncommon as they consist of 3 letters only
*) It is not known what the results would have been if the planting was not done under fresh water conditions but in saline conditions.
#) Graphs with scatter plots are shown in the report for these two varieties only. They show considerable variation both in Y (Yield) and X (ECe) direction.
x) For potato only one comparable value is known in literature, namely for the very sensitive variety white rose having a threshold of 1.7 dS/m [8]
+) For barley, in contrast, the U.S. Salinity Laboratory mentions a threshold value of ECe = 8 dS/m, which makes it a tolerant crop [9]


The highest tolerance is found for the onion variety "Red" which classifies as slightly sensitive. All crops classify in the range from very sensitive over sensitive to slightly sensitive. There is no crop classified as tolerant, not even moderately tolerant.

S-curve model

In the Texel report, also the Van Genuchten-Gupta model (giving an S-curve) was used to find the soil salinity at the 90% yield point. The rationale for this was not given.


Lentils 3 types of lentil.jpg

The Mediterranean Agronomic Institute, Valenzano, Bari, Italy South coast grew 5 cultivars of lentil irrigated with sea water of different salinity levels. Saline water was prepared by mixing fresh water (EC = 0.9 dS/m) with sea water (EC = 48 dS/m) to achieve salinity levels of 3.0, 6.0, 9.0 and 12.0 dS/m. [10] Some of the results are shown in the following table:

Relative seedling length in % (control = 100%)
by cultivar
    3   98   83   82   98   96
    6   70   43   78   90   83
    9   57   48   63   52   62
   12   36   40   38   30   43


Turtleweed Batis maritima male.jpg

Halophytes, or salt-loving plants, can be irrigated with pure seawater with the aim to grow fodder crops. A trial was made by Glenn et al. to use halophytes for feeding of sheep and it was concluded that the animals thrived well. [11]

Setting the yield of an alfalfa (lucerne) fodder crop irrigated with fresh water (2 kg/m2) at 100%, the following results were obtained for the yield of halophytic crops irrigated with seawater:

CropRelative yield (%)
Atriplex lentiformis , quailbush90
Pickleweed, turtleweed89
Suaeda sp., sea blite88
Dwarf glasswort, Salicornia bigelovii 87
Sesuvium portulacastrum , sea purslane85
Distichlis palmeri , Palmers grass65
Atriplex cinerea , coast salt bush45
Barley (Hordeum vulgare) Barley (Hordeum vulgare) - United States National Arboretum - 24 May 2009.jpg
Barley (Hordeum vulgare)


After selecting the most salt tolerant cultivar, the University of California at Davis has grown barley irrigated with pure seawater and obtained half the normal yield per acre, i.e. half of the average yield per acre at national level. [12] The experiment was conducted at Bodega Bay, North of San Francisco, in a laboratory on the Pacific Ocean.


Liu Shiping's team at Yangzhou University created rice varieties that can be grown in salt water, and achieve yields of 6.5 to 9.3 tons per hectare. [13] [14] As of 2021, seawater rice had been planted on 400,000 ha (990,000 acres) in soils with up to 4 grams of salt per kilogram, with yields averaging 8.8 tons per hectare, according to Qingdao Saline-Alkali Tolerant Rice Research and Development Center. [15]

Lettuce, chard and chicory

In a recent trial comparing three seawater and freshwater blends (i.e. 5%–10%–15% of seawater), some scientists found that lettuce productivity was negatively affected by 10% and 15% blends of seawater, whereas chard and chicory’s growth was not affected by any blend. Interestingly, water consumption dropped and WUE significantly increased in every tested crop accordingly with increased seawater concentrations. They concluded that certain amounts of seawater can be practically used in hydroponics, allowing freshwater savings and increasing concentrations of certain mineral nutrients. [16]

See also

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Seawater</span> Water from a sea or an ocean

Seawater, or sea water, is water from a sea or ocean. On average, seawater in the world's oceans has a salinity of about 3.5%. This means that every kilogram of seawater has approximately 35 grams (1.2 oz) of dissolved salts. The average density at the surface is 1.025 kg/L. Seawater is denser than both fresh water and pure water because the dissolved salts increase the mass by a larger proportion than the volume. The freezing point of seawater decreases as salt concentration increases. At typical salinity, it freezes at about −2 °C (28 °F). The coldest seawater still in the liquid state ever recorded was found in 2010, in a stream under an Antarctic glacier: the measured temperature was −2.6 °C (27.3 °F).

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Salt tolerance of crops</span>

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Maas–Hoffman model</span>

The Maas–Hoffman model is a mathematical tool to characterize the relation between crop production and soil salinity. It describes the crop response by a broken line of which the first part is horizontal and the second is sloping downward. The breakpoint (Pb) or threshold is also called tolerance because up to that point the yield is unaffected by the salinity, so the salt is tolerated, while at greater salinity values the crops are affected negatively and the yield goes down.

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Freshwater salinization</span> Salty runoff contaminating freshwater ecosystems

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