Customer advocacy

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Customer advocacy is a specialized form of customer service in which companies focus on what is deemed to be best for the customer. It is a change in a company's culture that is supported by customer-focused customer service and marketing techniques.


Customer advocacy business model

A customer advocacy policy encompasses all aspects of customer contact, including products, services, sales and complaints. Some examples of a customer advocacy approach are suggesting a product even if the profit margin is less for the company, setting service call appointments based on the customer's (not the company's) preferred hours, or recommending a competitor's product because it is better at meeting the customer's needs. However, there are times when, if a customer is happy with the service, they will pay more for the service as a 'per se' talent fee.

Role of the customer advocate

Customer advocates are facilitators between customers and the company. They are trained in cross-functional roles and empowered to provide customers with assistance in all areas of the business. [1] The role of the customer advocate is three-fold:

Measuring customer advocacy

Customer advocacy can be integrated into a company's strategic goals and measured through customer satisfaction, retention, and profitability. A popular proxy for customer advocacy is the Net Promoter Score. [2] Customer advocacy programs are often measured by the value or revenue they influence for an organization. Common ways customer advocates can help drive revenue include making referrals, acting as customer references, and through upsell or cross-sell of additional products. The return-on-investment (ROI) of an advocacy program can be calculated by looking at the overall investment or program spend compared to revenue influenced by the program. [3]

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Customer retention refers to the ability of a company or product to retain its customers over some specified period. High customer retention means customers of the product or business tend to return to, continue to buy or in some other way not defect to another product or business, or to non-use entirely. Selling organizations generally attempt to reduce customer defections. Customer retention starts with the first contact an organization has with a customer and continues throughout the entire lifetime of a relationship and successful retention efforts take this entire lifecycle into account. A company's ability to attract and retain new customers is related not only to its product or services, but also to the way it services its existing customers, the value the customers actually perceive as a result of utilizing the solutions, and the reputation it creates within and across the marketplace.

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  1. Markey, Rob (3 June 2014). "The essential roles of a customer Advocacy Office". Loyalty Insights. Bain & Company, Inc. Retrieved 9 August 2015.
  2. Cravens, David W.; Le Meunier-FitzHugh, Kenneth; Piercy, Nigel F. (Jan 27, 2011). The Oxford Handbook of Strategic Sales Management. Oxford University Press. p. 320. ISBN   9780191641749.
  3. LaPlante, Victoria (17 April 2021). "Six Tips for Building a Successful Customer Advocacy Program that Drives Results". Medium.