D-8 Technology Transfer and Exchange Network

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D-8 Technology Transfer and Exchange Network
  • Flag of Bangladesh.svg Bangladesh
    Flag of Egypt.svg Egypt
    Flag of Indonesia.svg Indonesia
    Flag of Iran.svg Iran
    Flag of Malaysia.svg Malaysia
    Flag of Nigeria.svg Nigeria
    Flag of Pakistan.svg Pakistan
    Flag of Turkey.svg Turkey
Pardis Technology Park, Iran
Flag of Bangladesh.svg Bangladesh Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (BCSIR)
Flag of Egypt.svg Academy of Scientific Research and Technology (ASRT)
Flag of Indonesia.svg National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN)
Flag of Iran.svg Iran National Technomart Center (INTC)
Flag of Malaysia.svg Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI)
Flag of Nigeria.svg National Office For Technology Acquisition And Promotion (NOTAP)
Flag of Pakistan.svg Engineering Development Board (EDB)
Flag of Turkey.svg Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK)
Website www.d8tten.org

The D-8 Technology Transfer and Exchange Network (D-8 TTEN) is an affiliated body of the D-8 Organization for Economic Cooperation, [1] [2] which is consisted of national coordination organizations (NaCO) from Bangladesh, Egypt, Indonesia, Iran, Malaysia, Nigeria, Pakistan, and Turkey. The network aims to facilitate the transfer of technology among member countries, and to fulfil technology market functions. It also pursues missions such as capacity building and information dissemination on technological capabilities, achievements, and needs of the D-8 member countries. [3] The D-8 TTEN organizes technology transactions and creates coordination and synergism among member countries. To boost the technology-business atmosphere, various instruments are enacted, including a databank of requests and offers, support to participate in exhibitions, workshops, business meetings, creating investment and technology transfer and hi-tech products exchange opportunities, etc. [4] [5] [6] [7]

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  1. "D-8 Organization for Economic Cooperation official website". developing8.org. Retrieved 2023-12-29.
  2. "20 years of unique experiment in economic cooperation". Tehran Times. 2017-06-14. Retrieved 2023-12-29.
  3. Hayatdavoudi, Javad; Kaltenbrunner, Wolfgang; Costas, Rodrigo (2023). "Science and research landscapes across D-8 organization member countries from a historical perspective: The policy context and collective agendas". Quantitative Science Studies. 4 (2): 466–488. doi: 10.1162/qss_a_00249 . ISSN   2641-3337.
  4. "Charter of Establishment and Management of D-8 Technology Transfer and Exchange Network (D-8 TTEN)" (PDF).
  5. "D8-TTEN". techpark.ir. Retrieved 2023-12-26.
  6. "About Us". D-8TTEN. Retrieved 2023-12-26.
  7. "D-8 Technology Transfer and Exchange Network Celebrates 10th Anniversary in Grand Style". developing8.org. Retrieved 2023-12-26.