Director of the Civilian Planning and Conduct Capability

Last updated
Managing director of the Civilian Planning and Conduct Capability and Civilian Operations Commander
Stefano Tomat
Civilian Planning and Conduct Capability
Reports to High Representative
Seat NEO Building, Rue d'Arlon, Brussels, Belgium

The Managing Director of the Civilian Planning and Conduct Capability (MD.CPCC) is the head of the European External Action Service's (EEAS) Civilian Planning and Conduct Capability (CPCC) who also serves as Civilian Operations Commander (CivOpsCdr). The CivOpsCdr exercises command and control at strategic level for the operational planning and conduct of all civilian crisis management missions deployed as part of the European Union's (EU) security and defence policy (CSDP). The CivOpsCdr is assisted by a staff of 120 policy experts. [1]


Role within the command and control structure

The EU command and control (C2) structure is directed by political bodies composed of member states' representatives, and generally requires unanimous decisions. As of April 2019: [2]

Liaison:       Advice and recommendations       Support and monitoring       Preparatory work     
Political strategic level: [5]
ISS EUCO Pres. (EUCO) Chain of command
INTCEN HR/VP (PMG) HR/VP (PSC) [6] Coat of arms of Europe.svg Coat of arms of the European Union Military Committee.svg
Golden star.svg Golden star.svg Golden star.svg Golden star.svg
CMPD Coat of arms of the European Union Military Staff.svg
Golden star.svg Golden star.svg Golden star.svg
Military/civilian strategic level:
Coat of arms of the European Union Military Staff.svg
Golden star.svg Golden star.svg Golden star.svg
Dir MPCC [3] ( MPCC )
JSCC Civ OpCdr CPCC [1]
Operational level:
MFCdr [4] (MFHQ)HoM [1]
Tactical level:
CC [2] LandCC [2] AirCC [2] MarOther CCs [2]

1 In the event of a CSDP Civilian Mission also being in the field, the relations with the Civilian Planning and Conduct Capability (CPCC) and its Civilian Operation Commander (Civ OpCdr), as well as the subordinate Head of Mission (HoM), are coordinated as shown.
2 Other Component Commanders (CCs) and service branches which may be established.
3 The MPCC is part of the EUMS and Dir MPCC is double-hatted as DGEUMS. Unless the MPCC is used as Operation Headquarters (OHQ), either a national OHQ offered by member states or the NATO Command Structure (NCS) would serve this purpose. In the latter instance, Deputy Supreme Allied Commander Europe (DSACEUR), rather than Dir MPCC, would serve as Operation Commander (OpCdr).
4 Unless the MPCC is used as Operation Headquarters (OHQ), the MFCdr would be known as a Force Commander (FCdr), and direct a Force Headquarters (FHQ) rather than a MFHQ. Whereas the MFHQ would act both on the operational and tactical level, the FHQ would act purely on the operational level.
5 The political strategic level is not part of the C2 structure per se, but represents the political bodies, with associated support facilities, that determine the missions' general direction. The Council determines the role of the High Representative (HR/VP), who serves as Vice-President of the European Commission, attends European Council meetings, chairs the Foreign Affairs Council (FAC) and may chair the Political and Security Committee (PSC) in times of crisis. The HR/VP proposes and implements CSDP decisions.
6 Same composition as Committee of Permanent Representatives (COREPER) II, which also prepares for the CSDP-related work of the FAC.

See also


  1. "The Civilian Planning and Conduct Capability (CPCC) | EEAS". Retrieved 2025-02-12.
  2. EU Command and Control, p. 13, Military Staff