Director of the United States Mint

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Director of United States Mint
Ventris C. Gibson, U.S. Mint Deputy Director.jpg
Ventris Gibson
since June 22, 2022
Appointer President of the United States
Term length 5 years
FormationApril 1792
First holder David Rittenhouse
Seal of the United States Mint. Seal of the United States Mint.svg
Seal of the United States Mint.

The director of the United States Mint is the chief officer of the United States Mint. It is a presidential appointment that requires a Senate confirmation. The incumbent is Ventris Gibson, who became director of the Mint on June 22, 2022, after serving in acting capacity.


When the position of the director is vacant, the senior career (non-political) official of the mint serves as the acting director. Until the appointment of Ryder as director, the Mint had been without an official director since the resignation of Edmund C. Moy in 2011. Richard A. Peterson succeeded Moy. Peterson served between January 2011 and March 2017. The longest serving director was Nellie Ross. Ross, who had earlier been the first female governor in American history while serving the state of Wyoming, was director from 1933 until 1953.

In July 2015, Matthew Rhett Jeppson was nominated by President Barack Obama to become the Mint's 39th director and was given the temporary title of principal deputy director. However, the nomination was never confirmed by the Senate. Jeppson stepped down as principal deputy director in January 2017, then replaced by acting principal deputy director David Motl.

The office of director has existed since the creation of the Mint by the Coinage Act of 1792. Initially appointed serving at the pleasure of the president of the United States, the Coinage Act of 1873 specified a five-year term for directors. The director operates with general directions provided by the United States Secretary of the Treasury.

List of directors of the United States Mint

No.ImageNameTenureAppointed by
Assumed officeLeft office
1 1814 DavidRittenhouse Polyanthos.png David Rittenhouse April 1792June 1795 Washington
2 Henry William DeSaussure.JPG Henry William de Saussure July 1795October 1795
3 EliasBoudinot.jpg Elias Boudinot October 1795July 1805
4 Robert Patterson (page 172 crop).jpg Robert Patterson January 1806July 1824 Jefferson
5 Samuel moore.jpg Samuel Moore July 1824July 1835 Monroe
6 Robert Maskell Patterson.jpg Robert Maskell Patterson May 1835July 1851 Jackson
7 George N. Eckert.jpg George Nicholas Eckert July 1851April 1853 Fillmore
8 Thomas M. Pettit April 1853May 1853 Pierce
9 JamesRossSnowden.JPG James Ross Snowden June 1853May 1861
10 JamesPollock.JPG James Pollock May 1861September 1866 Lincoln
11 William Millward October 1866April 1867 Johnson
12 Ca1865-1880-LOC-Hon-H-R-Linderman-single-portrait.jpg Henry Linderman April 1867May 1869
13 JamesPollock.JPG James Pollock May 1869March 1873 Grant
14 Ca1865-1880-LOC-Hon-H-R-Linderman-single-portrait.jpg Henry Linderman April 1873December 1878
15 HoratioCBurchard.jpg Horatio C. Burchard February 1879June 1885 Hayes
16 James P. Kimball July 1885October 1889 Cleveland
17 Edward O Leech.jpg Edward O. Leech October 1889May 1893 Harrison
18 Preston medal.png Robert E. Preston November 1893February 1898 Cleveland
19 George Evan Roberts in 1917.jpg George E. Roberts February 1898July 1907 McKinley
20 Frank A Leach.jpg Frank A. Leach September 1907August 1909 Roosevelt, T.
21 Abram Piatt Andrew 1909.jpg A. Piatt Andrew November 1909June 1910 Taft
22 George Evan Roberts in 1917.jpg George E. Roberts July 1910November 1914
23 Robert W. Woolley on the phone.jpg Robert W. Woolley March 1915July 1916 Wilson
24 Von engelken.png Friedrich Johannes Hugo von Engelken September 1916March 1917
25 BAKER, RAY LCCN2016859478.jpg Raymond T. Baker March 1917March 1922
26 Frank Edgar Scobey.jpg Frank Edgar Scobey March 1922September 1923 Harding
27 Robert J. Grant, Supt. of the Denver Mint, has been appt. by Pres. to be Dir. of the mint succeeding F.E. Scobey LCCN2016892799 (cropped).tif Robert J. Grant November 1923May 1933 Coolidge
28 PrNellieRoss.jpg Nellie Tayloe Ross May 3, 1933April 1953 Roosevelt, F.
29 William H. Brett July 1954January 1961 Eisenhower
30 Eva Adams medal.jpeg Eva Adams October 1961August 1969 Kennedy
31 Mary Brooks (cropped).jpg Mary Brooks September 1969February 1977 Nixon
32 Stella Hackel.JPG Stella Hackel Sims November 1, 1977April 1, 1981 Carter
33 Donna Pope - 51st District - Ohio House of Representatives 109th General Assembly - DPLA - 5586be78567b1fe89fca76f0a79cfcb8 (page 10) (cropped).jpg Donna Pope September 10, 1981August 1991 Reagan
34 David J. Ryder official photo (cropped).jpg David J. Ryder September 1992November 24, 1993 Bush, G. H. W.
35 Philip N. Diehl June 1994March 2000 Clinton
36 Jaywjohnson.gif Jay W. Johnson May 2000August 2001
37 Henrietta H Fore.jpg Henrietta H. Fore August 2001August 2, 2005 Bush, G. W.
38 Edmund moy treasury 985.jpg Edmund C. Moy September 5, 2006January 9, 2011
Richard A. Peterson (Mint).jpg Richard A. Peterson January 2011March 2017 Obama
39 David J. Ryder official photo (cropped).jpg David J. Ryder April 12, 2018October 1, 2021 Trump
40 Ventris C. Gibson, U.S. Mint Deputy Director.jpg Ventris Gibson June 22, 2022Incumbent Biden

See also
