Douglas Schemske

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Douglas Schemske is an evolutionary ecologist who made major contributions to research on pollination, [1] the latitudinal gradient in species diversity, [2] the evolution of polyploidy, [3] and plant mating systems. [4]



Doug Schemske received his Ph.D. from the University of Illinois in 1977 [5] and was a postdoctoral fellow at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute. He held academic positions at Amherst College, the University of Chicago and the University of Washington, prior to joining Michigan State University in 2001, where he worked for the rest of his career. [6] He was elected vice president of the American Society of Naturalists in 2009. [7]


Mimulus lewisii Mimulus lewisii p1080904.jpg
Mimulus lewisii

Schemske's research investigated the ecological factors that contribute to adaptation and speciation, and the genetic architecture of adaptive traits. [5] He used plants as model study systems, and conducted creative and sometimes long term experiments to test evolutionary theory. Schemske's work on the plant genus Mimulus is particularly well known. With long-term collaborator Tony Bradshaw, he bred two Mimulus species together to create a wide array of flower shapes and colours, and was able to show that evolutionary transitions from bee pollination to hummingbird pollination could happen via a small number of genetic changes. [1] [8]

Later in his career Schemske became interested in the ecological and evolutionary processes that create the dramatic increase in diversity from the poles to equator, known as the latitudinal diversity gradient. With Gary Mittlebach and other collaborators, Schemske wrote influential reviews of these processes that inspired extensive research. [2] [9] In particular, he drew attention to the potential role of biotic interactions in driving evolutionary diversification in the tropics. [9] [10]

With then-PhD student Amy Angert, Schemske used reciprocal transplant experiments and experimental evolution to study the processes that limit species' geographic ranges, again using Mimulus. [11]

Awards and honours

In 1986, less than 10 years after his PhD, Schemske won the Mercer Award from the Ecological Society of America, [12] for "an outstanding ecological research paper published within the past two years by a younger researcher" for his 1984 paper [13] on population structure in an annual plant. In 2002 he received the Distinguished Naturalist Award (then known as the E. O. Wilson Naturalist Award) from the American Society of Naturalists. [14] The award citation says [15]

"He not only dwells on the beautiful and enlightening details of living organisms, but he crafts these details into important and broad conceptual insights that inform many natural systems. He won the It is this deep understanding of natural history that makes Douglas Schemke's work so remarkable".

In 2003 he was elected to the US American Academy of Arts and Sciences. [16] Schemske was elected to the US National Academy of Sciences in May 2017 in honour of his distinguished research achievements in population biology and evolutionary ecology. [5]

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Maria R. Servedio is a Canadian-American professor at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Her research spans a wide range of topics in evolutionary biology from sexual selection to evolution of behavior. She largely approaches these topics using mathematical models. Her current research interests include speciation and reinforcement, mate choice, and learning with a particular focus on evolutionary mechanisms that promote premating (prezygotic) isolation. Through integrative approaches and collaborations, she uses mathematical models along with experimental, genetic, and comparative techniques to draw conclusions on how evolution occurs. She has published extensively on these topics and has more than 50 peer-reviewed articles. She served as Vice President in 2018 of the American Society of Naturalists, and has been elected to serve as President in 2023.

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Pollinator-mediated selection</span> Process in which pollenators effects a plants evolution

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In biology, parallel speciation is a type of speciation where there is repeated evolution of reproductively isolating traits via the same mechanisms occurring between separate yet closely related species inhabiting different environments. This leads to a circumstance where independently evolved lineages have developed reproductive isolation from their ancestral lineage, but not from other independent lineages that inhabit similar environments. In order for parallel speciation to be confirmed, there is a set of three requirements that has been established that must be met: there must be phylogenetic independence between the separate populations inhabiting similar environments to ensure that the traits responsible for reproductive isolation evolved separately, there must be reproductive isolation not only between the ancestral population and the descendent population, but also between descendent populations that inhabit dissimilar environments, and descendent populations that inhabit similar environments must not be reproductively isolated from one another. To determine if natural selection specifically is the cause of parallel speciation, a fourth requirement has been established that includes identifying and testing an adaptive mechanism, which eliminates the possibility of a genetic factor such as polyploidy being the responsible agent.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Amy Angert</span> Evolutionary biologist

Professor Amy Angert is a population ecologist and evolutionary ecologist, working in the Botany and Zoology departments and Biodiversity Research Centre at the University of British Columbia. Her research is known for pioneering experimental approaches to study species geographic distributions.


  1. 1 2 Schemske, Douglas W.; Bradshaw, H. D. (1999-10-12). "Pollinator preference and the evolution of floral traits in monkeyflowers ( Mimulus )". Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 96 (21): 11910–11915. Bibcode:1999PNAS...9611910S. doi: 10.1073/pnas.96.21.11910 . ISSN   0027-8424. PMC   18386 . PMID   10518550.
  2. 1 2 Mittelbach, Gary G.; Schemske, Douglas W.; Cornell, Howard V.; Allen, Andrew P.; Brown, Jonathan M.; Bush, Mark B.; Harrison, Susan P.; Hurlbert, Allen H.; Knowlton, Nancy; Lessios, Harilaos A.; McCain, Christy M.; McCune, Amy R.; McDade, Lucinda A.; McPeek, Mark A.; Near, Thomas J. (April 2007). "Evolution and the latitudinal diversity gradient: speciation, extinction and biogeography". Ecology Letters. 10 (4): 315–331. Bibcode:2007EcolL..10..315M. doi: 10.1111/j.1461-0248.2007.01020.x . ISSN   1461-023X. PMID   17355570.
  3. Ramsey, Justin; Schemske, Douglas W. (November 1998). "Pathways, Mechanisms, and Rates of Polyploid Formation in Flowering Plants". Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics. 29 (1): 467–501. doi:10.1146/annurev.ecolsys.29.1.467. ISSN   0066-4162.
  4. Lande, Russell; Schemske, Douglas W. (January 1985). "THE EVOLUTION OF SELF‐FERTILIZATION AND INBREEDING DEPRESSION IN PLANTS. I. GENETIC MODELS". Evolution. 39 (1): 24–40. doi: 10.1111/j.1558-5646.1985.tb04077.x . ISSN   0014-3820. PMID   28563655. S2CID   10832452.
  5. 1 2 3 "Douglas W. Schemske". Retrieved 2023-11-18.
  6. "Douglas W. Schemske | Honored Faculty | Michigan State University". Retrieved 2023-11-18.
  7. "Past Officers of the ASN". Retrieved 2023-11-18.
  8. Bradshaw, H. D.; Schemske, Douglas W. (November 2003). "Allele substitution at a flower colour locus produces a pollinator shift in monkeyflowers". Nature. 426 (6963): 176–178. Bibcode:2003Natur.426..176B. doi:10.1038/nature02106. ISSN   1476-4687. PMID   14614505. S2CID   4350778.
  9. 1 2 Schemske, Douglas W.; Mittelbach, Gary G.; Cornell, Howard V.; Sobel, James M.; Roy, Kaustuv (2009-12-01). "Is There a Latitudinal Gradient in the Importance of Biotic Interactions?". Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics. 40 (1): 245–269. doi:10.1146/annurev.ecolsys.39.110707.173430. ISSN   1543-592X.
  10. Schemske, Douglas W. (2009). "Biotic interactions and speciation in the tropics." Speciation and patterns of diversity. pp. 219–239.
  11. Angert, A. L.; Schemske, D. W. (August 2005). "THE EVOLUTION OF SPECIES' DISTRIBUTIONS: RECIPROCAL TRANSPLANTS ACROSS THE ELEVATION RANGES OF MIMULUS CARDINALIS AND M. LEWISII". Evolution. 59 (8): 1671–1684. doi:10.1111/j.0014-3820.2005.tb01817.x. ISSN   0014-3820. PMID   16329239. S2CID   24554218.
  12. "George Mercer Award – Historical Records Committee | Ecological Society of America" . Retrieved 2023-11-18.
  13. Schemske, Douglas W. (1984). "Population Structure and Local Selection in Impatiens pallida (Balsaminaceae), A Selfing Annual". Evolution. 38 (4): 817–832. doi:10.2307/2408393. ISSN   0014-3820. JSTOR   2408393. PMID   28555822.
  14. "Awards". Retrieved 2023-11-18.
  15. "Announcements". The American Naturalist. 160 (6): iii–vii. December 2002. doi:10.1086/345393. ISSN   0003-0147.
  16. "Douglas W. Schemske". American Academy of Arts & Sciences. 2023-09-13. Retrieved 2023-11-18.