Dutch Confederation of Trade Unions

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Dutch Confederation of Trade Unions
Nederlands Verbond van Vakverenigingen
Merged into FNV

The Dutch Confederation of Trade Unions (Dutch : Nederlands Verbond van Vakverenigingen, NVV) was a Dutch social-democratic trade union.



The NVV was founded in 1906 as a merger of fifteen smaller unions, as a result of the inability of the previous unions to control the radical elements of the workers movement in the railworkers' strike of 1903. The NVV was led by Henri Polak, who was a prominent member of the socialist Social Democratic Workers' Party.

During World War II the NVV was taken over by the German occupiers, its Dutch leader was Henk Woudenberg. Under the German occupation the NVV was transformed into a Nazi union. After the war these influences were purged and the NVV cooperated tightly with the centre left government to create a welfare state based on the principles of corporatism.

In the 1970s NVV membership began to decline due to depillarisation. Under the leadership of Wim Kok the NVV attempted to form a federation with the Protestant Christian National Trade Union Federation (CNV) and the Catholic Dutch Catholic Trade Union Federation (NKV) which could strengthen all three. The CNV, however, left the talks in 1973. In 1976 the NVV and the NKV merged to form the Federation of Dutch Trade Unions (FNV).


The NVV started out as a socialist union, in favour of class struggle, workers' ownership of the means of production, and the use of strikes. After the second world war it began to moderate its tone, becoming, social-democratic and cooperating in the creation of a welfare state and a corporatist economy.


The NVV has close formal, ideological and personal links with the socialist Social Democratic Workers' Party and later with the social-democratic PvdA. Together with the socialist VARA and several other organizations they formed the socialist pillar.


1906: Henri Polak
1909: Jan Oudegeest
1919: Roel Stenhuis
1929: Evert Kupers
1940: Henk Woudenberg
1942: Vacant
1945: Evert Kupers
1949: Henk Oosterhuis
1956: Kees van Wingerden
1959: Derk Roemers
1965: André Kloos
1971: Harry ter Heide
1972: Wim Kok


UnionAbbreviationFoundedLeftReason not a member [1] Membership (1921) [2] Membership (1964) [3]
Association of Captains and Officers of the Merchant NavyVKO1970Merged into FMVN/A
Central Dutch Union of Civil Servants CNAB19191946Merged into ABVA10,122N/A
Central Organisation of Merchant Navy OfficersCKO19221955Merged into CKVN/AN/A
Central Organisation of Sailors and Fishermen CKV19561967Merged into FWZN/A10,818
Central Union of Transport Workers CBT19171955Merged into NBV20,550N/A
Dutch Barbers' and Hairdressers' Union18911947Merged into ANBH266N/A
Dutch Litho-, Photo- and Chemographers' Union NLFCB19121945Merged into ANGB1,536N/A
Dutch Painters' Assistants' Union NSGB19051941Merged into ANB6,076N/A
Dutch Musical Artists' Union NTB19191963Disaffiliated513N/A
Dutch Police Union NPB19461981Transferred to FNVN/A7,049
Dutch Union of Glass and Pottery WorkersNVvGA19071926Merged into ABC2,670N/A
Dutch Union of Hotel, Restaurant and Cafe Workers NBHCR19191981Transferred to FNV3,2406,208
Dutch Union of Insurance Agents and CollectorsANBVZI19191947Merged into MercuriusN/AN/A
Dutch Union of Personnel in Government Service NBPO19201946Merged into ABVA15,233N/A
Dutch Association of Railway and Tramway Employees NV18861955Merged into NBV20,784N/A
Dutch Union of Workers in Meat and Related Industries1948Merged into ABVG1,219N/A
Federation of Maritime Workers FWZ19671981Transferred to FNVN/AN/A
General Diamond Workers' Union of the Netherlands ANDB18941958Merged into ANMB9,543N/A
General Dutch Construction Union ANB19201970Merged into ANBH18,88576,400
General Dutch Industrial Union of Agriculture ANAB19091970Merged into AVB13,52132,114
General Dutch Industrial Union of the Mining Industry ANBM19091970Merged into ABC2,8702,002
General Dutch Industrial Union of the Tobacco Industry ANBTI18871969Merged into ABC7,5522,422
General Dutch Metalworkers' Union ANMB18861972Merged into IB-NVV21,048107,478
General Dutch Pavers' Union1915Merged into ANB670N/A
General Dutch Plasterers' UnionANSB19031941Merged into ANB1,300N/A
General Dutch Printing Union ANGB19451981Transferred to FNVN/A29,097
General Dutch Typographers' Union ANTB18661945Merged into ANGB10,538N/A
General Dutch Union of Domestic Workers ANBH19301954Merged into ABC514N/A
General Dutch Union of the Building and Wood Industries ANBH19701981Merged into BHBN/AN/A
General Dutch Union of Trade and Office Workers ANBHK19051940Merged into Mercurius4,932N/A
General Union of the Food and Stimulant Industries ABVG19481970Merged into AVBN/A12,956
General Dutch Union of Workers in the Baking, Chocolate and Sugar Working Industries 19081948Merged into ABVG5,122N/A
General Industrial Union of Furniture Makers and Woodworkers ABMH18711970Merged into ANBH5,7609,347
General Industrial Union of Textiles and Clothing ABTK18951972Merged into IB-NVV6,00918,444
General Union of Artists19641981Transferred to FNVN/A386
General Union of Civil Servants ABVA19461980Merged into ABVA-KABON/A87,190
General Union of Education Personnel ABOP19661981Transferred to FNVN/AN/A
General Union of Miscellaneous Industries ABC19071972Merged into IB-NVV17,44946,161
General Union of Pharmaceutical AssistantsAAAB18901980Transferred to FNVN/A1,006
Industrial Union of Agriculture and Food AVB19701981Merged into VOEBN/AN/A
Industrial Workers' Union NVV IB-NVV19721981Merged into IBN/AN/A
Navvies' UnionMerged into ANB2,221N/A
Mercurius Mercurius19401981Merged into DIBON/A31,030
Dutch Transport Workers' Union NBV19561982Merged into VBN/A45,534
Union of the Clothing Industry19011942Merged into ABTK5,803N/A
Union of Dental TechniciansN/AN/A
Union of Dutch Captains and Mates in the Merchant NavyVNGSK19011922Merged into CKON/A
Union of Dutch Teachers BNO18741946Merged into NOVN/AN/A
Union of Foremen and Technical and Supervisory Personnel665N/A
Union of Marine EngineersVVS19131922Merged into CKON/A
Union of the Merchant NavyN/A


  1. Ebbinghaus, Bernhard; Visser, Jelle (2000). Trade Unions in Western Europe Since 1945. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 463–467. ISBN   0333771125.
  2. "Aantal leden per Provincie per 1 Januari 1921". Het NVV in 1920: 28. 1921. Retrieved 22 October 2020.
  3. Directory of Labor Organizations: Europe. Vol. 2. Washington DC: United States Department of Labor. 1965. p. 20.120.9.