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Developer(s) University of Granada
Type Neural network
License GNU GPL 3
Website https://code.google.com/p/edlut/

EDLUT (Event-Driven LookUp Table) is a computer application for simulating networks of spiking neurons. It was developed in the University of Granada and source code was released under GNU GPL version 3.

EDLUT uses event-driven simulation scheme and lookup tables to efficiently simulate medium or large spiking neural networks. [1] This allows this application to simulate detailed biological neuron models [2] [3] and to interface with experimental setups (such as a robotic arm [4] [5] ) in real time.

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  1. Ros, E. Carrillo, R, Ortigosa, E. M., Barbour, B, Agís, R. "Event-Driven Simulation Scheme for Spiking Neural Networks Using Lookup Tables to Characterize Neuronal Dynamics" Archived 2007-10-20 at archive.today Neural Computation18: 2959–2993 (2006)
  2. Ros, E., Carrillo, R. R., Barbour, B., Boucheny, C., Coenen., O. "Event-driven simulation of neural population synchronization facilitated by electrical coupling" IPCAT'2005: Sixth International Workshop on Information Processing in Cell and Tissues: 290–303, York, UK. August 30-September 1, 2005
  3. Carrillo, R.R., Ros, E., Tolu, S., Nieus, T., D'Angelo, E. "Event-driven simulation of cerebellar granule cells" 7th International workshop on information processing in cell and tissues (IPCAT'2007) 29–31 August 2007, Oxford, UK
  4. Boucheny, C. Carrillo, R., Ros, E., Coenen, O. J.-M. "Real-Time Spiking Neural Network: An Adaptive Cerebellar Model" 8th International Work Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (IWANN 2005) 136–144. Vilanova I la Geltrú, Barcelona, Spain, June 8–10, 2005. ( ISBN   978-3-540-26208-4).