Edward Tannur

Last updated
  1. "Profil Edward Tannur, Anggota DPR yang Dinonaktifkan Usai Sang Anak Jadi Tersangka Penganiayaan" [Profile of Edward Tannur, DPR member who was Non-activated Upon His Son Becoming Alleged of Persecution] (in Indonesian). 10 October 2023.
  2. "PKB Tak Tolerir Kasus Ronald Tannur: Bapaknya, Edward Tannur Kita Nonaktifkan" [PKB Does Not Tolerate Ronald Tannur Case: His Father, Edward Tannur, We Non-activate]. kumparan.com (in Indonesian). kumparanNEWS. 29 July 2024. Retrieved 31 July 2024.
  3. Mahendra, Khumar; Andryanto, S. Dian (8 October 2023). "Profil Edward Tannur, Ayah Gregorius Ronald Tannur Tersangka Pembunuh Dini Sera Afrianti" [Profile of Edward Tannur, Father of Gregorius Ronald Tannur, Alleged to be the Killer of Dini Sera Afrianti]. nasional.tempo.co (in Indonesian). Nasional tempo. Retrieved 2 September 2024.
  4. "7 Anggota Keluarga Hary Tanoe Gagal Total di Pemilu 2024" [7 Members of Hary Tanoe's Family Totally Fails in 2024 Election] (in Indonesian). CNN Indonesia. 22 February 2024. Anak-anak Hary Tanoe lainnya yang ikut nyaleg adalah Valencia Tanoesoedibjo di DKI Jakarta III (6.589 suara), dan Jessica Tanoesoedibjo di NTT II (1.648 suara).[Hary Tanoe's other children that competed legislatively are Valencia Tanoesoedibjo in DKI Jakarta III (6,589 votes), and Jessica Tanoesoedibjo in NTT II (1,648 votes).]
  5. "Perjalanan Kasus Ronald Tannur, Lindas Tubuh Pacar dengan Mobil hingga Buat Laporan Palsu, Kini Divonis Bebas" [Journey of Ronald Tannur Case, Running Over His Partner to Making False Report, Now Declared Free]. surabaya.kompas.id (in Indonesian). 25 July 2024. 'Terdakwa tidak terbukti secara sah dan meyakinkan sebagaimana dalam dakwaan pertama Pasal 338 KUHP atau kedua Pasal 351 ayat (3) KUHP atau ketiga Pasal 359 KUHP dan 351 ayat (1) KUHP,' katanya saat membacakan putusan. Karena itu, hakim meminta jaksa membebaskan terdakwa dari segala dakwaan.["Convicted unofficially and agreeing what is in the first charge, Indonesian Criminal Code (KUHP) Article 338 or second, Article 351 verse (3) or third, Article 359 and 351 verse (1) of the Indonesian Criminal Code", he said while reading decision. Because of that, judge asks the trial to free the charged from any charges.]
Edward Tannur
Edward Tannur.jpg
Member of the House of Representatives of Indonesia
Assumed office
1 October 2009