Estonian Underwater Federation (abbreviation EUF; Estonian : Eesti Allveeliit) is one of the sport governing bodies in Estonia which deals with underwater sports. [1]
EUF is a member of World Underwater Federation (CMS) and Estonian Olympic Committee. [1]
The Israeli Diving Federation (TIDF) is a non-governmental SCUBA diving training organization based in Israel.
The Federazione Italiana Attività Subacquee (FIAS) is an Italian non-profit diver training organization. It is a member of:
The European Underwater Federation (EUF) is an umbrella organisation representing the interests of scuba diver training organisations operating in both the not for profit and for profit sectors within Europe.
EUF may refer to:
Comhairle Fo-Thuinn, also known as Irish Underwater Council (IUC) and trading as Diving Ireland, is the national governing body for recreational diving and underwater sports in Ireland.
CMAS Europe is an organisation created expressly to represent the interests of Confédération Mondiale des Activités Subaquatiques (CMAS) within the European Union and in other parts of Europe by European national diving federations affiliated to CMAS.
The European Diving Technology Committee eV. (EDTC) is an association registered in Kiel, Federal Republic of Germany for the purpose of making professional diving safer by creating international standards. Membership is open to all countries of the continent of Europe, with each country having one representative from the medical, industrial, government and trade union sectors. Some major diving industry associations are also involved. As of May 2016, 22 nations and 6 international non-governmental organisations were represented in the EDTC.
Eesti Ujumisliit is the governing body of swimming in Estonia. It is a non-profit organization that was founded in 1922 under the name of "Eesti Kerge-, Raske- ja Veespordiliit". It joined FINA in 1927 and LEN in 1929. In 1934, Eesti Veespordi Liit was founded. During the Soviet occupation, federation was closed and was re-founded in 1990 under the new name "Eesti Ujumisliit". In 1991, the federation was reinstated to FINA and LEN.
Estonian Shooting Sport Federation is one of the sport governing bodies in Estonia which deals with Estonian shooting sport. Besides this federation, also Estonian Practical Shooting Association is operating in Estonia.
Estonian Handball Association is one of the sport governing bodies in Estonia which deals with handball.
Estonian Wrestling Federation is one of the sport governing bodies in Estonia which deals with wrestling.
Estonian Badminton Federation is one of the sport governing bodies in Estonia which deals with badminton.
Estonian Archery Federation is one of the sport governing bodies in Estonia which deals with archery.
Estonian Gymnastics Federation is one of the sport governing bodies in Estonia which deals with gymnastics.
Estonian Volleyball Federation is one of the sport governing bodies in Estonia which deals with volleyball.
Estonian Canoeing Federation is one of the sport governing bodies in Estonia which deals with canoeing.
Estonian Weightlifting Federation is one of the sport governing bodies in Estonia which deals with weightlifting.
Estonian Karate Federation is one of the sport governing bodies in Estonia which deals with karate.
Estonian Rollerskating Federation is one of the sport governing bodies in Estonia which deals with roller sports.