Euclidean relation

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In mathematics, Euclidean relations are a class of binary relations that formalize "Axiom 1" in Euclid's Elements: "Magnitudes which are equal to the same are equal to each other."



Right Euclidean property: solid and dashed arrows indicate antecedents and consequents, respectively. Euclidean.PNG
Right Euclidean property: solid and dashed arrows indicate antecedents and consequents, respectively.

A binary relation R on a set X is Euclidean (sometimes called right Euclidean) if it satisfies the following: for every a, b, c in X, if a is related to b and c, then b is related to c. [1] To write this in predicate logic:

Dually, a relation R on X is left Euclidean if for every a, b, c in X, if b is related to a and c is related to a, then b is related to c:


Schematized right Euclidean relation according to property 10. Deeply-colored squares indicate the equivalence classes of R'. Pale-colored rectangles indicate possible relationships of elements in X\ran(R). In these rectangles, relationships may, or may not, hold. Right Euclidean relation scheme svg.svg
Schematized right Euclidean relation according to property 10. Deeply-colored squares indicate the equivalence classes of R. Pale-colored rectangles indicate possible relationships of elements in X\ran(R). In these rectangles, relationships may, or may not, hold.
  1. Due to the commutativity of ∧ in the definition's antecedent, aRbaRc even implies bRccRb when R is right Euclidean. Similarly, bRacRa implies bRccRb when R is left Euclidean.
  2. The property of being Euclidean is different from transitivity. For example, ≤ is transitive, but not right Euclidean, [2] while xRy defined by 0 ≤ xy + 1 ≤ 2 is not transitive, [3] but right Euclidean on natural numbers.
  3. For symmetric relations, transitivity, right Euclideanness, and left Euclideanness all coincide. However, a non-symmetric relation can also be both transitive and right Euclidean, for example, xRy defined by y=0.
  4. A relation that is both right Euclidean and reflexive is also symmetric and therefore an equivalence relation. [1] [4] Similarly, each left Euclidean and reflexive relation is an equivalence.
  5. The range of a right Euclidean relation is always a subset [5] of its domain. The restriction of a right Euclidean relation to its range is always reflexive, [6] and therefore an equivalence. Similarly, the domain of a left Euclidean relation is a subset of its range, and the restriction of a left Euclidean relation to its domain is an equivalence. Therefore, a right Euclidean relation on X that is also right total (respectively a left Euclidean relation on X that is also left total) is an equivalence, since its range (respectively its domain) is X. [7]
  6. A relation R is both left and right Euclidean, if, and only if, the domain and the range set of R agree, and R is an equivalence relation on that set. [8]
  7. A right Euclidean relation is always quasitransitive, [9] as is a left Euclidean relation. [10]
  8. A connected right Euclidean relation is always transitive; [11] and so is a connected left Euclidean relation. [12]
  9. If X has at least 3 elements, a connected right Euclidean relation R on X cannot be antisymmetric, [13] and neither can a connected left Euclidean relation on X. [14] On the 2-element set X = { 0, 1 }, e.g. the relation xRy defined by y=1 is connected, right Euclidean, and antisymmetric, and xRy defined by x=1 is connected, left Euclidean, and antisymmetric.
  10. A relation R on a set X is right Euclidean if, and only if, the restriction R := R|ran(R) is an equivalence and for each x in X\ran(R), all elements to which x is related under R are equivalent under R. [15] Similarly, R on X is left Euclidean if, and only if, R := R|dom(R) is an equivalence and for each x in X\dom(R), all elements that are related to x under R are equivalent under R.
  11. A left Euclidean relation is left-unique if, and only if, it is antisymmetric. Similarly, a right Euclidean relation is right unique if, and only if, it is anti-symmetric.
  12. A left Euclidean and left unique relation is vacuously transitive, and so is a right Euclidean and right unique relation.
  13. A left Euclidean relation is left quasi-reflexive. For left-unique relations, the converse also holds. Dually, each right Euclidean relation is right quasi-reflexive, and each right unique and right quasi-reflexive relation is right Euclidean. [16]

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  1. 1 2 Fagin, Ronald (2003), Reasoning About Knowledge, MIT Press, p. 60, ISBN   978-0-262-56200-3 .
  2. e.g. 0 ≤ 2 and 0 ≤ 1, but not 2 ≤ 1
  3. e.g. 2R1 and 1R0, but not 2R0
  4. xRy and xRx implies yRx.
  5. Equality of domain and range isn't necessary: the relation xRy defined by y=min{x,2} is right Euclidean on the natural numbers, and its range, {0,1,2}, is a proper subset of its domain of the natural numbers.
  6. If y is in the range of R, then xRyxRy implies yRy, for some suitable x. This also proves that y is in the domain of R.
  7. Buck, Charles (1967), "An Alternative Definition for Equivalence Relations", The Mathematics Teacher, 60 (2): 124–125, doi:10.5951/MT.60.2.0124, JSTOR   27957510 .
  8. The only if direction follows from the previous paragraph. For the if direction, assume aRb and aRc, then a,b,c are members of the domain and range of R, hence bRc by symmetry and transitivity; left Euclideanness of R follows similarly.
  9. If xRy ∧ ¬yRxyRz ∧ ¬zRy holds, then both y and z are in the range of R. Since R is an equivalence on that set, yRz implies zRy. Hence the antecedent of the quasi-transitivity definition formula cannot be satisfied.
  10. A similar argument applies, observing that x,y are in the domain of R.
  11. If xRyyRz holds, then y and z are in the range of R. Since R is connected, xRz or zRx or x=z holds. In case 1, nothing remains to be shown. In cases 2 and 3, also x is in the range. Hence, xRz follows from the symmetry and reflexivity of R on its range, respectively.
  12. Similar, using that x, y are in the domain of R.
  13. Since R is connected, at least two distinct elements x,y are in its range, and xRyyRx holds. Since R is symmetric on its range, even xRyyRx holds. This contradicts the antisymmetry property.
  14. By a similar argument, using the domain of R.
  15. Only if:R is an equivalence as shown above. If xX\ran(R) and xRy1 and xRy2, then y1Ry2 by right Euclideaness, hence y1Ry2. If: if xRyxRz holds, then y,z∈ran(R). In case also x∈ran(R), even xRyxRz holds, hence yRz by symmetry and transitivity of R, hence yRz. In case xX\ran(R), the elements y and z must be equivalent under R by assumption, hence also yRz.
  16. Jochen Burghardt (Nov 2018). Simple Laws about Nonprominent Properties of Binary Relations (Technical Report). arXiv: 1806.05036v2 . Lemma 44-46.