Fish hook theory

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Proponents of Fish Hook Theory argue that the extreme right and the political center are closer to each other than either is to the extreme left

The fish hook theory [1] [2] asserts that the political center and the far-right on the political spectrum are in fact closely related, as centrist parties have been, either directly or indirectly, supportive to far-right, fascist and nazist political parties and politics, through their actions and policies. [3] Thus, the left-right political spectrum actually resembles a fish hook, with the far-left positioned in the eye of the hook, the centre positioned in the middle of the shank and the far-right in the point of the hook. The Weimar Republic is one of the many historical examples.

The theory was created in response to the horseshoe theory, which compares the similar tactics of the far-left to the far-right, despite having somewhat opposing beliefs. While there have been cases made for the fish hook theory, it is has not been widely studied in political theory and it mostly inhabits popular discourse, as a means of satire intended to discredit the horseshoe theory.

See also


  1. Berlatsky, Noah (February 9, 2018). "Let's Put an End to 'Horseshoe Theory' Once and for All". Pacific Standard .
  2. Lynch, Beth (October 8, 2017). "Fish Hook Theory Is Real". The Progressive Army.
  3. Choat, Simon (May 12, 2017). "'Horseshoe theory' is nonsense – the far right and far left have little in common". The Conversation (US) .