Fixed-point computation

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Fixed-point computation refers to the process of computing an exact or approximate fixed point of a given function. [1] In its most common form, the given function satisfies the condition to the Brouwer fixed-point theorem: that is, is continuous and maps the unit d-cube to itself. The Brouwer fixed-point theorem guarantees that has a fixed point, but the proof is not constructive. Various algorithms have been devised for computing an approximate fixed point. Such algorithms are used in economics for computing a market equilibrium, in game theory for computing a Nash equilibrium, and in dynamic system analysis.



The graph of an example function with three fixed points Fixed point example.svg
The graph of an example function with three fixed points

The unit interval is denoted by , and the unit d-dimensional cube is denoted by . A continuous function is defined on (from to itself). Often, it is assumed that is not only continuous but also Lipschitz continuous, that is, for some constant , for all in .

A fixed point of is a point in such that . By the Brouwer fixed-point theorem, any continuous function from to itself has a fixed point. But for general functions, it is impossible to compute a fixed point precisely, since it can be an arbitrary real number. Fixed-point computation algorithms look for approximate fixed points. There are several criteria for an approximate fixed point. Several common criteria are: [2]

For Lipschitz-continuous functions, the absolute criterion is stronger than the residual criterion: If is Lipschitz-continuous with constant , then implies . Since is a fixed-point of , this implies , so . Therefore, a δ-absolute fixed-point is also an ε-residual fixed-point with .

The most basic step of a fixed-point computation algorithm is a value query: given any in , the[ sentence fragment ]

The function is accessible via evaluation queries: for any , the algorithm can evaluate . The run-time complexity of an algorithm is usually given by the number of required evaluations.

Contractive functions

A Lipschitz-continuous function with constant is called contractive if ; it is called weakly-contractive if . Every contractive function satisfying Brouwer's conditions has a unique fixed point. Moreover, fixed-point computation for contractive functions is easier than for general functions.

Computing a fixed point using function iteration Fixed point anime.gif
Computing a fixed point using function iteration

The first algorithm for fixed-point computation was the fixed-point iteration algorithm of Banach. Banach's fixed-point theorem implies that, when fixed-point iteration is applied to a contraction mapping, the error after iterations is in . Therefore, the number of evaluations required for a -relative fixed-point is approximately . Sikorski and Wozniakowski [4] showed that Banach's algorithm is optimal when the dimension is large. Specifically, when , the number of required evaluations of any algorithm for -relative fixed-point is larger than 50% the number of evaluations required by the iteration algorithm. Note that when approaches 1, the number of evaluations approaches infinity. No finite algorithm can compute a -absolute fixed point for all functions with . [5]

When < 1 and d = 1, the optimal algorithm is the Fixed Point Envelope (FPE) algorithm of Sikorski and Wozniakowski. [4] It finds a δ-relative fixed point using queries, and a δ-absolute fixed point using queries. This is faster than the fixed-point iteration algorithm. [6]

When but not too large, and , the optimal algorithm is the interior-ellipsoid algorithm (based on the ellipsoid method). [7] It finds an ε-residual fixed-point using evaluations. When , it finds a -absolute fixed point using evaluations.

Shellman and Sikorski [8] presented an algorithm called BEFix (Bisection Envelope Fixed-point) for computing an ε-residual fixed-point of a two-dimensional function with ', using only queries. They later [9] presented an improvement called BEDFix (Bisection Envelope Deep-cut Fixed-point), with the same worst-case guarantee but better empirical performance. When , BEDFix can also compute a -absolute fixed-point using queries.

Shellman and Sikorski [2] presented an algorithm called PFix for computing an ε-residual fixed-point of a d-dimensional function with L ≤ 1, using queries. When < 1, PFix can be executed with , and in that case, it computes a δ-absolute fixed-point, using queries. It is more efficient than the iteration algorithm when is close to 1. The algorithm is recursive: it handles a d-dimensional function by recursive calls on (d-1)-dimensional functions.

Algorithms for differentiable functions

When the function is differentiable, and the algorithm can evaluate its derivative (not only itself), the Newton method can be used and it is much faster. [10] [11]

General functions

For functions with Lipschitz constant > 1, computing a fixed-point is much harder.

One dimension

For a 1-dimensional function (d = 1), a -absolute fixed-point can be found using queries using the bisection method: start with the interval ; at each iteration, let be the center of the current interval, and compute ; if then recurse on the sub-interval to the right of ; otherwise, recurse on the interval to the left of . Note that the current interval always contains a fixed point, so after queries, any point in the remaining interval is a -absolute fixed-point of Setting , where is the Lipschitz constant, gives an ε-residual fixed-point, using queries. [3]

Two or more dimensions

For functions in two or more dimensions, the problem is much more challenging. Shellman and Sikorski [2] proved that for any integers d ≥ 2 and > 1, finding a δ-absolute fixed-point of d-dimensional -Lipschitz functions might require infinitely many evaluations. The proof idea is as follows. For any integer T > 1 and any sequence of T of evaluation queries (possibly adaptive), one can construct two functions that are Lipschitz-continuous with constant , and yield the same answer to all these queries, but one of them has a unique fixed-point at (x, 0) and the other has a unique fixed-point at (x, 1). Any algorithm using T evaluations cannot differentiate between these functions, so cannot find a δ-absolute fixed-point. This is true for any finite integer T.

Several algorithms based on function evaluations have been developed for finding an ε-residual fixed-point

In the worst case, the number of function evaluations required by all these algorithms is exponential in the binary representation of the accuracy, that is, in .

Query complexity

Hirsch, Papadimitriou and Vavasis proved that [3] any algorithm based on function evaluations, that finds an ε-residual fixed-point of f, requires function evaluations, where is the Lipschitz constant of the function (note that ). More precisely:

  • For a 2-dimensional function (d=2), they prove a tight bound .
  • For any d ≥ 3, finding an ε-residual fixed-point of a d-dimensional function requires queries and queries.

The latter result leaves a gap in the exponent. Chen and Deng [18] closed the gap. They proved that, for any d ≥ 2 and and , the number of queries required for computing an ε-residual fixed-point is in .

Discrete fixed-point computation

A discrete function is a function defined on a subset of (the d-dimensional integer grid). There are several discrete fixed-point theorems, stating conditions under which a discrete function has a fixed point. For example, the Iimura-Murota-Tamura theorem states that (in particular) if is a function from a rectangle subset of to itself, and is hypercubic direction-preserving , then has a fixed point.

Let be a direction-preserving function from the integer cube to itself. Chen and Deng [18] prove that, for any d ≥ 2 and n > 48d, computing such a fixed point requires function evaluations.

Chen and Deng [19] define a different discrete-fixed-point problem, which they call 2D-BROUWER. It considers a discrete function on such that, for every x on the grid, (x) - x is either (0, 1) or (1, 0) or (-1, -1). The goal is to find a square in the grid, in which all three labels occur. The function must map the square to itself, so it must map the lines x = 0 and y = 0 to either (0, 1) or (1, 0); the line x = n to either (-1, -1) or (0, 1); and the line y = n to either (-1, -1) or (1,0). The problem can be reduced to 2D-SPERNER (computing a fully-labeled triangle in a triangulation satisfying the conditions to Sperner's lemma), and therefore it is PPAD-complete. This implies that computing an approximate fixed-point is PPAD-complete even for very simple functions.

Relation between fixed-point computation and root-finding algorithms

Given a function from to R, a root of is a point x in such that (x)=0. An ε-root of g is a point x in such that .

Fixed-point computation is a special case of root-finding: given a function on , define . X is a fixed-point of if and only if x is a root of , and x is an ε-residual fixed-point of if and only if x is an ε-root of . Therefore, any root-finding algorithm (an algorithm that computes an approximate root of a function) can be used to find an approximate fixed-point.

The opposite is not true: finding an approximate root of a general function may be harder than finding an approximate fixed point. In particular, Sikorski [20] proved that finding an ε-root requires function evaluations. This gives an exponential lower bound even for a one-dimensional function (in contrast, an ε-residual fixed-point of a one-dimensional function can be found using queries using the bisection method). Here is a proof sketch. [3] :35 Construct a function that is slightly larger than ε everywhere in except in some small cube around some point x0, where x0 is the unique root of . If is Lipschitz continuous with constant , then the cube around x0 can have a side-length of . Any algorithm that finds an ε-root of must check a set of cubes that covers the entire ; the number of such cubes is at least .

However, there are classes of functions for which finding an approximate root is equivalent to finding an approximate fixed point. One example [18] is the class of functions such that maps to itself (that is: is in for all x in ). This is because, for every such function, the function satisfies the conditions of Brouwer's fixed-point theorem. X is a fixed-point of if and only if x is a root of , and x is an ε-residual fixed-point of if and only if x is an ε-root of . Chen and Deng [18] show that the discrete variants of these problems are computationally equivalent: both problems require function evaluations.

Communication complexity

Roughgarden and Weinstein [21] studied the communication complexity of computing an approximate fixed-point. In their model, there are two agents: one of them knows a function and the other knows a function . Both functions are Lipschitz continuous and satisfy Brouwer's conditions. The goal is to compute an approximate fixed point of the composite function . They show that the deterministic communication complexity is in .

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  2. 1 2 3 Shellman, Spencer; Sikorski, K. (December 2003). "A recursive algorithm for the infinity-norm fixed point problem". Journal of Complexity. 19 (6): 799–834. doi: 10.1016/j.jco.2003.06.001 .
  3. 1 2 3 4 Hirsch, Michael D; Papadimitriou, Christos H; Vavasis, Stephen A (December 1989). "Exponential lower bounds for finding Brouwer fix points". Journal of Complexity. 5 (4): 379–416. doi:10.1016/0885-064X(89)90017-4. S2CID   1727254.
  4. 1 2 Sikorski, K; Woźniakowski, H (December 1987). "Complexity of fixed points, I". Journal of Complexity. 3 (4): 388–405. doi: 10.1016/0885-064X(87)90008-2 .
  5. Sikorski, Krzysztof A. (2001). Optimal Solution of Nonlinear Equations. Oxford University Press. ISBN   978-0-19-510690-9.[ page needed ]
  6. Sikorski, K. (1989). "Fast Algorithms for the Computation of Fixed Points". Robustness in Identification and Control. pp. 49–58. doi:10.1007/978-1-4615-9552-6_4. ISBN   978-1-4615-9554-0.
  7. Huang, Z; Khachiyan, L; Sikorski, K (June 1999). "Approximating Fixed Points of Weakly Contracting Mappings". Journal of Complexity. 15 (2): 200–213. doi: 10.1006/jcom.1999.0504 .
  8. Shellman, Spencer; Sikorski, K. (June 2002). "A Two-Dimensional Bisection Envelope Algorithm for Fixed Points". Journal of Complexity. 18 (2): 641–659. doi: 10.1006/jcom.2001.0625 .
  9. Shellman, Spencer; Sikorski, K. (September 2003). "Algorithm 825: A deep-cut bisection envelope algorithm for fixed points". ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software. 29 (3): 309–325. doi:10.1145/838250.838255. S2CID   7786886.
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  12. Scarf, Herbert (September 1967). "The Approximation of Fixed Points of a Continuous Mapping". SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics. 15 (5): 1328–1343. doi:10.1137/0115116.
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  14. Kuhn, Harold W. (1968). "Simplicial Approximation of Fixed Points". Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 61 (4): 1238–1242. doi: 10.1073/pnas.61.4.1238 . JSTOR   58762. PMC   225246 . PMID   16591723.
  15. Merrill, Orin Harrison (1972). Applications and Extensions of an Algorithm that Computes Fixed Points of Certain Upper Semi-continuous Point to Set Mappings (Thesis). OCLC   570461463. NAID   10006142329.
  16. Eaves, B. Curtis (December 1972). "Homotopies for computation of fixed points". Mathematical Programming. 3–3 (1): 1–22. doi:10.1007/BF01584975. S2CID   39504380.
  17. Gale, David (1979). "The Game of Hex and Brouwer Fixed-Point Theorem". The American Mathematical Monthly. 86 (10): 818–827. doi:10.2307/2320146. JSTOR   2320146.
  18. 1 2 3 4 Chen, Xi; Deng, Xiaotie (2005). "On algorithms for discrete and approximate brouwer fixed points". Proceedings of the thirty-seventh annual ACM symposium on Theory of computing. pp. 323–330. doi:10.1145/1060590.1060638. ISBN   1581139608. S2CID   16942881.
  19. Chen, Xi; Deng, Xiaotie (October 2009). "On the complexity of 2D discrete fixed point problem". Theoretical Computer Science. 410 (44): 4448–4456. doi:10.1016/j.tcs.2009.07.052. S2CID   2831759.
  20. Sikorski, K. (June 1984). "Optimal solution of nonlinear equations satisfying a Lipschitz condition". Numerische Mathematik. 43 (2): 225–240. doi:10.1007/BF01390124. S2CID   120937024.
  21. Roughgarden, Tim; Weinstein, Omri (2016). "On the Communication Complexity of Approximate Fixed Points". 2016 IEEE 57th Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS). pp. 229–238. doi:10.1109/FOCS.2016.32. ISBN   978-1-5090-3933-3. S2CID   87553.

Further reading