Fractional programming

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In mathematical optimization, fractional programming is a generalization of linear-fractional programming. The objective function in a fractional program is a ratio of two functions that are in general nonlinear. The ratio to be optimized often describes some kind of efficiency of a system.



Let be real-valued functions defined on a set . Let . The nonlinear program

where on , is called a fractional program.

Concave fractional programs

A fractional program in which f is nonnegative and concave, g is positive and convex, and S is a convex set is called a concave fractional program. If g is affine, f does not have to be restricted in sign. The linear fractional program is a special case of a concave fractional program where all functions are affine.


The function is semistrictly quasiconcave on S. If f and g are differentiable, then q is pseudoconcave. In a linear fractional program, the objective function is pseudolinear.

Transformation to a concave program

By the transformation , any concave fractional program can be transformed to the equivalent parameter-free concave program [1]

If g is affine, the first constraint is changed to and the assumption that g is positive may be dropped. Also, it simplifies to .


The Lagrangian dual of the equivalent concave program is


  1. Schaible, Siegfried (1974). "Parameter-free Convex Equivalent and Dual Programs". Zeitschrift für Operations Research. 18 (5): 187–196. doi:10.1007/BF02026600. MR   0351464. S2CID   28885670.

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