France's Songs of the Bards of the Tyne - 1850

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Songs of the Bards of the Tyne
Author Joseph Philip Robson (editor)
CountryUnited Kingdom
LanguageEnglish (Geordie dialect)
Genre chapbook
Publisher P. France & Co.
Publication date
Media typePrint
Pagesapprox. 560 pages

Songs of the Bards of the Tyne is a chapbook style songbook, giving the lyrics of local, now historical songs, with a few bits of other information. It was edited by J. P. Robson and published by P. France & Co. in 1850. [1]



Songs of the Bards of the Tyne (full title – “France's Songs of the Bards of the Tyne; A choice selection of original songs, chiefly in the Newcastle Dialect. With a glossary of 800 words. Edited by J. P. Robson, Published by P France & Co., No 8 Side, Newcastle upon Tyne – 1849) is a Chapbook style book of Geordie folk songs consisting of approximately 270 song lyrics on over 560 pages, published in 1850.

It is, as the title suggests, a collection of songs which would have been popular, or topical, at the date of publication. There is very little in the way of biographies of any of the writers or histories of the events.


ivPublisher's Preface
vEditor's comments
17Wonderful Tallygrip – (The) J P Robson Barbara Bell
19short bio John Balmbra landlord of Wheat Sheaf Inn
20Wonderful Tallygrip – (The) J P Robson Barbara Bellencore verses
22Skipper's Wedding – (The) W Stephenson Senior
25 Jemmy Joneson’s Whurry – or Gaol and Kitty T Thompson
27Canny Newcastle T Thompson Fy, let's off to the bridal
30 Pitman's Courtship – (The) William Mitford author given as W Midford
32Cappy – or The Pitman's Dog William Mitford author given as W Midford
35Polly's Nickstick J P Robson X. Y. Z.
39Pitman's Skellyscope (The) William Mitford Polly Parker, Oauthor given as W Midford
41Bonny Keel Laddie (The)not given
42Mayor of Bordeaux (The) – or Mally 's Mistake William Mitford Fy, let's off to the bridalauthor given as W Midford
44 Collier's Rant (The) not given
45New Keel Row (The) – new version T Thompson
45 (Weel May) The Keel Row – original versionTraditional
47Glister (The) W Armstrong
49Callerforney – A dialogue J P Robson Alley Croaker
51Gutta Percha J P Robson The Campbells Are Coming
54Kittlin' Legacy (The) – or the Clawa in the Will J P Robson Barbara Bellthis song marked "Copyright"
54comment onThe story of the legacy
56There's a Grand Time Comin' J P Robson according to Ross in "The Songs of the Tyne c1846" author may be R P Sutherland
57Harry Clasper J P Robson Famous Auld Cappy
59Pitman's luck at the races (The) W Mitford according to Farne archives to the tune of 'Cameronians Rant'also indexed as X. Y. Z.
59comment onthe pitman's hobby
62Newcastle Spaw Emery Rory O' More
62short bioabout the spring
64Fishwives lament (The) – on their removal from the Sandhill to the New Fish Market on 2 Jan 1827 R Emery Sleeping Maggie
65April Gowk (The) R Gilchrist Jenny choak'd the bairn
67Steam Soup (or Cuckoo Jack's Petition) Emery X. Y. Z.
69Pitman's Ramble (The) Emery The Kebbuckstane Wedding
71 Swalwell Hopping J Selkirk Paddy's Wedding
74Mally's Voyage to Callerforney J P Robson Hydrophoby
77 Pitman's Happy Times – (The) J P Robson In the days when we went Gypsying
79Keelmen of the Tyne (The) J P Robson The Orange and the Blue
81Militia (The) J P Robson The Campbells are Coming
83Newcastle Improvements J P Robson Oh! 'Tis Love
85Oh, Come, My lovely Maid J P Robson The Swiss Toy Girl
86Little Pee-dee (The)not givenPitman's Courtship (The)
87Skipper's Visit to the Polytechnic Emery X. Y. Z.
90Sandgate Pant – or Jane Jemieson's Ghost Emery I'd be a butterfly
92Blind Willy's Death Nunn Jemmy Joneson's Whurry
93 Skipper's Dream (The) T Moor
95Floatin' Gunstan – (The) Armstrong About a "Floating Grindstone"Fr-Tune3
96Newcassel Worthies (The) Armstrong We've aye been provided foractually spelt "Newcastle" in this book
99Days and Deeds of Shakspere J P Robson The Old English Gentleman
102Pitman's Candidate (The) J P Robson Jeanette and Jeannottitle actually given as "Pitman" in this book
103Song of the Old Tyne Bridge J P Robson The Old Kirk-Yard
105Maw Wonderful Wife J P Robson Barbara Bell
107Noodle – (The) J B Gilroy Jeanette and Jeannot
109Use and abuse (The) – or the Pitman and the preacher J P Robson Canny Newcassel
110Thumping Luck W Watson Gang Nae Mair to Yon Town
112Pigeons' Milk – or A Shy at the Quacks J P Robson Calder Fairthis song marked "Copyright"
115Luckey's Dreamnot givenCalder Fairactually spelt "Lukey's Dream" in this bookA-N1
117Cobbler O' Morpeth (The) (Cholera Morbus) McLellan Bow Wowrefers to Cholera
119Nancy Wilkinson H Robson Duncan Davison
120 Newcassel Props (The) W Oliver The Bold Dragoon
122Baggy Nanny – or The Pitman's Frolic R Emery The Kebbuckstane Wedding
124Coal trade (The)not givenThe Keel RowB S6
127Hamlick, Prince of Denton – Part First J P Robson Merrily Dance the Quaker's Wife
129Canny Aud Sheels J P Robson Sprig of Shillalah
132By the Waves of the Ocean J P Robson The last rose of summer
132comment on J P Robson from "Wild Blossoms of Poesy"
133Palestine Knight J P Robson Dunois the young and brave
134Keelmen's Reasons for Attending Church (The)not givenJemmy Joneson's Whurry
135St. Nicholas' Church R Nunn Auld Lang Syne
137Sandgate Lass on the Ropery Bank (The) R Nunn The Skipper's Wedding
139Half Drowned Skipper (The)not givenChapter of Donkeys
141Newcastle Noodles (The) James Morrison Canny Newcasselauthor given in index as "J Morrison"A-M2
142Billy Oliver's Ramble (between Benwell and Newcastle)not given
144Sandhill Monkey (The) William Stephenson (junior) Drops of BrandyAuthor given as W StephensonA-S4
146Hamlick, Prince of Denton – Part Second J P Robson
149Hamlick, Prince of Denton – Part Third J P Robson
150Skipper's Almanac (The) J P Robson X. Y. Z.
153Devil (The) – or The Nanny Goatnot givenWeel Bred Cappyshield songster
155Beggars' Wedding – (The) William Stephenson (junior) BallinafadA-S4
155comment onslight amendments by the editor (J P Robson)
157Betty Beesley and her Wooden Man J P Robson The Bold Dragoonthis song marked "Copyright"
160Pitman's return from Calleyforney (The) Emery Old Dan Tucker
161Parody on the Soldier's Tear W Greig The Soldier's Tear
162Lass of Wincomblee (The)not givenNae Luck About The House
164Mechanic's Procession (The) (or A Trip To South Shields) Emery The Bold Dragoon
166Valentine's Daynot givenNewcastle Fairaccording to Farne Archives J P Robson
168Bear Club (The) R Gilchrist
170Lovesick Collier Lass (The) J P Robson All round my hat
172Lays of the Tyne Exile – No 1 The Departure J P Robson
173Newcastle Races W Watson
175Donocht Head George Pickering Ye Banks and BraesAuthor given as "R Pickering"
175comment onDonocht Head
176Galvanic Rings J P Robson Bow Wow
179Collier's Keek at the Nation (The) R Gilchrist F-G2
180Fishwives' Carol (The) M Ross Nae luck aboot the house
182Lovely Mary Gilchrist Sleeping Maggieoriginally "Lovely Delia"
182comment onslight amendments by the editor (J P Robson)
183Newcastle Theatre in an Uproarnot given
186Pitman's Dream (The) – or A description of the North Pole Emery Newcastle Fairin 2 parts
188Pitman's Dream (The) – or His description of the Kitchen Emery Merrily Dance the Quaker
190Baboon (The) Armstrong
192Skipper's Mistake (The) Armstrong The Chapter of Accidents
194Sandgate Lass's Lament (The) H Robson The Bonny Pit Laddie
195Coaly Tynenot givenAuld Lang Syne
196New Fish Market (The) William Mitford Scots come o'er the Borderauthor given as W Midford
198Local Militia-Man (The) William Mitford Madam Fag's Galaauthor given as W Midford
200Wreckenton Hiringnot given
203Victory (The) – or The Captain Done Overnot givenOh! The golden days of Good Queen Bess
205 Bob Cranky's Adieu J Shield
207Oysterwife's Petition (The) – (on The Removal of the Oyster-Tub From The Quay) Emery The Bold Dragoon
207short biothe Oyster-Tub
209Jenny Lind – or the Pitman in Love J P Robson Polly Parker, Odescribed as improved
210Irish Lawyer (The) J P Robson The Mistletoe bough
212Bob Stacker's Secret – or how to prove your friends J P Robson Canny Newcasselthis song marked "Copyright"
214Changes on the Tyne (The)not givenMitford Galloway
218Hail, Hail, Jenny Lind J P Robson I'm afloat
219Geordy's Disasternot givenThe Baboon
222Battle on the Shields Railway (Between A Town Councillor and an Architect and the Pollis)not givenCappy's the Dog
227Sandgate Wife's Nurse's Song Robert Nunn A Sailor's Wife has nought to deeaccording to Farne Archives Henry RobsonA-N1
228Euphy's Coronation T Marshall Arthur McBride
231More Innovations Robert Gilchrist The Bold Dragoon
231short bio Robert Gilchrist
233Cliffs of Virginia (The)not givenDrops of BrandyShields Songster
235Lays of the Tyne Exile – No 2 Maid of my Bossom J P Robson The Beggar Girl
236Nanny Jackson's letter to Lord Morpeth J P Robson Canny Newcassel
238Newcastle Improvements R.Charlton Canny NewcasselAuthor actually given erroneously as "T" Charlton in this book
240Barber's News (The) (or Shields in an Uproar) J Shield Miss Bailey's GhostFr-Tune 2
245Quayside Shaver (The) W Stephenson Senior
248Eagle Steam Packet (The) William Mitford author given as W Midford
250Tyne Cossacks (The) W Mitford The Bold Dragoon
253Mally and the Prophet Emery Barbara Bell
253short bioThe prophet
255When We were at the Skeul J P Robson Nae luck aboot the house
258Pitman Pilgrim (The) – or A keek at the Roman Wall J P Robson The Kebbuckstane Weddingthis song marked "Copyright"
261comment onerrors in the description of the wall
262Skipper's Account of the Orangemen's Procession (The)
264 Hydrophobia – or the Skipper&Quaker Emery title condensed
266Canny Sheels John Morrison author given in index as "John Morris"
269Famed Filly Fair – or A peep in Pilgrim Street on a Sunday Neetnot given
272Permanent Yeast John Morrison author given in index as "J Morrison"
272comment onYeast
273Masquerade at Newcastle Theatre (or The Pitman Turned Critic) William Mitford author given as W Midford
276She Wore an Old Straw Bonnet J P Robson She wore a Wreath of Roses
278Lays of the Tyne Exile – No 3 Banks of Tyne J P Robson Roy's Wife
279Height of my Ambitions (The) J P Robson Nancy Dawson
281Come Up to the Scratch – (or The Pitman Haggish'd) Robert Emery Calder Fair
284Sir Tommy Made An Odd Fellow Gilchrist Canny Newcassel
286Blind Willy's Flight R Emery Betsy Baker
287New Markets (The) Oliver Canny Newcasselalternative title "Newcastle Improvements"
289Natural Philosopher (The) (or The Downfall of Learned Humbugs)not givenCanny Newcassel
290Mary Drue T Houston My Johnny's Grey Breeks
292Billy Purvis's Bundle – or A Corker for the Geordies J P Robson King of the Cannibal Islandsthis song marked "Copyright"
296Billy's Grand Show J P Robson Barbara Bell
298Geordie's Letter Frae Callerforney T Kennedy Hydrophobie
301Pitman's Description of "La Perouse" (The) – performed for many nights at the South Shields Theatrenot givenBetsy Baker
303Blind Willy Singingnot givenJemmy Joneson's Whurry
305Pardon Dean Gilchrist The Banks O' Doon
306Tom Carr and Waller Watson – or Tom and Jerry at Home W Oliver There was a Bold Dragoon
308Voyage to Lunnen (A) Gilchrist
312Pitman's Draw (The) J P Robson Barbara Bell
314Ikeybo – or The Wonder of GuanoGeddesBarbara Bell
317Jesmond Mill Phill "Primrose" Hodgson also "Phil" and "Primrose"
319Lizzie Liberty H Robson Tibby Fowler I' the Glen
320Lays of the Tyne Exile – No 4 in Childhood We Wander J P Robson The old house at home
321Tyne (The) – song number 2 Henry Robson In Britain's Blessed Island
322Loyal Festivities – or Novel Scenes at Newcastle William Mitford Betsy BakerCalled "Loyal Fishwives" author as "W Midford" in index
322comment onGeorge IV
325Picture of Newcastle (or George the Fourth's Coronation) W Mitford Arthur McBride
325comment on William Mitford Town Moor public meeting 11 October 1849
329Bold Archy and Blind Willie's Lament (On the Death of Captain Starkey)not givenThe Bold Dragooncalled "Bold Airchy's Lament"
331comment onMessrs Greenand the balloon Balloon
331Green's Balloonnot givenBarbara Bell
334Nanny of the Tyne J Gibson The Rose of Allendale
335Softest Flowers (The) J P Robson The Young May Moon
336Ye Sons of great Apollo J P Robson British Grenadiers
337Oh Tell me not the other Lands B. Crow Lucy Neal
338Over the Waves of the Soft Flowing Tyne J P Robson Over the Water to Charlie
339Pawnshop in a Bleeze (The) – or The Spout without Water J P Robson X. Y. Z.this song marked "Copyright"
342Owl (The) Emery X. Y. Z.
343comment onpublic houses mentioned in "The Owl"
343Northumberland Free of Newcastle – Composed Extempore, on the Duke of Northumberland being presented with the Freedom of Newcastle R Gilchrist
345Parson Malthus H Robson Ranting Roaring Willie
347My Lord 'Size J Shield
351Tim Tunbelly Oliver Canny Newcassel
353Shields Chain Bridge – Humorously described by a pitman Oliver note archaic spelling of HumorouslyF-O1
356Stars O' Hartlepool (The)Mr W thompsonBarbara Bellthe index erroneously shows J P Robson as author
358Lays of the Tyne Exile – No 5 – Farewell Fair Fields J P Robson
358short bio Mr W thompson
359Auld Wife's Plaint J P Robson The Old Kirk-Yard
360comment oninclusion of "Auld Wife's Plaint"
361Old Burn (The) B. Crow My ain fireside
362Prentice's Ramble to the Races (The) – or the House of Correction T. Jackson Baggy Nanny
366Sweet Tyneside T Kennedy Kelvin Grove
367Sandgate Girl's Lament (The)not given
369Trip to Warkworth Emery King of the Cannibal Islands
369comment onthe works outing to Warkworth
372Bob Crank's Leum'nation Neet J Shield
375Toon of Other Days – A Parody on "The Light of Other Days" R P Sutherland The light of other days
377Hymn of the Hungarians J P Robson Scots wha haethis song marked "Copyright"
378comment onanniversary of Battle of Bosworth
379England, the Anchor of Hope to the World J P Robson Hearts of Oak
381Lays of the Tyne Exile – No 6 Exile's Return (The) J P Robson The Keel Row (slow)
382Ale, Ale, All Ale J P Robson The Sea Serpent
385comment on authorshipof Ale, Ale, All Ale
386Royal Visit (The) W Oliver X. Y. Z.
388St. Nicholas' Great Bellnot givenThe King of the Cannibalsaccording to Farne Archives J P Robson
390Dames of EnglandDr David Ross Lietch
391Clock Face (The) Oliver The Bold Dragoon
392 Dance To Thy Daddy W Watson The Little Fishy
394Dutchess And Mayoress (The)not givenThe Young May MoonWritten in September 1819
396Till the Tide Came In H Robson
396New Song For Barge-Day 1835 (A) Gilchrist Sung on board of the Steward's Steam-boat
398Moralto Barge song
399Brittania's Reproach J P Robson The Death of Nelson
400Land of Sad Hibernia (The) J P Robson The Old English Gentleman
402Nice Old Gill (The)J Jackson
402Comment onthe "political" society
405Pitman's Ghost (The)incognitoSprig of Shelalah
410Hell's Kitchennot givenMiss Bailey's Ghost
412comment onHell's Kitchen contributed by Mr R Emery
412Bonny Geatsiders 1805 (The) J Shield Bob Cranky
415Sim of Dundeenot givenNewcastle Races
415short bioCapt John Sim
416comment onThe waggon-way
416Song of Improvements Gilchrist Cappy's the Dogsung by the author at a dinner in the New Butcher Market 22 Oct 1835
418I'm A Snobnot givenI'm Afloat
419To Kelvin Grove we'll go – The Lassie's Reply H Robson
420Water of Tyne (The)not given
421Home in early Years (My)T F DavidsonThe Rose of Allendale
422comment onEditor's praise for author
423Come Awake!, Oh Arise! J P Robson The Swiss Boy
424Byron, the first in the song J P Robson While the Lads of the Village
424comment onThe editor's early work
425Her soft Melting Eye J P Robson Her mouth with a smile
425Moderate Man (The) T Kennedy Jemmy Joneson's Whurry
428High Level Bridge (The) J P Robson Drops of Brandy
430Ether Doctor (The) J P Robson Caller Fair
432Tell it not in Gath B. Crow Caller Fair
432Comment onlocal details
434Cut at Wor Toon (A) – or Billy Thompson's Smiddy J P Robson Barbara Bellthis song marked "Copyright"
438Newcastle is my native placenot givenWe hae always been provided for
439Scene at Jesmond Gardens (A)incognitoLukey's Dream
443Sweet Tibbie DunbarD ----The Boys of Kilkennya proposal
444Northern Minstrel's Budget (The) H Robson
451Young Mary, Queen of Hearts!D ----The Boatie Row
452Sign of Ducrow (The)not givenGallant Huzzar
454Lass I Lo'e Sae Dearly (The) T Kennedy
455Lass that shed a Tear for Me (Thew) W Stephenson Junior The lass that made the bed for me
456Collier's Farewell (The) J P Robson Fy, let's off to the bridal
458Newcastle in a Stoure J P Robson Betsy Baker
460Parody (A) – on the Red, Red Rosenot givenThe Red Red Rose
461Visit to Billy's Show (A)incognitoTallygrip
462Gateshead Lass's Lament (The)not givenJessie of Dumblane
464Ellen W Stephenson Junior Robin Adair
465Canny Wife (My)D ----There's nae luck about the house
466Native Hills (My) J P Robson Mary Blane
467Contented Player (The) J P Robson John Jones
469Washing-Day – (The) Thomas Wilson
471Peter Allen's Deathnot givenJohn Anderson my Jo !
473Mally's Dream Edward Corvan A parody on the "Wife's Dream"R-C1
475Banks of the North (The)S E Preston
476Marsden Rock John Peacock Jockey to the FairAuthor actually given erroneously as "T Peacock" in this book
478Itinerant Confectioner (The) W Stephenson Senior Bob and Joan
480Merry Lads of Gyetsheadnot givenSunny Banks of Scotlandactually spelt as "Gateshead" in this book
481Northumbrian's Farewell (The)not givenAdieu my native land adieu
483Homeward Bound J P Robson Black Ey'd SusanA story from the "Chronicle"
484Canny Newcastle Again T Oliver
485comment onnature generally
485Oh, I'll never Forget J P Robson The Bridal Ring
487Queen's visit to Newcastle 1849 (The) J P Robson Polly's nickstick
488comment onlack of clergy in church
490Yon Orb is Sinking Thomas Oliver
491Young Donald J P Robson On the Banks of Allen Water
492Shields RacesSongsterThe de'il cam' fiddling through the toon
494Jenny Lind – or the Pitman in Love J P Robson Mrs Clarkdescribed as original
495Answers from Alice Grey J P Robson
496Age of Eighty W Stephenson Senior Age of Eighty
497Stream of a Thousand Fallen Adieu T Oliver
499Systems of Life (The) J P Robson Merrily Dance the Quaker's Wife
500Summer hath come again J P Robson Blow the wind Sutherly
502Night with a Jovial Set (A) J P Robson A life on the Ocean Wave
503Willy WierD ----Lass o' Gowrie
503comment onLochmaben
503Town Clerk's Safety Valve (The)not given
505Canny Wife's reply to page 465D.Auld Lang Synesee "My Canny Wife" from page 465
506Opening of the Marketsnot given
508Old Nick's Visit To H---'s Kitchen Emery The King of the Cannibal Isles
510Charley's Return from the OceanValentineI'm oftentimes Drunk, and Seldom Sober
512Hail, Hail, to the Order J P Robson
513Smiling Betsy W Stephenson Junior Dainty Davy
514Wail of the Fallen (The) J P Robson
515Common Sensenot givenMaggie Lauder
516Newcastle on Saturday Night W Stephenson Senior Newcastle Ale
520Tyne Fair 1813–14 W Mitford In commemoration of the frost
523Wor new Gaol and Kittynot givenJemmy Joneson's Whurry
524Skipper's Voyage to the Museum (The)D CBarbara Bell
526comment onNichol's shop
529Fire and Water – or Nervoni disappointednot givenDuke Willey and a nobleman
531Happy Days J P Robson Mary Blane
532Isabel J P Robson A Rose Tree full in Bearing
533He Thought on the Maid J P Robson The flower of Dumblane
534Lover's Tear (The) J P Robson The Soldier's Tear
535O Far Awaynot given
536Staffordshire Ware W Mitford One New Year's Day
537Bewildered Skipper (The) William Mitford The bewildered Maidauthor given as W Midford
538Hangman and the Calf (The) William Mitford The Dey of Algiersauthor given as W Midford
540Tyne Heroes W Mitford Canny Newcassel
552Printed by A S Crow, 32 Sandhill, Newcastle


A-M2 – according to George Allan's Tyneside Songs and Readings of 1891, the writer is James Morrison
A-N1 – according to George Allan's Tyneside Songs and Readings of 1891, the writer is Robert Nunn
A-S4 – according to George Allan's Tyneside Songs and Readings of 1891, the writer is William Stephenson (junior)
Br-S6 – according to Brockie'sThe Shields Garland", the writer is John Stobbs
F-G1 – according to Fordyce's Tyne Songster of 1840, the writer is John Gibson
F-O1 – according to Fordyce's Tyne Songster of 1840, the writer is Oliver
Fr-Tune2 – according to France's Songs of the Bards of the Tyne – 1850, the tune is "Miss Bailey's Ghost"
Fr-Tune3 – according to George Allan's Tyneside Songs and Readings of 1891, the tune is "Derry Down"
R-C1 – according to Ross' Songs of the Tyne of 1846, the writer is Edward Corvan

See also

Geordie dialect words
P. France & Co.

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Many Geordie songwriters used aliases, for whatever reason. This article lists many of these aliases, giving in some cases, where known, the real name, and in others, some of the songs or poems attributed to them.

The Newcastle Songster, by John Marshall is a volume of six chapbooks, giving the lyrics of local, now historical songs, but virtually no other information. It was published by John Marshall in stages between 1812 and 1826.


  1. River, Tyne (1850). France's Songs of the Bards of the Tyne.