Gate dielectric

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A gate dielectric is a dielectric used between the gate and substrate of a field-effect transistor (such as a MOSFET). In state-of-the-art processes, the gate dielectric is subject to many constraints, including:


The capacitance and thickness constraints are almost directly opposed to each other. For silicon-substrate FETs, the gate dielectric is almost always silicon dioxide (called "gate oxide"), since thermal oxide has a very clean interface. However, the semiconductor industry is interested in finding alternative materials with higher dielectric constants, which would allow higher capacitance with the same thickness.


In 1955, Carl Frosch and Lincoln Derrick accidentally grew a layer of silicon dioxide over the silicon wafer, for which they observed surface passivation effects. [1] By 1957 Frosch and Derrick, using masking and predeposition, were able to manufacture silicon dioxide transistors and showed that silicon dioxide insulated, protected silicon wafers and prevented dopants from diffusing into the wafer. [1] [2] . Silicon dioxide remains the standard gate dielectric in MOSFET technology. [3]

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Carl John Frosch was a Bell Labs researcher who along Lincoln Derrick, accidentally discovered in 1955 that silicon could be protectively coated by silicon dioxide by the right exposure to oxygen when hot. In 1957 they published their discovery of silicon surface passivation by silicon dioxide, using selective SiO2 predeposition and masking to produce semiconductor surface patterns, thus devising the first MOSFET. Such protective coating overcame a problem of surface states found in active silicon circuit elements. The discovery also revealed the potential for the process of silicon etching.

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The gate oxide is the dielectric layer that separates the gate terminal of a MOSFET from the underlying source and drain terminals as well as the conductive channel that connects source and drain when the transistor is turned on. Gate oxide is formed by thermal oxidation of the silicon of the channel to form a thin insulating layer of silicon dioxide. The insulating silicon dioxide layer is formed through a process of self-limiting oxidation, which is described by the Deal–Grove model. A conductive gate material is subsequently deposited over the gate oxide to form the transistor. The gate oxide serves as the dielectric layer so that the gate can sustain as high as 1 to 5 MV/cm transverse electric field in order to strongly modulate the conductance of the channel.

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In electronics, gate capacitance is the capacitance of the gate terminal of a field-effect transistor (FET). It can be expressed as the absolute capacitance of the gate of a transistor, or as the capacitance per unit area of an integrated circuit technology, or as the capacitance per unit width of minimum-length transistors in a technology.


  1. 1 2 Huff, Howard; Riordan, Michael (2007-09-01). "Frosch and Derick: Fifty Years Later (Foreword)". The Electrochemical Society Interface. 16 (3): 29–29. doi:10.1149/2.F02073IF. ISSN   1064-8208.
  2. Frosch, C. J.; Derick, L (1957). "Surface Protection and Selective Masking during Diffusion in Silicon". Journal of The Electrochemical Society. 104 (9): 547. doi:10.1149/1.2428650.
  3. Kooi†, E.; Schmitz, A. (2005). "Brief Notes on the History of Gate Dielectrics in MOS Devices". High Dielectric Constant Materials: VLSI MOSFET Applications. Springer Series in Advanced Microelectronics. 16. Springer Berlin Heidelberg: 33–44. doi:10.1007/3-540-26462-0_2. ISBN   978-3-540-21081-8.