Geisel Award

Last updated
Geisel Award
Awarded for"the most distinguished American book for beginning readers"
CountryUnited States
Presented by Association for Library Service to Children (ALSC), a division of the American Library Association
First award2006
Website ALSC award website

The Theodor Seuss Geisel Award (commonly abbreviated as the Geisel Award) is a literary award by the American Library Association (ALA) that annually recognizes the "author(s) and illustrator(s) of the most distinguished book for beginning readers published in English in the United States during the preceding year." [1] The winner(s) receive a bronze medal at the ALA Annual Conference, presented by the Association for Library Service to Children (ALSC) division of ALA.


The award is named for Theodor Geisel, also known as Dr. Seuss, who once said, "Children want the same things we want: to laugh, to be challenged, to be entertained and delighted." [2] It was established in 2004 and inaugurated in 2006 for 2005 publications. [2]

A few runners up are termed Theodor Seuss Geisel Honor Books; their authors and illustrators receive certificates.




Geisel Award Winners and Honors [4]
2006 Cynthia Rylant Suçie Stevenson Henry and Mudge and the Great Grandpas Winner
Tedd Arnold Tedd Arnold Hi! Fly Guy Honor
Suzanne Bloom Suzanne Bloom A Splendid Friend, Indeed Honor
Erica Silverman Betsy Lewin Cowgirl Kate and Cocoa Honor
Jean Van Leeuwen Ann Schweninger Amanda Pig and the Really Hot Day Honor
2007 Laura McGee Kvasnosky Laura McGee Kvasnosky Zelda and Ivy: The RunawaysWinner
Kate DiCamillo Chris Van Dusen Mercy Watson Goes for a Ride Honor
Karen Beaumont Jane Dyer Move Over, Rover!Honor
Antoinette Portis Antoinette Portis Not a BoxHonor
2008 Mo Willems Mo Willems There is a Bird on Your Head!Winner
Laura Vaccaro Seeger Laura Vaccaro Seeger First the EggHonor
Darrin Lunde Patricia J. Wynne Hello, Bumblebee BatHonor
Lisa Wheeler R. Gregory Christie Jazz BabyHonor
April Pulley Sayre Steve JenkinsVulture ViewHonor
2009 Mo Willems Mo Willems Are You Ready to Play Outside?Winner
Judyann Ackerman Grant Sue Truesdell Chicken Said, ‘Cluck!'Honor
Laura Vaccaro Seeger Laura Vaccaro Seeger One BoyHonor
Eleanor Davis Eleanor Davis StinkyHonor
Sarah C. Campbell Sarah C. Campbell and Richard P. Campbell Wolfsnail: A Backyard PredatorHonor
2010 Geoffrey Hayes Geoffrey Hayes Benny and Penny in the Big No-No!Winner
Tedd Arnold Tedd Arnold I Spy Fly Guy!Honor
Jeff Smith Jeff Smith Little Mouse Gets ReadyHonor
Wong Herbert Yee Wong Herbert Yee Mouse and Mole: Fine Feathered FriendsHonor
Kate McMullan R. W. Alley Pearl and Wagner: One Funny DayHonor
2011 Kate DiCamillo and Alison McGhee Tony Fucile Bink & Gollie Winner
Grace Lin Grace Lin Ling and Ting: Not Exactly the Same!Honor
Mo Willems Mo Willems We Are in a Book!Honor
2012Josh SchneiderJosh SchneiderTales for Very Picky EatersWinner
Mo Willems Mo Willems I Broke My TrunkHonor
Jon Klassen Jon Klassen I Want My Hat BackHonor
Paul Meisel Paul Meisel See Me RunHonor
2013 Ethan Long Ethan Long Up, Tall and High!Winner
Mo Willems Mo Willems Let's Go for a Drive! Honor
Eric Litwin James DeanPete the Cat and His Four Groovy ButtonsHonor
Cece Bell Cece Bell Rabbit & Robot: The SleepoverHonor
2014 Greg Pizzoli Greg Pizzoli The Watermelon SeedWinner
Mary Sullivan Mary Sullivan BallHonor
Mo Willems Mo Willems A Big Guy Took My Ball!Honor
Kevin Henkes Kevin Henkes Penny and Her MarbleHonor
2015 Anna Kang Christopher Weyant You Are (Not) SmallWinner
Cynthia Rylant Arthur Howard Mr. Putter & Tabby Turn the PageHonor
Mo Willems Mo Willems Waiting Is Not Easy!Honor
2016 David A. Adler Sam Ricks Don’t Throw It to Mo!Winner
Jonathan Fenske Jonathan Fenske A Pig, a Fox, and a BoxHonor
Kevin Henkes Kevin Henkes Waiting Honor
Stephen Savage Stephen Savage SupertruckHonor
2017 Laurie Keller Laurie Keller We Are Growing!Winner
Greg Pizzoli Greg Pizzoli Good Night OwlHonor
Mike Twohy Mike Twohy Oops, Pounce, Quick, Run! An Alphabet CaperHonor
David Milgrim David Milgrim Go Otto Go!Honor
Kara LaReau Matt Myers The Infamous Ratsos Honor
2018 Laurel Snyder Emily Hughes Charlie & MouseWinner
Paul Meisel Paul Meisel I See a CatHonor
Dori Hillestad Butler Nancy Meyers King & Kayla and the Case of the Missing Dog TreatsHonor
Salina Yoon Salina Yoon My Kite Is Stuck! And Other StoriesHonor
Tedd Arnold , Martha Hamilton, and Mitch Weiss Tedd Arnold Noodleheads See the FutureHonor
Tina Kügler Tina Kügler Snail & Worm AgainHonor
2019 Corey R. Tabor Corey R. Tabor Fox the TigerWinner
David Milgrim David Milgrim The Adventures of Otto: See Pip FlapHonor
Dori Hillestad Butler Nancy Meyers King & Kayla and the Case of the Lost ToothHonor
Sergio Ruzzier Sergio Ruzzier Fox + Chick: The Party and Other StoriesHonor
Emily Tetri Emily Tetri Tiger vs. NightmareHonor
2020 James Yang James Yang Stop! Bot!Winner
Cece Bell Cece Bell Chick and Brain: Smell My Foot!Honor
J.E. Morris J.E. Morris Flubby Is Not a Good Pet!Honor
Greg Pizzoli Greg Pizzoli The Book HogHonor
2021 David LaRochelle Mike Wohnoutka See the Cat: Three Stories About a DogWinner
Maya Tatsukawa Maya Tatsukawa The Bear in My FamilyHonor
Starling Lyons Nina Mata Ty's Travels: Zip, Zoom!Honor
Ryan T. Higgins Ryan T. Higgins What About Worms!?Honor
Anne Hunter Anne Hunter Where's Baby?Honor
2022 Corey R. Tabor Corey R. Tabor Fox at NightWinner
Jonathan Fenske Jonathan Fenske Nothing Fits a Dinosaur Honor
Joe Cepeda Joe Cepeda I HopHonor
Norm Feuti Norm Feuti Beak & Alley: Unlikely FriendsHonor
2023 Michael Emberley Michael Emberley I Did It!Winner
Sergio Ruzzier Sergio Ruzzier Fish and WaveHonor
Melissa Iwai Melissa Iwai Gigi and OjijiHonor
Vikram Madan Vikram Madan Owl and PenguinHonor
Antoinette Portis Antoinette Portis A Seed GrowsHonor
2024 Corey R. Tabor Corey R. Tabor Fox Has a ProblemWinner
Jenn Bailey Mika Song Henry, Like AlwaysHonor
Kaz Windness Kaz Windness Worm and Caterpillar Are FriendsHonor
2025 Ame Dyckman Mark Teague VacationWinner
Corey R. Tabor Corey R. Tabor Fox versus FoxHonor
Jashar Awan Jashar Awan Towed by ToadHonor

Multiple awards

See also


  1. "Welcome to the (Theodor Seuss) Geisel Award home page!". Association for Library Service to Children (ALSC). American Library Association (ALA). Retrieved 2009-04-07.
  2. 1 2 "Theodor Seuss Geisel Award". ALSC. ALA. Retrieved 2013-05-05.
  3. "Theodor Seuss Geisel Award terms and criteria". ALSC. ALA. Retrieved 2009-04-07.
  4. "(Theodor Seuss) Geisel Award winners and honor books, 2006 - present". ALSC. Retrieved 15 October 2018.