HD 60532 c

Last updated
HD 60532 c
Discovered by Desort et al.
Discovery site La Silla Observatory
Discovery dateSeptember 22, 2008
Doppler spectroscopy
Orbital characteristics
Apastron 1.64 AU (245,000,000 km)
Periastron 1.52 AU (227,000,000 km)
1.58 AU (236,000,000 km)
Eccentricity 0.038 ± 0.008
607.06 ± 2.1 d
1.6620 y
Inclination ~20
119.49 ± 9.14
Star HD 60532
Physical characteristics
Mass 7.46 MJ

    HD 60532 c is an extrasolar planet located approximately 84 light-years away in the constellation of Puppis, orbiting the star HD 60532. This planet has a true mass of 7.46 times more than Jupiter, orbits at 1.58 AU, and takes 607 days to revolve in an eccentric orbit. This planet was discovered on September 22, 2008 in La Silla Observatory using the HARPS spectrograph. On this same day, the second planet in this system, HD 60532 b, was discovered in a 3:1 orbital resonance.

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