In differential geometry, a hedgehog or plane hedgehog is a type of plane curve, the envelope of a family of lines determined by a support function. More intuitively, sufficiently well-behaved hedgehogs are plane curves with one tangent line in each oriented direction. A projective hedgehog is a restricted type of hedgehog, defined from an anti-symmetric support function, and (again when sufficiently well-behaved) forms a curve with one tangent line in each direction, regardless of orientation.
Every closed strictly convex curve, the envelope of its supporting lines. The astroid forms a non-convex hedgehog, and the deltoid curve forms a projective hedgehog.
Hedgehogs can also be defined from support functions of hyperplanes in higher dimensions.
Formally, a planar support function can be defined as a continuously differentiable function from the unit circle in the plane to real numbers, or equivalently as a function from angles to real numbers. For each point on the unit circle, it defines a line, the set of points for which . This line is perpendicular to vector , passes through the point , and is at distance from the origin. A support function is anti-symmetric when, for all , , or equivalently in terms of angles , so that and define the same line as each other. [1]
Given any support function , its hedgehog is denoted . In terms of the function and the angle it has the parametric equations [1]
A hedgehog is non-singular when it has a tangent line at each of its points. A projective hedgehog is defined by an anti-symmetric support function. Hedgehogs can also be defined in the same way in higher dimensions, as envelopes of hyperplanes defined by support functions. [2] [3]
The support function describing the supporting lines for a convex set is defined by . The hedgehog of the support function of any strictly convex set is its boundary, parameterized by the angle of its supporting lines. [4] When a convex set is not strictly convex (it has a line segment in its boundary), its support function is continuous but not continuously differentiable, and the parametric equations above jump discontinuously across the line segment instead of defining a continuous curve, so it is not defined as a hedgehog. The astroid provides an example of a non-convex hedgehog. [5]
An example of a projective hedgehog, defined from an anti-symmetric support function, is given by the deltoid curve. The deltoid is a simple closed curve but other hedgehogs may self-intersect, or otherwise behave badly. In particular, there exist anti-symmetric support functions based on the Weierstrass function whose corresponding projective hedgehogs are fractal curves that are continuous but nowhere differentiable and have infinite length. [4]
Every strictly convex body in the plane defines a projective hedgehog, its middle hedgehog, the envelope of lines halfway between each pair of parallel supporting lines. Although triangles are not strictly convex, the envelope defined in this way for a triangle is its medial triangle. The points of the middle hedgehog are the midpoints of line segments connecting the pairs of points where each pair of parallel supporting lines contact the body. It has finite length, equal to half the perimeter of the given body. Each extreme point of the convex hull of the middle hedgehog is a convexity point, a point such that the union of the body with its reflection through this point is convex. There are always at least three such points, and the triangles and Reuleaux triangle provide examples where there are exactly three. [6]
A non-singular hedgehog has a unique tangent line in each oriented direction, belonging to its defining family of lines. Correspondingly, any sufficiently well-behaved projective hedgehog has a unique tangent line in each direction without respect to orientation.
Pairs of hedgehogs can be combined by the pointwise sum of their support functions. This operation extends Minkowski addition of convex bodies and is analogous to Minkowski addition in multiple ways. [7] It can be used to characterize curves of constant width: a convex hedgehog has constant width if and only if its support function is formed by adding to the support function of a projective hedgehog. That is, the curves of constant width are exactly the convex hedgehogs formed as sums of projective hedgehogs and circles. [1]
Every projective hedgehog has at least three singularities (typically, cusps). When a projective hedgehog has finite length, a construction of Leonhard Euler shows that its involutes of sufficiently high radius are curves of constant width. [8]
More generally, hedgehogs are the natural geometrical objects that represent the formal differences of convex bodies: given (K,L) an ordered pair of convex bodies in the Euclidean vector space , there exists one, and only one, hedgehog that represents the formal difference K – L in .
Polygonal case in the plane:
Case of smooth convex bodies with positive Gauss curvature:
Subtracting two convex hypersurfaces (with positive Gauss curvature) by subtracting the points corresponding to a same outer unit normal to obtain a (possibly singular and self-intersecting) hypersurface:
The idea of using Minkowski differences of convex bodies may be traced back to a couple of papers by A.D. Alexandrov and H. Geppert [9] in the 1930s. Many classical notions for convex bodies extend to hedgehogs and quite a number of classical results find their counterparts. Of course, a few adaptations are necessary. In particular, volumes have to be replaced by their algebraic versions. [10]
In a long series of papers, hedgehogs and their extensions were studied by Y. Martinez-Maure under various aspects. [11] The most striking result of this hedgehog theory was the construction of counterexamples to an old conjectured characterization of the 2-sphere. [12] [13] [14] [15] [10]
In mathematics, analytic geometry, also known as coordinate geometry or Cartesian geometry, is the study of geometry using a coordinate system. This contrasts with synthetic geometry.
In mathematics, an elliptic curve is a smooth, projective, algebraic curve of genus one, on which there is a specified point O. An elliptic curve is defined over a field K and describes points in K2, the Cartesian product of K with itself. If the field's characteristic is different from 2 and 3, then the curve can be described as a plane algebraic curve which consists of solutions (x, y) for:
In mathematics, a parabola is a plane curve which is mirror-symmetrical and is approximately U-shaped. It fits several superficially different mathematical descriptions, which can all be proved to define exactly the same curves.
In geometry, the tangent line (or simply tangent) to a plane curve at a given point is, intuitively, the straight line that "just touches" the curve at that point. Leibniz defined it as the line through a pair of infinitely close points on the curve. More precisely, a straight line is tangent to the curve y = f(x) at a point x = c if the line passes through the point (c, f(c)) on the curve and has slope f'(c), where f' is the derivative of f. A similar definition applies to space curves and curves in n-dimensional Euclidean space.
In mathematics, curvature is any of several strongly related concepts in geometry that intuitively measure the amount by which a curve deviates from being a straight line or by which a surface deviates from being a plane. If a curve or surface is contained in a larger space, curvature can be defined extrinsically relative to the ambient space. Curvature of Riemannian manifolds of dimension at least two can be defined intrinsically without reference to a larger space.
In geometry, a hyperboloid of revolution, sometimes called a circular hyperboloid, is the surface generated by rotating a hyperbola around one of its principal axes. A hyperboloid is the surface obtained from a hyperboloid of revolution by deforming it by means of directional scalings, or more generally, of an affine transformation.
In the mathematical field of differential geometry, a metric tensor is an additional structure on a manifold M that allows defining distances and angles, just as the inner product on a Euclidean space allows defining distances and angles there. More precisely, a metric tensor at a point p of M is a bilinear form defined on the tangent space at p, and a metric field on M consists of a metric tensor at each point p of M that varies smoothly with p.
In numerical analysis and computational statistics, rejection sampling is a basic technique used to generate observations from a distribution. It is also commonly called the acceptance-rejection method or "accept-reject algorithm" and is a type of exact simulation method. The method works for any distribution in with a density.
In geometry, a curve of constant width is a simple closed curve in the plane whose width is the same in all directions. The shape bounded by a curve of constant width is a body of constant width or an orbiform, the name given to these shapes by Leonhard Euler. Standard examples are the circle and the Reuleaux triangle. These curves can also be constructed using circular arcs centered at crossings of an arrangement of lines, as the involutes of certain curves, or by intersecting circles centered on a partial curve.
In mathematical statistics, the Fisher information is a way of measuring the amount of information that an observable random variable X carries about an unknown parameter θ of a distribution that models X. Formally, it is the variance of the score, or the expected value of the observed information.
In algebraic geometry, a Kummer quartic surface, first studied by Ernst Kummer, is an irreducible nodal surface of degree 4 in with the maximal possible number of 16 double points. Any such surface is the Kummer variety of the Jacobian variety of a smooth hyperelliptic curve of genus 2; i.e. a quotient of the Jacobian by the Kummer involution x ↦ −x. The Kummer involution has 16 fixed points: the 16 2-torsion point of the Jacobian, and they are the 16 singular points of the quartic surface. Resolving the 16 double points of the quotient of a torus by the Kummer involution gives a K3 surface with 16 disjoint rational curves; these K3 surfaces are also sometimes called Kummer surfaces.
In geometry, a deltoid curve, also known as a tricuspoid curve or Steiner curve, is a hypocycloid of three cusps. In other words, it is the roulette created by a point on the circumference of a circle as it rolls without slipping along the inside of a circle with three or one-and-a-half times its radius. It is named after the capital Greek letter delta (Δ) which it resembles.
In mathematics, a pedal curve of a given curve results from the orthogonal projection of a fixed point on the tangent lines of this curve. More precisely, for a plane curve C and a given fixed pedal pointP, the pedal curve of C is the locus of points X so that the line PX is perpendicular to a tangent T to the curve passing through the point X. Conversely, at any point R on the curve C, let T be the tangent line at that point R; then there is a unique point X on the tangent T which forms with the pedal point P a line perpendicular to the tangent T – the pedal curve is the set of such points X, called the foot of the perpendicular to the tangent T from the fixed point P, as the variable point R ranges over the curve C.
In geometry, an envelope of a planar family of curves is a curve that is tangent to each member of the family at some point, and these points of tangency together form the whole envelope. Classically, a point on the envelope can be thought of as the intersection of two "infinitesimally adjacent" curves, meaning the limit of intersections of nearby curves. This idea can be generalized to an envelope of surfaces in space, and so on to higher dimensions.
In mathematics, the Cayley transform, named after Arthur Cayley, is any of a cluster of related things. As originally described by Cayley (1846), the Cayley transform is a mapping between skew-symmetric matrices and special orthogonal matrices. The transform is a homography used in real analysis, complex analysis, and quaternionic analysis. In the theory of Hilbert spaces, the Cayley transform is a mapping between linear operators.
In mathematics, Hilbert's fourth problem in the 1900 list of Hilbert's problems is a foundational question in geometry. In one statement derived from the original, it was to find — up to an isomorphism — all geometries that have an axiomatic system of the classical geometry, with those axioms of congruence that involve the concept of the angle dropped, and `triangle inequality', regarded as an axiom, added.
In projective geometry, a dual curve of a given plane curve C is a curve in the dual projective plane consisting of the set of lines tangent to C. There is a map from a curve to its dual, sending each point to the point dual to its tangent line. If C is algebraic then so is its dual and the degree of the dual is known as the class of the original curve. The equation of the dual of C, given in line coordinates, is known as the tangential equation of C. Duality is an involution: the dual of the dual of C is the original curve C.
In geometry, a convex curve is a plane curve that has a supporting line through each of its points. There are many other equivalent definitions of these curves, going back to Archimedes. Examples of convex curves include the convex polygons, the boundaries of convex sets, and the graphs of convex functions. Important subclasses of convex curves include the closed convex curves, the smooth curves that are convex, and the strictly convex curves, which have the additional property that each supporting line passes through a unique point of the curve.
Bearing pressure is a particular case of contact mechanics often occurring in cases where a convex surface contacts a concave surface. Excessive contact pressure can lead to a typical bearing failure such as a plastic deformation similar to peening. This problem is also referred to as bearing resistance.
The Laguerre transformations or axial homographies are an analogue of Möbius transformations over the dual numbers. When studying these transformations, the dual numbers are often interpreted as representing oriented lines on the plane. The Laguerre transformations map lines to lines, and include in particular all isometries of the plane.