Heiko Andreas von der Gracht

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Heiko von der Gracht
Heiko Andreas von der Gracht

(1978-11-30) 30 November 1978 (age 46)
Alma mater Niederrhein University of Applied Sciences
Fontys University of Applied Sciences
University of Plymouth
EBS Universität für Wirtschaft und Recht
University of Erlangen–Nuremberg
Steinbeis-Hochschule Berlin
University for Continuing Education Krems
Employer(s) KPMG
University for Continuing Education Krems
Known forAcademic, futurist, author, and an expert in the fields of Foresight and Technology management
Delphi method

Heiko Andreas von der Gracht (born 1978) is a German academic, futurist, author, and an expert in the fields of Foresight and Technology Management.


He is a Professor of Foresight and Digital Transformation at the University of Continuing Education Krems.

Von der Gracht is listed among the most influential researchers globally (top 2%). [1] [2]

His surname, 'von der Gracht', originates from the Dutch noble family Van der Gracht (Dutch Wikipedia). [3]

Early life and education

Von der Gracht was born in Aachen in 1978, grew up in Jülich and attended the Gymnasium Zitadelle Jülich  [ de ] (Jülich Citadel Grammar School) (Abitur 1998). [4] [5] [6]

He graduated in 2003 as an industrial engineer (with distinction) in a dual degree program from the Niederrhein University of Applied Sciences, Germany, and Fontys University of Applied Sciences in Venlo, Netherlands. In 2004, von der Gracht received a Master of Science (with distinction) in supply chain management from the University of Plymouth in England. From 2005 to 2008, he was a research assistant at the EBS University of Business and Law, where he completed his doctorate summa cum laude in 2008 on the subject of Futures studies. [7]

Professional life

In 2009, he started his professional life and founded the Centre for Futures Studies and Knowledge Management at the EBS University of Business and Law, which he developed into an independent research institute in the years that followed. [8] [9] One of the institute's key areas of focus was the scientific foundation of futures research methods. In 2013, he co-founded the first executive education program for corporate foresight in Germany.

In 2013, von der Gracht joined KPMG Germany as a futurist and head of a think tank for strategic foresight. [10]

He obtained his Habilitation (post-doctoral lecturing qualification) in 2017 from University of Erlangen–Nuremberg. Since 2024, he has been Professor of Foresight and Digital Transformation at the University for Continuing Education Krems. [11] His appointment was made under § 99a of the Universitätsgesetz 2002  [ de ] (Austrian Universities Act 2002) [12] , a highly selective process for proactively recruiting outstanding scientists in international competition. [13] Such appointments remain rare, making up only 2% of all professorial hires in 2019 and 3% in 2022, for example. [14] [15] Previously, he held the Chair of Futures Studies at Steinbeis University. [16] As of 2023, von der Gracht has educated more than 8,000 students in foresight methods in postgraduate and part-time degree programs. [17] [18]

Von der gracht has led foresight projects across various industries and fields, in particular on the future of automotive, energy, pharmaceuticals, purchasing, logistics and mobility, artificial intelligence and new work. [19] In collaboration with Eurac Research and on behalf of the Government of South Tyrol, he developed future scenarios and options for a sustainable South Tyrol, taking into account the experiences of the COVID-19 pandemic and the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Von der Gracht was a member of the interdisciplinary project advisory board and scientific director for the project process and methodology. [20]

Von der Gracht also serves as a member of the Global Foresight Network at World Economic Forum (WEF) [21] and as ambassador for its Global Collaboration Village (Forum Metaverse) [22]


In the Stanford/Elsevier Ranking, von der Gracht has been among the top 2 percent of the most cited scientists worldwide for consecutive years (2019-2024). [23] [24] [25] In the Handelsblatt scientists ranking 2014, which analysed the research performance of more than 2,300 researchers in business administration in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, von der Gracht achieved 50th rank (category: all age groups) and 32nd rank in category under 40 years. [26]

He has published research articles in academic journals in various sub-disciplines of business administration, including logistics, technology, innovation and entrepreneurship and sustainability management. [27] He often uses the Delphi method in his empirical research. Based on the pioneering work of futurist Theodore J. Gordon in The Millennium Project, von der Gracht developed the expert survey software ‘Real-time Delphi’. [28] In 2011, von der Gracht and Gordon presented a joint paper at World Future Society (WFS) Annual Summit 2011, which summarizes the lessons learned of 40 Real-time Delphi (RTD) studies across their two platforms. [29]

Von der Gracht is the founder and co-editor of scientific journals. In early 2018, together with Professors George Wright from the University of Strathclyde and George Cairns from Queensland University of Technology, he founded the international journal Futures & Foresight Science, of which he has been Associate Editor ever since. [30] [31] From 2012, he initially served on the Advisory Board of the journal Technological Forecasting & Social Change and has been Associate Editor of the journal since 2017. [32]

Selected publications

Books and reports



  1. John P.A. Ioannidis: August 2024 data-update for "Updated science-wide author databases of standardized citation indicators", Elsevier Data Repository, V7, doi:10.17632/btchxktzyw.7
  2. Profile Heiko von der Gracht Searchable Database of Top 2% Scientists
  3. Arnold Robens: Der Ritterbürtige Landständische Adel des Großherzogthums Niederrhein, dargestellt in Wapen und Abstammungen. Vol. 1, p. 178, Aachen, 1818; (Digital scan on the noble family von der Gracht zu Wangen)
  4. "Die Zukunft kann man planen - auch die eigene". DVZ. 2010-02-24. Retrieved 2024-10-13.
  5. "Ein Zukunftsforscher zwischen Logistik und KI: Heiko von der Gracht aus Jülich gehört zu den am meisten zitierten Wissenschaftlern". Aachener Zeitung. 2024-01-06. Retrieved 2024-10-13.
  6. von der Gracht, H.: Krisen sind keine Schulstunden. In: Gerd Felder (2021) Unser Corona-Jahr. Wie Rheinländer die Pandemie erleben; Eifeler Literaturverlag; ISBN   9783961230068, p. 217-222
  7. The future of logistics: scenarios for 2025. Dissertation. Gabler 2008, ISBN   9783834910820.
  8. "BrainNet stiftet Center für Zukunftsforschung (German press release)". BrainNet Management Consultants GmbH. 2009-05-07. Retrieved 2024-10-12.
  9. "EBS beschließt Neuorganisation des Supply Chain Management Institute (SMI) (German press release)". EBS Universität für Wirtschaft und Recht i. Gr. 2012-02-06. Retrieved 2024-10-12.
  10. Professional experience Heiko von der Gracht Profile page LinkedIn
  11. Univ.-Prof. Dr. habil. Heiko Von Der Gracht Website of University for Continuing Education Krems
  12. "Studieren mit Quantencomputer (Press release)". School of International Business and Entrepreneurship (SIBE) GmbH. 2025-02-11. Retrieved 2025-02-22.
  13. Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (Dr. Rebecca Fischer): Federal Act on the Organisation of Universities and their Studies (Universities Act 2002 – UG), Internal document number: ERV_2002_1_120, last change 5/16/2024, Austrian Universities Act 2002
  14. Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research: Universitätsbericht 2020, Vienna 2021.
  15. Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research: Universitätsbericht 2023, Vienna 2024.
  16. "Zukunftsforschung, Wirtschaftsforschung und Leadership (German press release)". School of International Business and Entrepreneurship (SIBE) GmbH. 2018-12-19. Retrieved 2024-10-12.
  17. "Tausende für Zukunftskompetenz (German press release)". Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg. 2023-04-04. Retrieved 2024-10-12.
  18. "Be the Adaptive Champion! (Press release)". School of International Business and Entrepreneurship (SIBE) GmbH. 2023-06-13. Retrieved 2024-10-12.
  19. Publications Heiko von der Gracht Website of ResearchGate
  20. Habicher D, Windegger F, von der Gracht HA, Pechlaner H (2022). "Beyond the COVID-19 crisis: A research note on post-pandemic scenarios for South Tyrol 2030+". Technological Forecasting and Social Change. 180: 121749. doi:10.1016/j.techfore.2022.121749. PMC   9108024 . PMID   35599946.
  21. Global Foresight Network Website of Global Foresight Network, World Economic Forum
  22. Global Collaboration Village Website of Global Collaboration Village, World Economic Forum
  23. John P.A. Ioannidis: August 2024 data-update for "Updated science-wide author databases of standardized citation indicators", Elsevier Data Repository, V7, doi:10.17632/btchxktzyw.7
  24. Profile Heiko von der Gracht Searchable Database of Top 2% Scientists
  25. "Steinbeis University Professor in the 2023 Stanford/Elsevier world ranking of the top 2% of scientists (Press release)". School of International Business and Entrepreneurship (SIBE) GmbH. 2023-12-01. Retrieved 2024-10-12.
  26. Rankings of all scientists in business administration Website of Ranking
  27. Research Account Heiko von der Gracht Profile page ORCID
  28. Gnatzy T, Warth J, von der Gracht HA, Darkow IL (2011). "Validating an innovative real-time Delphi approach - A methodological comparison between real-time and conventional Delphi studies". Technological Forecasting and Social Change. 78 (9): 1681–1694. doi:10.1016/j.techfore.2011.04.006.
  29. New Frontiers in Delphi Research: Experiences with Real-Time Delphi in Foresight. In: Conference Proceedings of World Future 2011, p. 129-160, 10. July 2011, via ResearchGate.
  30. Futures & Foresight Science Website of journal
  31. "Launch of new journal "Futures & Foresight Science"". Future Orientation. 2018-02-25. Retrieved 2019-10-12.
  32. Technological Forecasting and Social Change – Editorial Board Website of journal