Hock (anatomy)

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Diagram showing the location of the hock. Hock.jpg
Diagram showing the location of the hock.

The hock, tarsus or uncommonly gambrel, is the region formed by the tarsal bones connecting the tibia and metatarsus of a digitigrade or unguligrade quadrupedal mammal, such as a horse, cat, or dog. This joint may include articulations between tarsal bones and the fibula in some species (such as cats), while in others the fibula has been greatly reduced and is only found as a vestigial remnant fused to the distal portion of the tibia (as in horses). [1] It is the anatomical homologue of the ankle of the human foot. While homologous joints occur in other tetrapods, the term is generally restricted to mammals, particularly long-legged domesticated species.



The terms tarsus and hock refer to the region between the gaskin (crus) and cannon regions (metatarsus), which includes the bones, joints, and soft tissues of the area. [2] The hock is especially important in equine anatomy, due to the great strain it receives when the horse is worked. Jumping, quick turns or stops, and movements that require collection, are some of the more stressful activities.

Primary joints and bones of the hock

In the horse, the hock consists of multiple joints, namely:

In the horse, the hock consists of the following bones:

Equine disease states

Conformational defects

Also see equine conformation

Because the hock takes a great deal of strain in all performance disciplines, correct conformation is essential if the horse is to have a sound and productive working life. Common conformational defects include sickle hocks, post-legged conformation/straight hocks, cow hocks, and bowed hocks. Depending on the use of the horse, some defects may be more acceptable than others.

See also

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Curb is defined in older literature as enlargement secondary to inflammation and thickening of the long plantar ligament in horses. However, with the widespread use of diagnostic ultrasonography in equine medicine, curb has been redefined as a collection of soft tissue injuries of the distal plantar hock region. Curb is a useful descriptive term when describing swelling in this area.

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The limbs of the horse are structures made of dozens of bones, joints, muscles, tendons, and ligaments that support the weight of the equine body. They include two apparatuses: the suspensory apparatus, which carries much of the weight, prevents overextension of the joint and absorbs shock, and the stay apparatus, which locks major joints in the limbs, allowing horses to remain standing while relaxed or asleep. The limbs play a major part in the movement of the horse, with the legs performing the functions of absorbing impact, bearing weight, and providing thrust. In general, the majority of the weight is borne by the front legs, while the rear legs provide propulsion. The hooves are also important structures, providing support, traction and shock absorption, and containing structures that provide blood flow through the lower leg. As the horse developed as a cursorial animal, with a primary defense mechanism of running over hard ground, its legs evolved to the long, sturdy, light-weight, one-toed form seen today.


  1. Budras, Klaus-Dieter; Sack, W. O.; Röck, Sabine (2009). Anatomy of the Horse (PDF) (5th ed.). Hannover, Germany: Schlütersche Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG. p. 131. ISBN   978-3-89993-044-3 . Retrieved 20 June 2024.
  2. International Committee on Veterinary Gross Anatomical Nomenclature (2017). Nomina Anatomica Veterinaria (6th ed.). World Association of Veterinary Anatomists. p. 6. Retrieved 20 June 2024.