Homotopy extension property

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In mathematics, in the area of algebraic topology, the homotopy extension property indicates which homotopies defined on a subspace can be extended to a homotopy defined on a larger space. The homotopy extension property of cofibrations is dual to the homotopy lifting property that is used to define fibrations.



Let be a topological space, and let . We say that the pair has the homotopy extension property if, given a homotopy and a map such that

then there exists an extension of to a homotopy such that . [1]

That is, the pair has the homotopy extension property if any map can be extended to a map (i.e. and agree on their common domain).

If the pair has this property only for a certain codomain , we say that has the homotopy extension property with respect to .


The homotopy extension property is depicted in the following diagram

Homotopy extension property rotated.svg

If the above diagram (without the dashed map) commutes (this is equivalent to the conditions above), then pair (X,A) has the homotopy extension property if there exists a map which makes the diagram commute. By currying, note that homotopies expressed as maps are in natural bijection with expressions as maps .

Note that this diagram is dual to (opposite to) that of the homotopy lifting property; this duality is loosely referred to as Eckmann–Hilton duality.



If has the homotopy extension property, then the simple inclusion map is a cofibration.

In fact, if you consider any cofibration , then we have that is homeomorphic to its image under . This implies that any cofibration can be treated as an inclusion map, and therefore it can be treated as having the homotopy extension property.

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  1. A. Dold, Lectures on Algebraic Topology, pp. 84, Springer ISBN   3-540-58660-1