In mathematics, in particular homotopy theory, a continuous mapping between topological spaces
is a cofibration if it has the homotopy extension property with respect to all topological spaces . That is, is a cofibration if for each topological space , and for any continuous maps and with , for any homotopy from to , there is a continuous map and a homotopy from to such that for all and . (Here, denotes the unit interval .)
This definition is formally dual to that of a fibration, which is required to satisfy the homotopy lifting property with respect to all spaces; this is one instance of the broader Eckmann–Hilton duality in topology.
Cofibrations are a fundamental concept of homotopy theory. Quillen has proposed the notion of model category as a formal framework for doing homotopy theory in more general categories; a model category is endowed with three distinguished classes of morphisms called fibrations, cofibrations and weak equivalences satisfying certain lifting and factorization axioms.
In what follows, let denote the unit interval.
A map of topological spaces is called a cofibration [1] pg 51 if for any map such that there is an extension to (meaning: there is a map such that ), we can extend a homotopy of maps to a homotopy of maps , where
We can encode this condition in the following commutative diagram
where is the path space of equipped with the compact-open topology.
For the notion of a cofibration in a model category, see model category.
Topologists have long studied notions of "good subspace embedding", many of which imply that the map is a cofibration, or the converse, or have similar formal properties with regards to homology. In 1937, Borsuk proved that if is a binormal space ( is normal, and its product with the unit interval is normal) then every closed subspace of has the homotopy extension property with respect to any absolute neighborhood retract. Likewise, if is a closed subspace of and the subspace inclusion is an absolute neighborhood retract, then the inclusion of into is a cofibration. [2] [3] Hatcher's introductory textbook Algebraic Topology uses a technical notion of good pair which has the same long exact sequence in singular homology associated to a cofibration, but it is not equivalent. The notion of cofibration is distinguished from these because its homotopy-theoretic definition is more amenable to formal analysis and generalization.
If is a continuous map between topological spaces, there is an associated topological space called the mapping cylinder of . There is a canonical subspace embedding and a projection map such that as pictured in the commutative diagram below. Moreover, is a cofibration and is a homotopy equivalence. This result can be summarized by saying that "every map is equivalent in the homotopy category to a cofibration."
Arne Strøm has proved a strengthening of this result, that every map factors as the composition of a cofibration and a homotopy equivalence which is also a fibration. [4]
A topological space with distinguished basepoint is said to be well-pointed if the inclusion map is a cofibration.
The inclusion map of the boundary sphere of a solid disk is a cofibration for every .
A frequently used fact is that a cellular inclusion is a cofibration (so, for instance, if is a CW pair, then is a cofibration). This follows from the previous fact and the fact that cofibrations are stable under pushout, because pushouts are the gluing maps to the skeleton.
Let be an Abelian category with enough projectives.
If we let be the category of chain complexes which are in degrees , then there is a model category structure [5] pg 1.2 where the weak equivalences are the quasi-isomorphisms, the fibrations are the epimorphisms, and the cofibrations are maps
which are degreewise monic and the cokernel complex is a complex of projective objects in . It follows that the cofibrant objects are the complexes whose objects are all projective.
The category of simplicial sets [5] pg 1.3 there is a model category structure where the fibrations are precisely the Kan fibrations, cofibrations are all injective maps, and weak equivalences are simplicial maps which become homotopy equivalences after applying the geometric realization functor.
Note that in a model category if is not a cofibration, then the mapping cylinder forms a cofibrant replacement. In fact, if we work in just the category of topological spaces, the cofibrant replacement for any map from a point to a space forms a cofibrant replacement.
For a cofibration we define the cofiber to be the induced quotient space . In general, for , the cofiber [1] pg 59 is defined as the quotient space
which is the mapping cone of . Homotopically, the cofiber acts as a homotopy cokernel of the map . In fact, for pointed topological spaces, the homotopy colimit of
In fact, the sequence of maps comes equipped with the cofiber sequence which acts like a distinguished triangle in triangulated categories.
In the mathematical field of algebraic topology, the fundamental group of a topological space is the group of the equivalence classes under homotopy of the loops contained in the space. It records information about the basic shape, or holes, of the topological space. The fundamental group is the first and simplest homotopy group. The fundamental group is a homotopy invariant—topological spaces that are homotopy equivalent have isomorphic fundamental groups. The fundamental group of a topological space is denoted by .
In topology, a branch of mathematics, two continuous functions from one topological space to another are called homotopic if one can be "continuously deformed" into the other, such a deformation being called a homotopy between the two functions. A notable use of homotopy is the definition of homotopy groups and cohomotopy groups, important invariants in algebraic topology.
The notion of a fibration generalizes the notion of a fiber bundle and plays an important role in algebraic topology, a branch of mathematics.
In category theory, a branch of mathematics, a pushout is the colimit of a diagram consisting of two morphisms f : Z → X and g : Z → Y with a common domain. The pushout consists of an object P along with two morphisms X → P and Y → P that complete a commutative square with the two given morphisms f and g. In fact, the defining universal property of the pushout essentially says that the pushout is the "most general" way to complete this commutative square. Common notations for the pushout are and .
In homotopy theory, the Whitehead theorem states that if a continuous mapping f between CW complexes X and Y induces isomorphisms on all homotopy groups, then f is a homotopy equivalence. This result was proved by J. H. C. Whitehead in two landmark papers from 1949, and provides a justification for working with the concept of a CW complex that he introduced there. It is a model result of algebraic topology, in which the behavior of certain algebraic invariants determines a topological property of a mapping.
In mathematics, an adjunction space (or attaching space) is a common construction in topology where one topological space is attached or "glued" onto another. Specifically, let X and Y be topological spaces, and let A be a subspace of Y. Let f : A → X be a continuous map (called the attaching map). One forms the adjunction space X ∪fY (sometimes also written as X +fY) by taking the disjoint union of X and Y and identifying a with f(a) for all a in A. Formally,
In mathematics, specifically algebraic topology, the mapping cylinder of a continuous function between topological spaces and is the quotient
In mathematics, especially homotopy theory, the mapping cone is a construction in topology analogous to a quotient space and denoted . Alternatively, it is also called the homotopy cofiber and also notated . Its dual, a fibration, is called the mapping fiber. The mapping cone can be understood to be a mapping cylinder with the initial end of the cylinder collapsed to a point. Mapping cones are frequently applied in the homotopy theory of pointed spaces.
In topology, a branch of mathematics, a retraction is a continuous mapping from a topological space into a subspace that preserves the position of all points in that subspace. The subspace is then called a retract of the original space. A deformation retraction is a mapping that captures the idea of continuously shrinking a space into a subspace.
In mathematics, particularly in homotopy theory, a model category is a category with distinguished classes of morphisms ('arrows') called 'weak equivalences', 'fibrations' and 'cofibrations' satisfying certain axioms relating them. These abstract from the category of topological spaces or of chain complexes. The concept was introduced by Daniel G. Quillen.
In mathematics, in the area of algebraic topology, the homotopy extension property indicates which homotopies defined on a subspace can be extended to a homotopy defined on a larger space. The homotopy extension property of cofibrations is dual to the homotopy lifting property that is used to define fibrations.
In mathematics, the Puppe sequence is a construction of homotopy theory, so named after Dieter Puppe. It comes in two forms: a long exact sequence, built from the mapping fibre, and a long coexact sequence, built from the mapping cone. Intuitively, the Puppe sequence allows us to think of homology theory as a functor that takes spaces to long-exact sequences of groups. It is also useful as a tool to build long exact sequences of relative homotopy groups.
In mathematics, a Waldhausen category is a category C equipped with some additional data, which makes it possible to construct the K-theory spectrum of C using a so-called S-construction. It's named after Friedhelm Waldhausen, who introduced this notion to extend the methods of algebraic K-theory to categories not necessarily of algebraic origin, for example the category of topological spaces.
In the mathematical disciplines of algebraic topology and homotopy theory, Eckmann–Hilton duality in its most basic form, consists of taking a given diagram for a particular concept and reversing the direction of all arrows, much as in category theory with the idea of the opposite category. A significantly deeper form argues that the fact that the dual notion of a limit is a colimit allows us to change the Eilenberg–Steenrod axioms for homology to give axioms for cohomology. It is named after Beno Eckmann and Peter Hilton.
In algebraic topology, the Dold-Thom theorem states that the homotopy groups of the infinite symmetric product of a connected CW complex are the same as its reduced homology groups. The most common version of its proof consists of showing that the composition of the homotopy group functors with the infinite symmetric product defines a reduced homology theory. One of the main tools used in doing so are quasifibrations. The theorem has been generalised in various ways, for example by the Almgren isomorphism theorem.
In mathematics, a weak equivalence is a notion from homotopy theory that in some sense identifies objects that have the same "shape". This notion is formalized in the axiomatic definition of a model category.
In mathematics, especially in algebraic topology, the homotopy limit and colimitpg 52 are variants of the notions of limit and colimit extended to the homotopy category . The main idea is this: if we have a diagram
In category theory, a branch of mathematics, a (left) Bousfield localization of a model category replaces the model structure with another model structure with the same cofibrations but with more weak equivalences.
This is a glossary of properties and concepts in algebraic topology in mathematics.
In mathematics, homotopy theory is a systematic study of situations in which maps can come with homotopies between them. It originated as a topic in algebraic topology, but nowadays is learned as an independent discipline.