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In mathematics, a diffeology on a set generalizes the concept of smooth charts in a differentiable manifold, declaring what the "smooth parametrizations" in the set are.


The concept was first introduced by Jean-Marie Souriau in the 1980s under the name Espace différentiel [1] [2] and later developed by his students Paul Donato [3] and Patrick Iglesias. [4] [5] A related idea was introduced by Kuo-Tsaï Chen (陳國才, Chen Guocai) in the 1970s, using convex sets instead of open sets for the domains of the plots. [6]

Intuitive definition

Recall that a topological manifold is a topological space which is locally homeomorphic to . Differentiable manifolds generalize the notion of smoothness on in the following sense: a differentiable manifold is a topological manifold with a differentiable atlas, i.e. a collection of maps from open subsets of to the manifold which are used to "pull back" the differential structure from to the manifold.

A diffeological space consists of a set together with a collection of maps (called a diffeology) satisfying suitable axioms, which generalise the notion of an atlas on a manifold. In this way, the relationship between smooth manifolds and diffeological spaces is analogous to the relationship between topological manifolds and topological spaces.

More precisely, a smooth manifold can be equivalently defined as a diffeological space which is locally diffeomorphic to . Indeed, every smooth manifold has a natural diffeology, consisting of its maximal atlas (all the smooth maps from open subsets of to the manifold). This abstract point of view makes no reference to a specific atlas (and therefore to a fixed dimension ) nor to the underlying topological space, and is therefore suitable to treat examples of objects more general than manifolds.

Formal definition

A diffeology on a set consists of a collection of maps, called plots or parametrizations, from open subsets of () to such that the following axioms hold:

Note that the domains of different plots can be subsets of for different values of ; in particular, any diffeology contains the elements of its underlying set as the plots with . A set together with a diffeology is called a diffeological space.

More abstractly, a diffeological space is a concrete sheaf on the site of open subsets of , for all , and open covers. [7]


A map between diffeological spaces is called smooth if and only if its composite with any plot of the first space is a plot of the second space. It is called a diffeomorphism if it is smooth, bijective, and its inverse is also smooth. By construction, given a diffeological space , its plots defined on are precisely all the smooth maps from to .

Diffeological spaces form a category where the morphisms are smooth maps. The category of diffeological spaces is closed under many categorical operations: for instance, it is Cartesian closed, complete and cocomplete, and more generally it is a quasitopos. [7]


Any diffeological space is automatically a topological space with the so-called D-topology: [8] the final topology such that all plots are continuous (with respect to the euclidean topology on ).

In other words, a subset is open if and only if is open for any plot on . Actually, the D-topology is completely determined by smooth curves, i.e. a subset is open if and only if is open for any smooth map . [9]

The D-topology is automatically locally path-connected [10] and a differentiable map between diffeological spaces is automatically continuous between their D-topologies. [5]

Additional structures

A Cartan-De Rham calculus can be developed in the framework of diffeologies, as well as a suitable adaptation of the notions of fiber bundles, homotopy, etc. [5] However, there is not a canonical definition of tangent spaces and tangent bundles for diffeological spaces. [11]


Trivial examples


Constructions from other diffeological spaces

Wire/spaghetti diffeology

The wire diffeology (or spaghetti diffeology) on is the diffeology whose plots factor locally through . More precisely, a map is a plot if and only if for every there is an open neighbourhood of such that for two plots and . This diffeology does not coincide with the standard diffeology on : for instance, the identity is not a plot in the wire diffeology. [5]

This example can be enlarged to diffeologies whose plots factor locally through . More generally, one can consider the rank--restricted diffeology on a smooth manifold : a map is a plot if and only if the rank of its differential is less or equal than . For one recovers the wire diffeology. [17]

Other examples

Subductions and inductions

Analogously to the notions of submersions and immersions between manifolds, there are two special classes of morphisms between diffeological spaces. A subduction is a surjective function between diffeological spaces such that the diffeology of is the pushforward of the diffeology of . Similarly, an induction is an injective function between diffeological spaces such that the diffeology of is the pullback of the diffeology of . Note that subductions and inductions are automatically smooth.

It is instructive to consider the case where and are smooth manifolds.

In the category of diffeological spaces, subductions are precisely the strong epimorphisms, and inductions are precisely the strong monomorphisms. A map that is both a subduction and induction is a diffeomorphism. [17]

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In mathematics, convenient vector spaces are locally convex vector spaces satisfying a very mild completeness condition.


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