Papua New Guinea (PNG) is a constitutional parliamentary democracy with an estimated population of 6,187,591. [1] Police brutality, provincial power struggles, violence against women, and government corruption all contribute to the low awareness of basic human rights in the country.
The Constitution of Papua New Guinea entered into force on the 16 September 1975. It is one of the few unique constitutions around the world that contains almost all the rights and freedoms enshrined the United Nations Charter and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1948. The constitution contains many civil and political rights that are able to be enforced by the judiciary. These include right to freedom (Section 32); right to life (Section 35); freedom from inhuman treatment (Section 36); freedom of conscience, thought and religion (Section 45); freedom of expression (Section 46) and right to vote and stand for public office (Section 50). Economic, social and cultural rights are not included in the constitution and are instead provided for in the National Goals and Directive Principles. These remain as guidelines and are non-justiciable.
However, the Constitution does not include “gender” or “sex” as a prohibited ground of discrimination, which is inconsistent with PNG's obligations under the UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, Article 2. [2]
PNG has ratified 6 of the core human rights treaties; the third highest number in the Pacific behind New Zealand and Australia. These include the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR), the International Convention for the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (CERD), the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) and the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD), ratified in 2013. [3] Despite this the most recent Amnesty International submission prepared for the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) of PNG in May 2011 found that reporting by the government of PNG on its obligations under the international human rights treaties to which it is party has been very poor. [2]
PNG joined the United Nations (UN) in 1975 and on the 11 May 2011 extended a standing invitation to all the thematic mechanisms of the United Nations Commission on Human Rights to visit the country. [4] In May 2010 the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Torture visited PNG and suggested that the country urgently Ratify the Convention Against Torture (CAT) and its Optional Protocol. [5] As well as this the rapporteur also suggested that PNG ratify the first Optional Protocol to the ICCPR which provides for the right of victims to lodge individual complaints to the United Nations Human Rights Committee and also the second Optional Protocol aiming at the abolition of the death penalty. PNG has not yet ratified these instruments.
In 1997, the government approved in principle the establishment of a human rights commission for PNG with the minimum standards set by the Paris Principles. [6] This commitment was reaffirmed in 2007 with the presentation of the 2007 Final Option Paper on the establishment of the PNG human rights commission; [6] and in 2008 a draft organic law on the establishment of a human rights commission was prepared. [6] This draft Bill has yet to go through the parliamentary process and it is unclear whether the O'Neill Government remains committed to the establishment of this institution.
The Constitution provides for the right of citizens to change their government peacefully which is exercised in practice through periodic elections. All citizens possess the right to vote and political parties are able to operate free from restriction and outside influence. [7] However, in the most recent elections violence was common in the Highlands which compromised the possibility of free and fair voting. [7]
The right to freedom of speech and freedom of press as provided for in the Constitution are generally respected. There is no evidence of officially sanctioned government censorship, however newspaper owners have complained about intimidation tactics being used in an attempt to influence coverage. [7]
The right to freedom of assembly is also present in the constitution however is often limited in practice. Public demonstrations require 14 days notice as well as police approval which is rarely granted. [7]
Papua New Guinea is often labelled as potentially the worst place in the world for violence against women. [8] [9]
A study by Rachel Jewkes et al., in The Lancet in 2013, on behalf of the United Nations Multi-country Cross-sectional Study on Men and Violence research team, found that 41% of men on Bougainville Island, Papua New Guinea, admit to raping a non-partner. [10] About 14.1% of men have committed multiple perpetrator rape. [10] Other research indicates that two thirds of women have experienced domestic violence and fifty percent of women have experienced forced sex. [11] Rape is a crime punishable by imprisonment, but a prevalent culture of silence has resulted in few rapists being apprehended. Police officials have been directly implicated in the widespread sexual violence against women. [2]
Polygyny, as well as the custom of paying a ‘bride price’ to obtain a bride, are recurring problems, as is using women as compensation between tribes to settle disputes. The courts have ruled that such settlements have denied the women their constitutional rights. [7] In July 2010 the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women urged the government to "put in place without delay a comprehensive strategy, including legislation, to modify or eliminate customary practices and stereotypes that discriminate against women in conformity with articles 2, 2 (f) and 5 (a) of the Convention." [2] There are no employment or antidiscrimination laws.
Women are 6 times more likely to be accused of sorcery than men [2] and hundreds of accused witches and sorcerers are killed annually. The accusers often hire diviners known as a "Glass man" or "Glass mary" to confirm the accusation. The accused are often the weak of society, such as widows, while those with sons to support them have a higher chance of not being accused. Relatives often reject giving refuge to the accused because they have been paid a bride price by the husband, which would have to be returned if the wife leaves the husband. While killing witches used to be done discreetly, it has grown into a public spectacle. [12]
In 2009, a group of men stripped a woman naked, bound her hands and feet, forced a cloth in her mouth and then burnt her to death on a dumpsite. [13] In 2009 a committee was established under the Constitutional Review and Law Reform Commission, to review the laws relating to sorcery and other measures to curb the number of sorcery-related murders. In 2013, the government repealed a law that criminalized sorcery and the use of accusing someone of witchcraft as a defense in murder trials. [12]
According to UNICEF, nearly half of reported rape victims are under 15 years of age and 13% are under 7 years of age, [14] while a report by ChildFund Australia citing former Parliamentarian Dame Carol Kidu claimed 50% of those seeking medical help after rape are under 16, 25% are under 12 and 10% are under 8. [15]
With over 800 indigenous tribes and languages, PNG is one of the most heterogeneous countries in the world. [16] Recognition of indigenous rights in the country is poor and the divide in language, customs and tradition, has resulted in regular intertribal feuds. PNG has not ratified either the ILO Convention on Indigenous and Tribal Peoples in Independent Countries 1989 [17] (CITP) or the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. Clans and tribes in New Guinea have fought each other for centuries over various disputes such as land. While the bow and arrows has been the staple weapon for centuries, the recent introduction of automatic firearms have led to more tragic outcomes. [18]
On May 27, 2010 the government of PNG passed the Environment (Amendment) Bill 2010 [19] which amends sections of the Environment and Conservation Act 2000 and gives the Secretary of the Department of Conservation the power to approve activities by mining and petroleum companies without the agreement of the traditional landowners. Any approval issued by the director will be final and “may not be challenged or reviewed in any court or tribunal, except at the instigation of an Authorization Instrument”. [19]
These amendments are in contravention of the right of indigenous people to own land under s 53 of the constitution and Articles 14, 15 and 16 of the CITP as well as traditional customary law which recognises indigenous customary title to land. They also violate article 15.2 of the CITP which asserts that where the state retains ownership of sub-surface resources they shall consult indigenous peoples before undertaking or permitting any programs for the exploitation of such resources in regards to their lands. [20]
Although the right of indigenous peoples to own land is protected under the constitution, this only pertains to the first six feet below the surface of the land. [21] As a result, the government can lease mining rights to companies to mine below the lands surface. Mining corporation Barrick Gold has been leased mining rights to mine in Porgera in the Southern Highlands. As a result, there have been forced eviction of people from their homes and serious misconduct by police in this area. [2] Amnesty International found that there were no effective means for people of the public could complain against the police acting in violation of international law and standards. [2]
The following chart shows Papua New Guinea's ratings since 1975 in the Freedom in the World reports, published annually by Freedom House. A score of 1 is "most free" and 7 is "least free". [22]
Historical ratings | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Human rights in Uganda have trended for the past decades towards increasing harassment of the opposition, cracking down on NGOs which work on election and term limits, corruption, land rights, environmental issues, womens, children and gay rights. In 2012, the Relief Web sponsored Humanitarian Profile – 2012 said Uganda made considerable developments Since at least 2013 the Freedom in the World report by Freedom House has identified Uganda as a country considered to be "Not Free".There are several areas of concern when it comes to human rights in Uganda, and the "Not Free" classification is due to both low political rights and civil liberties rankings.
Bolivia's constitution and laws technically guarantee a wide range of human rights, but in practice these rights very often fail to be respected and enforced. “The result of perpetual rights violations by the Bolivian government against its people,” according to the Foundation for Sustainable Development, “has fueled a palpable sense of desperation and anger throughout the country.”
Technically speaking, Paraguayan law prohibits discrimination on grounds of gender, race, language, disability, or social status, but there is nonetheless widespread discrimination.
Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people in Papua New Guinea face legal challenges not experienced by non-LGBT residents. Male same-sex sexual activity is illegal, punishable by up to 14 years' imprisonment. The law is rarely enforced, but arrests still do happen, having occurred in 2015 and 2022. There are no legal restrictions against lesbian sex in the country.
The Declaration on the Elimination of Violence Against Women was adopted without a vote by the United Nations General Assembly in the 48/104 resolution of 20 December 1993. Contained within it is the recognition of "the urgent need for the universal application to women of the rights and principles with regard to equality, security, liberty, integrity and dignity of all human beings". It recalls and embodies the same rights and principles as those enshrined in such instruments as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and Articles 1 and 2 provide the most widely used definition of violence against women.
Tonga is a constitutional monarchy with a population of approximately 130,000. Politics and the economy are dominated by the king, the nobility, and a few prominent commoners. Economic, social and cultural rights are generally well respected. There are, however, a number of issues concerning protection of civil and political rights, particularly freedom of expression, and rights to political participation. Violence against women is a serious issue.
Capital punishment is no longer a legal punishment in the Independent State of Papua New Guinea.
Human rights in South Sudan are a contentious issue, owing at least in part to the country's violent history.
Samoa, officially the Independent State of Samoa, has a population of approximately 188,000 people. Samoa gained independence from New Zealand in 1962 and has a Westminster model of Parliamentary democracy which incorporates aspects of traditional practices. In 2016, Samoa ratified the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities CRPD and the three optional protocols to the CRC
Tuvalu is a small island nation in the South Pacific, located North of Fiji and North West of Samoa. The population at the 2012 census was 10,837. Tuvalu has a written constitution which includes a statement of rights influenced by the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the European Convention on Human Rights. While most human rights in Tuvalu are respected, areas of concern include women’s rights and freedom of belief, as well as diminishing access to human rights in the face of global warming. The latter has played a major role in the implementation of human rights actions in Tuvalu given its geographical vulnerability and scarce resources.
Fiji is an island nation in Melanesia in the South Pacific Ocean with a population of approximately 849,000. It is made up of Fijians, Indo-Fijians, Europeans, Chinese, other Pacific islanders, and people of mixed racial descent. Fiji has been in a state of political unrest since their independence from Britain in 1970.
Papua New Guinea (PNG) has a population of 6.8 million, nearly half of which is under 18 years of age. Public trust in the justice system has been eroded, and the country’s significant crime problem exacerbated, by brutal responses from police against those they suspect of having committed offences, and the routine violence, abuse and rape carried out by police against persons, including children, within their custody. Many incidents are cases of opportunistic abuses of power by police instead of their following official processes. While a raft of measures have been assembled in order to improve conditions and processes for youths within the justice system, their success has been hampered by a severe lack of implementation, insufficient resources, and failure to impose appropriate penalties on authorities for failure to adhere to their provisions.
The Republic of Uruguay is located in South America, between Argentina, Brazil and the South Atlantic Ocean, with a population of 3,332,972. Uruguay gained independence and sovereignty from Spain in 1828 and has full control over its internal and external affairs. From 1973 to 1985 Uruguay was governed by a civil-military dictatorship which committed numerous human rights abuses.
Human rights in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines are protected by international conventions and domestic legal framework. The country has ratified a number of United Nations conventions regarding human rights and its constitution guarantees some basic human rights, such as the right to fair trial and freedom from torture. However, clauses guaranteeing socio-economic rights, such as the right to education, and guarding against discrimination are "almost non-existent" in the constitution. There are also no individual complaints procedures for some of the ratified conventions.
Examples of Gender inequality Papua New Guinea includes poverty, violence, limited access to education and health care, and witch hunts. Cases of violence against women in PNG are under reported. There is also a lack of services for women who experience violence. There are reports of sexual abuse by police officers, on arrest and whilst in police custody. These incidents lack documentation or investigation, consequently, perpetrators are rarely prosecuted or punished. The government of Papua New Guinea (PNG) has introduced legislation to combat these issues, though with limited success.
Human rights in the Kingdom of Denmark are protected by the state's Constitution of the Realm (Danmarks Riges Grundlov); applying equally in Denmark proper, Greenland and the Faroe Islands, and through the ratification of international human rights treaties. Denmark has held a significant role in the adoption of both the European Convention on Human Rights and in the establishment of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR). In 1987, the Kingdom Parliament (Folketinget) established a national human rights institution, the Danish Centre of Human Rights, now the Danish Institute for Human Rights.
Portugal is generally considered as successful in upholding the civil liberties and protecting the human rights of its citizens. Portugal has proved to be determined in promoting and respecting human rights at an international and national level. The country's minister of Justice as of September 2018, Francisca Van Dunem, said that Portugal has had "a good track record" on human rights but violations still do persist.
Human rights in Norway protect the fundamental rights of all persons within the Kingdom of Norway. These rights are safeguarded by Chapter E of the Constitution of Norway or Kongeriket Norges Grunnlov, as well as the ratification of various international treaties facilitated by the United Nations. The country maintains a dedicated commitment to human rights and was the second country to ratify the European Convention on Human Rights.
Monica Paulus is a human rights activist from the Highlands of Papua New Guinea. She is a co-founder of the "Highlands Women Human Rights Defenders Network" and of "Stop Sorcery Violence" and concentrates her efforts on protecting women who have been accused of witchcraft or sorcery.