Ibrahim Spinzada

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Ibrahim spinzada
Known for Hamid Karzai's protege and brother-in-law

Engineer Ibrahim Spinzada is a politician in Afghanistan who has been appointed to several government positions by President Hamid Karzai. In 2004 the Los Angeles Times described Spinzada as Karzai's brother-in-law. [1] The Congressional Research Service also called him "a Karzai brother-in-law", when it reported he was the first deputy adviser on Afghanistan's National Security Council in 2010. [2]

In June 2010, Spinzada was appointed interim director of National Directorate of Security (NDS). [3]

In March 2012 he traveled to Guantanamo Bay detention camp in Cuba to negotiate with the five remaining Taliban leaders held there. [4]

Al Jazeera described him as an associate of Mohammed Ali Salehi, an individual they reported facilitated the illegal transfer of funds from Afghanistan. [5]

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  1. Paul Watson (2004-10-22). "Taliban Faction Seeks Return to Power by Ballot". Los Angeles Times . p. A1. Retrieved 2012-03-12. The negotiations are so sensitive that Karzai put his trusted brother-in-law Mohammed Ibrahim Spinzada -- known as "Engineer Ibrahim" in intelligence ...
  2. Kenneth Katzman (2011-02-10). "Afghanistan: Politics, Elections, and Government Performance" (PDF). Congressional Research Service . Retrieved 2012-03-12. There is a National Security Council that is located in the presidential palace complex and heavily populated by ethnic Pashtuns. As of February 2010, it has been headed by former Foreign Minister Rangin Spanta, a Pashtun who was in the government during the Soviet occupation era and is said to retain leftwing views. Two other trusted NSC officials (both Pashtuns) are first deputy NSC Adviser Ibrahim Spinzada (a Karzai brother-in-law), and Shaida Mohammad Abdali, the second deputy NSC Adviser.
  3. Hamid Shalizi, Jonathon Burch (2010-06-06). "Afghan minister and intelligence chief quit over attack". Reuters. Archived from the original on 2016-03-13. Retrieved 2012-03-12. The statement from Karzai's palace said the president had appointed Paswal Mohammad Munir Mangal as acting Interior Minister and Engineer Ibrahim spinzada as acting head of the intelligence department.
  4. Hamid Shalizi (2012-03-10). "Taliban Guantanamo detainees agree to Qatar transfer - official". Reuters. Archived from the original on 2012-03-12. Retrieved 2012-03-12. Karzai's top aide, Ibrahim Spinzada, visited the Guantanamo facility this week to secure approval from the five Taliban prisoners to be moved to Qatar.
  5. "Karzai aide paid by CIA: Presidential aide allegedly paid by CIA helps elites funnel money out of the country". Al Jazeera. 2010-08-26. Archived from the original on 2012-03-15. Retrieved 2012-03-12.