Identity disorder

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Identity disorder in the DSM was first listed as a separate diagnosis in version III (1980). In the DSM-IV (1994), it was replaced by "Identity problem", which was not defined as a mental disorder per se, but was listed in a chapter containing problems that might be a focus of clinical attention. Identity disorder was 'downgraded' to Identity problem as research indicated that distress over one's identity is so common that it might very well be considered part of the normality. In practice, if a person's distress persisted or worsened, an Identity problem would often be succeeded by a diagnosis of an actual disorder, such as a mood disorder or borderline personality disorder. In DSM-5 (2013), Identity problem was removed. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]

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  1. Rapoport, Judith L.; Ismond, Deborah R. (1996). DSM-IV Training Guide for Diagnosis of Childhood Disorders. p. 282. ISBN   978-0876307663.
  2. Côté, James E.; Levine, Charles G. (2002). Identity Formation, Agency, and Culture: A Social Psychological Synthesis. p. 155. ISBN   978-1135650049.
  3. Ashmore, Richard D.; Jussim, Lee (1997). Self and Identity: Fundamental Issues (Rutgers Series on Self and Social Identity). Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN   0-19-509826-9.
  4. ROWLAND, DAVID L.; INCROCCI, LUCA (2008). HANDBOOK OF SEXUAL and GENDER IDENTITY Disorders. New Jersey.: by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. ISBN   978-0-471-76738-1.
  5. Bowlby; Lady Xenia; Briggs; Deborah (2014). Living with the reality of dissociative identity disorder : campaigning voices. London: Karnac Books. ISBN   978-1-78220-134-2.
  6. Sinason, Valerie (2011). Attachment, Trauma and Multiplicity: Working with Dissociative Identity Disorder (2nd ed.). New York: Routledge. ISBN   978-0-415-49181-5.
  7. Erikson, Erik H. (1994). Identity: Youth and Crisis. New York: W·W·NORTON. ISBN   0-393-31144-9.