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An individual voluntary arrangement (IVA) is a formal alternative in England and Wales for individuals wishing to avoid bankruptcy. In Scotland, the equivalent statutory debt solution is known as a protected trust deed.
The IVA was established by and is governed by Part VIII of the Insolvency Act 1986. It constitutes a formal repayment proposal presented to a debtor's creditors via an insolvency practitioner. Usually but not necessarily, the IVA comprises only the claims of unsecured creditors and leaves the rights of secured creditors largely unchanged. Insolvency practitioners charge initial and ongoing fees that are in addition to the debt.
An IVA is a contractual arrangement with creditors and can be as flexible as an individual's own circumstances. It can therefore be based on capital, income, third-party payments or a combination of those.
In this process, a debtor who has enough money left over after priority creditors and essential expenses, may be able to arrange an individual voluntary arrangement. [1] (After taking independent advice, debtors with less serious problems may wish to consider a debt management plan.)
The analogous procedure for businesses is the company voluntary arrangement.
Creditors take a decision at a creditors' meeting called to consider the IVA proposal. The return to creditors is often higher than they would receive in bankruptcy. A vote is taken – by value. 75% in value of those creditors who vote at the meeting by person or by proxy must agree in order for the arrangement to be approved. If any of those voting are 'associates' (usually business associates, friends and family) then a second count is taken and 50% of non-associated creditors must approve it. [2]
IVAs were originally designed to provide relief to debts generated as a result of business insolvency. Since the late 1990s increasing levels of consumer debt have led to many insolvent individuals with non-business-generated debts seeking the legal protection offered within an IVA. IVAs may be popular with people who have assets which they wish to protect. These assets, such as high-equity properties and expensive cars etc., are not directly at risk under an IVA – as they may be in a bankruptcy. [3]
The advantages and disadvantages of an IVA compared with other debt solutions are particular to a debtor's individual circumstances and professional advice should be sought to decide on the best option.
An IVA is a private agreement between a debtor and creditors. As of 6 April 2009, bankruptcy is no longer advertised in the local newspaper, only in the London Gazette . IVA is not advertised. Both debtors in an IVA and bankruptcy are listed publicly on the Personal Insolvency Register - anyone can view the Insolvency Register but it is mainly used by credit reference agencies who use it to update credit records (an IVA will affect your credit record but this is the same as with other debt solutions), and creditors who will use the Insolvency Register to help them make a decision on whether they should lend money to potential customers. It is unlikely neighbours will check the Register, which can be a worry people assume when they find out they are going to be listed on a public register.
An income-based IVA can often last up to five years, although it can be any length. Homeowners may find their income based IVA term can be extended by 12 months in lieu of equity, if they own equity in a property which cannot be released into the IVA for the benefit of their creditors. [4]
A bankrupt is normally automatically discharged after one year or less if the bankrupt is eligible for an early discharge. An income payments agreement or order in bankruptcy (if one is applied, depending on the individual's disposable income) will not last for more than three years and payments are generally much lower than under an income based IVA.
Unlike bankruptcy, an IVA does not statutorily restrict a debtor from obtaining credit, although the proposal may do so. In bankruptcy however one legally can obtain credit of up to £500 without disclosing one's status as a bankrupt. [2] After a bankrupt is discharged there is nothing in law to stop the discharged bankrupt gaining credit.
Bankruptcy will usually dissolve a partnership and prevent a debtor from acting as a director of a company. A self-employed trader will have to disclose the fact that he or she is bankrupt when obtaining credit, for example when dealing with suppliers. There are no such implications with an IVA, although lenders often ask.
Although arguably an IVA is seen[ by whom? ] as more positive than bankruptcy in the eyes of creditors, as it shows a certain commitment to repaying debt, in reality an IVA is likely to have an equally detrimental effect on a debtor's credit rating as bankruptcy. Usually a debtor's credit rating is already poor before an IVA or bankruptcy is considered however. Both bankruptcy and an IVA will stay on a debtor's credit file for six years from the start of the IVA or bankruptcy. [5]
There are two separate fees payable in an IVA. Both of these fees are paid as part of the Arrangement and are included in the monthly contributions made to the IVA. These fees do not generally affect the total amount payable, but instead reduce the final dividend that each creditor hopes to receive from the IVA. As a result, an Insolvency Practitioner must agree his fees with voting creditors before an IVA is accepted.
The nominee's fee is a fee charged in relation to the work performed up to the point when the IVA is agreed. It is reclaimed from payments into the IVA before any dividend is paid to creditors.
The supervisor's fee is an ongoing fee in relation to the work performed during an IVA. It is reclaimed from payments into the IVA at regular intervals, as agreed with voting creditors. This could be quarterly or annually depending on the rules stipulated in the individual's proposal.
Some debt management companies try to include an extra IVA arrangement fee.[ citation needed ]
An IVA will also charge disbursements throughout the duration of the IVA, to cover any costs incurred by the supervisor managing the arrangement. Disbursements are split into category 1 and category 2 disbursements. Category 1 disbursements are costs directly related to arrangement and payments made to any third parties. Examples of these disbursements are bonds, PPI and mis-selling searches and set-up fees.
Category 1 disbursements cannot be capped by creditors.
Category 2 disbursements are related to the insolvency arrangement, however are not made to a third party. They include shared or allocated costs on a reasonable basis. Examples of this are business mileage, printing and photocopying and postage
Perhaps the biggest advantage to an IVA over bankruptcy is the control the debtor may have over their home.[ citation needed ] In bankruptcy, the debtor's assets will vest in the Trustee (some assets are excluded, notably those used as tools of trade, ordinary household contents). This will usually include equity in their property and the trustee may force its sale.[ citation needed ] An IVA proposal may exclude the property altogether, or propose a re-mortgage or offer income based contributions for a longer period in lieu of the debtor's equitable interest in the property. The supervisor may register a restriction on the property to ensure that his or her consent is required before the property is, for example, sold or re-mortgaged.
If an IVA fails because an individual can not keep up with the repayments (or agree new terms with the trustee and creditors), then bankruptcy becomes a real possibility. Because a significant proportion of IVA repayments go towards payment of the nominee's and supervisor's fees, people who have failed an IVA often find they had not paid as much of the debt off as they had expected.
Additionally, creditors will also add on interest and charges to the debts from the meeting of creditors date to the date of failure (currently 8% per annum), thereby increasing the level of debt.
An IVA can only be administered by a licensed insolvency practitioner. At each stage of the IVA process, the insolvency practitioner's role changes.
The adviser does not have to be an insolvency practitioner, though often is. The adviser should inform the debtor of all the solutions available, commonly including dealing with priority debts first, re-mortgage, consolidating debts into a loan, debt management, bankruptcy, a Debt Relief Order, and IVA. The adviser should look at all the debtor's circumstances, what they own, what they owe, and their household income & expenditure to advise the best solution. The adviser may charge for debt advice, however most IVA providers will offer advice without any upfront cost. Charitable debt advice agencies include Citizens Advice Bureau, StepChange Debt Charity, and Christians Against Poverty who may suggest debt management measures that do not involve an IVA.
If an IVA is considered appropriate, the insolvency practitioner will become the nominee. There is a misapprehension that it is the nominee's role to advise the debtor on drafting a proposal to the creditors. This is not the case. The legislation is clear that this is the task of the debtor and his or her advisers, which nevertheless may be the nominee's firm.
It is instead the nominee's task to review the proposal on which he has been asked to act, and to report on it.[ citation needed ]
In practice, the proposal is generally a standard document which is modified to the each debtor's particular circumstance. Common terms will include:
An analysis of the debtor's income (A) and expenditure (B). From this, the debtor's disposable income is calculated (A)−(B) and this will become the amount that will be paid into the IVA periodically (usually monthly). The period is usually five years, but can be any length. The proposal will usually state that if the disposable income increases during the term of the IVA, the amount to be paid will also increase proportionately.
A background history explaining how the debtor's financial difficulties arose.
Details of any assets that are to be realised or excluded. For example, how the matrimonial home will be dealt with, pension schemes, share save schemes, vehicles, etc.
The ability to call future meetings of creditors in the event that circumstances change, to modify the terms of the IVA.
Restrictions on obtaining credit. This is because a debt incurred after the approval of the IVA could result in a bankruptcy petition from a creditor, which would almost certainly cause the IVA to fail.
The Chairman will hold the meeting of creditors and negotiate with the debtor and creditors to approve the proposal. It is common for creditors to ask for modifications to the proposal at the meeting. Common modifications put forward by major banks include restricting the debtor from obtaining credit, ensuring payments increase if the debtor's income increases, specifying a minimum return such as 40 pence in the pound, and insisting that the supervisor fails the IVA if the debtor misses 3 or more payments, and petitions for the debtor's bankruptcy.
If the IVA is approved, the insolvency practitioner named as supervisor in the approved IVA becomes the Supervisor of the IVA. This involves reporting annually to the creditors, debtor and the court. It also involves monitoring that the debtor is complying with the terms of the arrangement, agreeing creditor claims, making payments to creditors and generally ensuring that the arrangement progresses in accordance with the terms of the proposal. The debtor must comply with all reasonable requests of the supervisor, which may include periodically providing bank statements, accounts, wage slips etc.
Bankruptcy is a legal process through which people or other entities who cannot repay debts to creditors may seek relief from some or all of their debts. In most jurisdictions, bankruptcy is imposed by a court order, often initiated by the debtor.
A creditor or lender is a party that has a claim on the services of a second party. It is a person or institution to whom money is owed. The first party, in general, has provided some property or service to the second party under the assumption that the second party will return an equivalent property and service. The second party is frequently called a debtor or borrower. The first party is called the creditor, which is the lender of property, service, or money.
A debtor or debitor is a legal entity that owes a debt to another entity. The entity may be an individual, a firm, a government, a company or other legal person. The counterparty is called a creditor. When the counterpart of this debt arrangement is a bank, the debtor is more often referred to as a borrower.
In accounting, insolvency is the state of being unable to pay the debts, by a person or company (debtor), at maturity; those in a state of insolvency are said to be insolvent. There are two forms: cash-flow insolvency and balance-sheet insolvency.
Consumer bankruptcy in Canada is governed by the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act ("BIA"). The legislation is complemented by regulations, as well as directives from the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy that provide guidelines to trustees in bankruptcy on various aspects of the BIA.
Bankruptcy in the United Kingdom is divided into separate local regimes for England and Wales, for Northern Ireland, and for Scotland. There is also a UK insolvency law which applies across the United Kingdom, since bankruptcy refers only to insolvency of individuals and partnerships. Other procedures, for example administration and liquidation, apply to insolvent companies. However, the term 'bankruptcy' is often used when referring to insolvent companies in the general media.
The Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act is one of the statutes that regulates the law on bankruptcy and insolvency in Canada. It governs bankruptcies, consumer and commercial proposals, and receiverships in Canada.
When an individual been made bankrupt in the UK it's legal and advisable to have a make use of an IVA referred to as a "fast-track individual voluntary arrangement" which implies the bankruptcy order can be annulled if all the terms have been fulfilled. It is necessary to put forward a payment proposal to the creditors that allows them to be paid more than they would under the standard bankruptcy order. The official receiver runs the FTVA for the individual if they agree with the proposal. The fast-track individual voluntary arrangement is cheaper than an ordinary IVA as there are set fees and costs.
The Enterprise Act 2002 is an act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom which made major changes to UK competition law with respect to mergers and also changed the law governing insolvency bankruptcy. It made cartels illegal with a maximum prison sentence of 5 years and states that level of competition in a market should be the basis for investigation.
Bankruptcy is a legally declared inability or impairment of ability of an individual or organization to pay their creditors. In most cases personal bankruptcy is initiated by the bankrupt individual. Bankruptcy is a legal process that discharges most debts, but has the disadvantage of making it more difficult for an individual to borrow in the future. To avoid the negative impacts of personal bankruptcy, individuals in debt have a number of bankruptcy alternatives.
A protected trust deed, overseen by the Accountant in Bankruptcy, is a voluntary but formal arrangement that is used by Scottish residents where a debtor grants a trust deed in favor of the trustee which transfers their estate to the trustee for the benefit of creditors. Any person wanting to make an application for a protected trust deed must have been a resident of Scotland for at least six months prior to making the application.
As a legal concept, administration is a procedure under the insolvency laws of a number of common law jurisdictions, similar to bankruptcy in the United States. It functions as a rescue mechanism for insolvent entities and allows them to carry on running their business. The process – in the United Kingdom colloquially called being "under administration" – is an alternative to liquidation or may be a precursor to it. Administration is commenced by an administration order.
Debt relief orders (DROs) are a simplified, quicker and cheaper alternative to bankruptcy as an insolvency measure in the United Kingdom, which came into effect in England and Wales on 6 April 2009, and are also offered in Northern Ireland.
United Kingdom insolvency law regulates companies in the United Kingdom which are unable to repay their debts. While UK bankruptcy law concerns the rules for natural persons, the term insolvency is generally used for companies formed under the Companies Act 2006. Insolvency means being unable to pay debts. Since the Cork Report of 1982, the modern policy of UK insolvency law has been to attempt to rescue a company that is in difficulty, to minimise losses and fairly distribute the burdens between the community, employees, creditors and other stakeholders that result from enterprise failure. If a company cannot be saved it is liquidated, meaning that the assets are sold off to repay creditors according to their priority. The main sources of law include the Insolvency Act 1986, the Insolvency Rules 1986, the Company Directors Disqualification Act 1986, the Employment Rights Act 1996 Part XII, the EU Insolvency Regulation, and case law. Numerous other Acts, statutory instruments and cases relating to labour, banking, property and conflicts of laws also shape the subject.
Under UK insolvency law an insolvent company can enter into a company voluntary arrangement (CVA). The CVA is a form of composition, similar to the personal IVA, where an insolvency procedure allows a company with debt problems or that is insolvent to reach a voluntary agreement with its business creditors regarding repayment of all, or part of its corporate debts over an agreed period of time. The application for a CVA can be made by the agreement of all directors of the company, the legal administrators of the company, or the appointed company liquidator.
According to the Office for National Statistics, sole proprietors represented 23.8% of all UK enterprise in 2010. Of that number, more than half a million sole traders were operating via the PAYE or VAT system alone. Sole traders are a distinct legal entity, operating as one type of UK business structure. In the event of financial problems affecting the business, they are subject to different rules to those that govern companies.
Bankruptcy in Irish Law is a legal process, supervised by the High Court whereby the assets of a personal debtor are realised and distributed amongst his or her creditors in cases where the debtor is unable or unwilling to pay his debts.
A Personal Insolvency Arrangement (PIA) is a statutory mechanism in Ireland for individuals who cannot repay their debts as they come due but who wish to avoid bankruptcy. The arrangement is one of the three alternatives authorized under Ireland's Personal Insolvency Act 2012; Debt Settlement Arrangements (DSA) and Debt Relief Notices (DRN) are the other two arrangements. A PIA is a legal agreement between a debtor and their creditors that is mediated and administered by a Personal Insolvency Practitioner (PIP). A PIA usually lasts for a term of six years and must include both unsecured debt and secured debts.
British Virgin Islands bankruptcy law is principally codified in the Insolvency Act, 2003, and to a lesser degree in the Insolvency Rules, 2005. Most of the emphasis of bankruptcy law in the British Virgin Islands relates to corporate insolvency rather than personal bankruptcy. As an offshore financial centre, the British Virgin Islands has many times more resident companies than citizens, and accordingly the courts spend more time dealing with corporate insolvency and reorganisation.
Cayman Islands bankruptcy law is principally codified in five statutes and statutory instruments: