International Academy of Science, Munich

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The International Academy of Science (IAS, unofficial name: International Academy of Science, Munich) is an international learned society and academy of science established 1982 in Munich. The IAS has elected members (academicians) from all over the world. Its members are scientists, philosophers, intellectuals, and few acting or former public and state representatives.



The goals of IAS include solving ecological and climate problems, sustainability, public health and the protection of ethical heritage of humanity. [1] The IAS promotes scientific methods (for e.g. overcoming poverty) for a sustainable future for humanity. [2]

Another general aim of the IAS is to reinforce awareness of scientific responsibility. [3] ICSD-IAS supported the Universal Movement for Scientific Responsibility (MURS). The goal of the movement was to add a new article to the Universal Declaration for Human Rights: "Scientific knowledge should be used only to promote the dignity and preserve the integrity and the future of man, but no-one can hinder the acquisition of scientific knowledge". [4] IAS Honorary President Jean Dausset was the Chairmen of MURS, which actively campaigned against patenting the human genome sequence". [5] MURS was supported by French President Valéry Giscard d'Estaing. [6]


The Academy was founded in Munich from 42 scientists from LMU, TU, GSF (now Helmholtz Zentrum München)*, Max Planck Society and Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities of the International Council for Scientific Development (ICSD). [7] IAS and ICSD have been an organisational unit since then, the short form designation for both is IAS-ICSD or ICSD-IAS. Also ICSD is used separately. The ICSD's core function is the institutional members organisation, the IAS is the central body and the organisation of the personal members. Until 1990, more than 700 academicians from over 80 National Academies of Sciences accepted membership, including Nobel Laureates. Ilya Prigogine was Founding President, Co-Presidents were Angel Balevski, Ana Aslan (until 1988) and Partrap S. Srivastara (1984-1989). [8] Linus Karl Pauling was one of the Honorary Presidents until the end of his life. IAS Aacd. Yuan T. Lee was IAS-ICSD Honorary President until his election 2011 as head of the International Council for Science. [9]

National Sections of the Academy were founded in many countries. The most active section of the Academy is the Russian and Azerbaijani section and the Health and Ecology (IAS-ICSD H&E) Committee, which operates worldwide. In October 1993 in Moscow, the Russian Section of International Academy of Science (RS IAS) was established with prominent representatives of domestic science: Nobel Prize Laureates N.G. Basov, A.M. Prokhorov and Academicians Nikita Moiseyev [10] and others (10 Year Report 2003). [11] 34 organizations have been officially registered as collective members of RS/IAS. [12] The Azerbaijan Section was established with leading academic institutions on 03 November 2003 with support of the Head of State of Azerbaijan. [13] [14]

The IAS has a decentralised legal governance (e.g. in Russia, Japan, Germany, Austria) with regular governance meetings. [15] The Academy has a number of committees and commissions, as well as own research facilities and research groups. The best known committee internationally is the Health and Ecology Committee (H&E), [16] which also has its own legal structure.

The acting IAS President (2019-2023) is Walter Kofler (Innsbruck Medical University, Austria), who has been Chairman of the Health and Ecology Committee for many years and is a foreign member of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Vice Presidents are Gunnar Tellnes (University of Oslo, Norway) and Joao Vicente de Assuncao (Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil), General Secretary is Oleg Glazachev (First Moscow State Medical University Moscow, Russia).

The official legal name is International Academy of Science, also in all documents and statutes, without the place name Munich. The place of origin Munich was introduced unofficially to avoid confusion with the other numerous International Academies of Sciences. The IAS was the first institution to bear this name and, unlike the most other organisations, it is a genuine academy of science.

The International Academy of Sciences organised conferences [17] [18] and workshops [19] around the world. [20] Also, the IAS published in different languages over the past 30 years. [21] The Russian Section published the Herald of the International Academy of Science as peer reviewed and international journal. ICSD-IAS has its own international Publishing House in Innsbruck. [22]

The IAS work with many cooperation partners such as the UNESCO, worldwide universities (e.g. Oslo, Moscow, Munich, Baku) academies such as the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Pakistan Academy of Sciences, Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences e.g., public authorities, organisations and ministries. The IAS covers all research areas, including humanities. Main fields today are health and sustainability related sciences like health science, health and ecology, education for sustainable development, forecasting of earthquakes, [23] [24] planetary health and sustainability science. [25]

IAS Awards

Since 1990, the IAS has awarded the following awards (sometimes together with IUAPPA) [26] for outstanding scientific and practical achievements:

Membership and Academicians (1982-2021)

From 1982 until 2021 the IAS has approximately 1,500 academicians (members), [27] including many Nobel Laureates and members from 81 national academies of sciences. Today, IAS unites about 900 academicians. The members are listed as Academicians Acad., abbreviation before the names respectively IAS Acad., after or before the name). Membership is by invitation or election only. The ICSD-Network (including sections) contains around 135 institutions as members (1980-2021) e.g. universities, national academies of sciences, research institutes and other.

The following table provides a small list of selected academicians:

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Walter Kofler is an Austrian physician and philosopher of medicine. Until 2010 he was professor at the Innsbruck Medical University and teaches since 2012 at the I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University. He is President of the International Academy of Science, Munich.

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Asaf Hajiyev

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Jamil Aziz oghlu Aliyev is a Doctor of Medicine, Professor, Academician of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Honored Scientist of the Azerbaijan Republic, Director of National Oncology Center of Ministry of Health of the Republic of Azerbaijan.


  1. Weiss, D.K. Grundlagen und Ziele von ICSD-IAS: IN: Umweltministerium Mecklenburg-Vorpommern-Stadt Güstrow: Regionale Konferenz mit internationaler Beteiligung. Güstrow 2000, p 121-130, ISBN   3-00-007218-7
  2. IAS-ICSD:Science Without Borders.Transactions of the International Academy of Science H&E. Volume 2 2005/2006, p 25
  3. ICSD-IAS. Book 1989, p 11
  4. ICSD-IAS. Book 1989, p 93
  5. Charron, D. Jean Dausset (1916–2009). Nature 460, 338 (2009).
  6. Report of the International Colloquium on Biology and Human Development at the Sorbonne. Ambassade de Franc, Presse et Information. October 1974, p2
  7. International Council for Scientific Development - International Academy of Science Broschure 1989, p 3-17
  8. Presidium International Academy of Science -
  9. IAS-ICSD:Science Without Borders.Transactions of the International Academy of Science H&E. Volume 2 2005/2006, p 16
  10. IAS-ICSD: Science Without Borders. Transactions of the International Academy of Science. H&E Volume 1 2003/2004, p 17
  11. IAS-ICSD:Report on 10 years activity of the Russian Section of International Academy of Science. 2006
  12. ВЕСТНИК МЕЖДУНАРОДНОЙ АКАДЕМИИ НАУК (РУССКАЯ СЕКЦИЯ) • 2006 • ХроникаКТО ЕСТЬ КТО В РУССКОЙ СЕКЦИИ МЕЖДУНАРОДНОЙ АКАДЕМИИ НАУК. Who is Who in the Russian Section of the International Academy of Scienc.
  13. IAS-ICSD:Science Without Borders. Transactions of the International Academy of Science. H&E Volume 1 2003/2004, p 22
  14. IAS-AS - 5 Years Azerbaijan Section. BAKU - 2007,138 pages
  15. "Meeting Report 2017". Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences.
  16. W.Kofler, O.S.Glazachev: Report of the International Academy of Science (Health & Ecology e.v.) General Assembly, Nicosia — 2019,
  17. IAS-RS: Proceedings of the International conference - Ecological Culture in the Global World: Russian Education Modernization in the International Strategy- 2012
  18. Natural Cataclysms and Global Problems of the Modern Civilization. Proceedings of the World Forum – International Congress, September 19-21, 2011, Istanbul, Turkey – SWB, London, 2012, 599 p. ISBN   978-9952-451-14-6
  19. ICSD-IAS Symposium in the International Conference on Environment: Survival and Sustainability, held at the Near East University, Nicosia, Northern Cyprus 2007 - Conference Report: Survival and Sustainability: Environmental concerns in the 21st Century (Environmental Earth Sciences), 1400 p., Springer, ISBN   3540959904
  20. Bulgarian Academy of Sciences: International Symposium “Natural Cataclysms and Global Problems of the Modern Civilization” (Baku, 24-27 September 2007) GEOLOGICA BALCANICA, 36. 3—4, Sofia, Decemb. 2007, p. 111—112.
  21. Journal “Herald of the International Academy of Science. Russian Section” (HIAS.RS)under the auspices of the Russian Humanitarian Scientific Fond and the TECO Center of M.A. Sholokhov Moscow State University of Humanities.
  22. ICSD_IAS: SCIENCE WITHOUT BORDERS.Transactions of the International Academy of Science H&E Volume 4 2017/2019, p.701
  23. Wahyudi, . and Khalilov, . (2009) “ATROPATENA” A Breakthrough to Predict the Earthquakes. Proceedings of International Symposium on Earth Quake & Precursor on the Possibility of Establishing for, Earthquake Precursors Monitoring System. pp. 57-69. ISSN 978-979-15549-5-4
  25. Human ecology and sustainability science. Differences and similarities, synergy options | GAIA 28/2 (2019): 174 –176
  26. "Hope for the Future for a Sustainable World Award". IUAPPA.
  27. International Council for Scientific Development - International Academy of Science Broschure 1989, p 19-27