International Studies Review

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<i>Review of International Studies</i> Academic journal

The Review of International Studies is a peer-reviewed academic journal on international relations published by Cambridge University Press on behalf of the British International Studies Association. From 1975 to 1980, it was known as the British Journal of International Studies. The editor-in-chief is Martin Coward. Previous editors include J. E. Spence, Roy E. Jones, R. J. Vincent, Richard Little, Paul Taylor, Michael Cox, David Armstrong, Nicholas Rengger, Kimberly Hutchings, and Ruth Blakeley.

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Political Psychology is a peer-reviewed academic journal published bimonthly by Wiley on behalf of the International Society of Political Psychology. The editors-in-chief are Orla Muldoon of the University of Limerick, Ireland and James Liu of Massey University, New Zealand.

The Political Studies Review is an academic journal that publishes rather range of long short form articles, including: original research articles, review articles, early results, the null hypothesis, and symposia and new ideas in the field of political science and international relations. The journal also publishes book reviews".

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  1. "2018 Journal Citation Reports". Thomson Reuters . Retrieved 2019-10-14.