International incident

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An international incident (or diplomatic incident) is a dispute between two or more states that are not settled judicially. [1]


International incidents can arise from unanticipated actions involving citizens, government officials, or armed units of one or more states, or out of a deliberate but small provocative action by espionage agents of one state, or by terrorists, against another state.

An international incident usually arises during a time of relative peace between states, and in general is, on the surface, an unexpected event. Conflicts that grow out of a series of escalating skirmishes between states generally are not considered international incidents; however, terrorist actions can and often do become international incidents. However, historical views of past international incidents often reveal the incident was the flashpoint of a simmering conflict between states, or organizations opposing states.

Wars have often been provoked by international incidents, and diplomatic efforts to prevent international incidents from growing into full-scale armed conflicts often have been unsuccessful. In the aftermath of the First World War, the League of Nations was established to help nations who were parties to an international incident achieve a solution to the incident through diplomatic means. Initially, the League of Nations had some success in working to find diplomatic solutions, however the failure of the League of Nations to prevent World War II resulted in the disbandment of the League of Nations in favor of the United Nations. As with its predecessor, the United Nations provides a means by which nations involved in an international incident can work to resolve the matter diplomatically rather than through the use of force.

The term is also applied to various incidents that can disrupt international commerce, and to celebrities or other well-known people who commit gaffes or otherwise act inappropriately, causing the press and sometimes governments to criticize their actions.

The International Court of Justice keeps a list of legal disputes between states, many of which result from international incidents. The incidents listed may or may not conform to the definitions given above.

Examples of international incidents

18th century

19th century

20th century

21st century

See also

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Iran–United States relations</span> Bilateral relations

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Latin America–United States relations</span> Bilateral relations

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Israel–Jordan relations</span> Bilateral relations

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">2010 Colombia–Venezuela diplomatic crisis</span>

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Bahrain–Iran relations</span> Bilateral relations

Bilateral relations exist between the countries of Bahrain and Iran. Since the 1979 Iranian Revolution, relations between the two countries have been strained over various geopolitical issues such as the interpretations of Islam, Awakening of the Islamic world, and relations with the United States, Europe, and other Western countries. In addition, Iran has been severely critical of Bahrain for hosting the United States Fifth Fleet within the Persian Gulf at the Naval Support Activity Bahrain base.

This is a timeline of the 21st century.

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The History of Indian foreign policy refers to the foreign relations of modern India post-independence, that is the Dominion of India (from 1947 to 1950) and the Republic of India (from 1950 onwards).

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Iran–Ukraine relations</span> Bilateral relations

The Islamic Republic of Iran and Ukraine established formal diplomatic relations on 22 January 1992. Iran recognized Ukraine as an independent sovereign state on 25 December 1991, four months after the Ukrainian SSR issued the Act of Declaration of Independence of Ukraine amidst the dissolution of the Soviet Union. Iran has an embassy in Ukraine's Kyiv, and Ukraine has an embassy in Iran's Tehran. The two countries enjoyed a generally cordial relationship with each other until January 2020, when Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps shot down Ukraine International Airlines Flight 752, killing all of the 176 civilians onboard.


  1. "Incident method (or approach)". Encyclopaedic Dictionary of International Law (3rd ed.). Oxford University Press. 2009. doi:10.1093/acref/9780195389777.001.0001/acref-9780195389777-e-1088. ISBN   9780199738540.