"},"direction_a":{"wt":"South"},"terminus_a":{"wt":"{{Jct|state=IA|IA|9|CR|W34|county2=Winneshiek}}east of [[Cresco,Iowa|Cresco]]"},"direction_b":{"wt":"North"},"terminus_b":{"wt":"{{Jct|state=MN|MN|139}}near [[Harmony,Minnesota|Harmony,Minn.]]"},"counties":{"wt":"[[Winneshiek County,Iowa|Winneshiek]]"},"previous_type":{"wt":"IA"},"previous_route":{"wt":"137"},"next_type":{"wt":"IA"},"next_route":{"wt":"140"}},"i":0}}]}" id="mwBQ">.mw-parser-output .header-default,.mw-parser-output .header-UNK,.mw-parser-output .header-ATA,.mw-parser-output .header-BDI,.mw-parser-output .header-CAF,.mw-parser-output .header-COG,.mw-parser-output .header-COM,.mw-parser-output .header-DMA,.mw-parser-output .header-ERI,.mw-parser-output .header-FSM,.mw-parser-output .header-GAB,.mw-parser-output .header-HTI,.mw-parser-output .header-GMB,.mw-parser-output .header-GUY,.mw-parser-output .header-HRV,.mw-parser-output .header-KEN,.mw-parser-output .header-KNA,.mw-parser-output .header-LBY,.mw-parser-output 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Iowa Highway 139 | ||||
Iowa 139 highlighted in red | ||||
Route information | ||||
Maintained by Iowa DOT | ||||
Length | 11.431 mi [1] (18.396 km) | |||
Existed | 1930 [2] –present | |||
Major junctions | ||||
South end | ![]() ![]() | |||
North end | ![]() | |||
Location | ||||
Counties | Winneshiek | |||
Highway system | ||||
Iowa Highway 139 (Iowa 139) is an 11-mile-long (18 km) highway in northeastern Iowa. It begins at Iowa 9 east of Cresco and ends at the Minnesota state line, where it continues northward as Minnesota State Highway 139. It crosses the Upper Iowa River near Kendallville. The roadway has been a part of the state's primary highway system since its inception in 1920; however, it has only been known as Iowa 139 since 1930. From 1935 to 1980, the highway extended south to Protivin.
Iowa 139 begins at an intersection with Iowa 9 on the Howard–Winneshiek county line one mile (1.6 km) east of Cresco. Iowa 9 enters the intersection from the west and the south, County Road W34 (CR W34) makes up the eastern leg, and Iowa 139 heads north. The highway curves to the east, fully entering Winneshiek County, and then back to the north. It snakes through into the Upper Iowa River valley and goes through Kendallville. Rising out of the valley, the road curves to the north and remains in its heading until just before the Minnesota state line. It eases to the east and continues north as Minnesota State Highway 139. [3]
The roadway that is now Iowa 139 has been a part of the primary highway system since the system was created in 1920. It was originally part of Primary Road No. 20 (No. 20), which was a north–south route that passed through Decorah, Dubuque, Davenport, Fort Madison, and Keokuk. [4] In 1926, when most of No 20 became U.S. Highway 61 (US 61) and US 55, only the length of the road north of Decorah did not become a U.S. Highway. A short overlap of Iowa 9 was eliminated, which left the segment now known as Iowa 139. [5] However, it would be another four years before it was called Iowa 139. From 1926 to 1930, the graded, dirt road was known as Iowa 130. [2] [5]
In 1935, Iowa 139 was extended southward to Protivin. It overlapped Iowa 9 for two miles (3.2 km) through Cresco and then south for 12 miles (19 km). [6] [7] The Protivin spur was paved in 1955, [8] [9] while the northern half of the route was not paved until 1957. [10] [11] In 1980, the Protivin spur was turned over to Howard County, where today it is CR V58. [12] [13]
County | Location | mi [1] | km | Destinations | Notes |
Howard–Winneshiek county line | Vernon Springs–Orleans township line | 0.000 | 0.000 | ![]() ![]() | |
Winneshiek | Fremont Township | 11.431 | 18.396 | ![]() | Continuation into Minnesota |
1.000 mi = 1.609 km; 1.000 km = 0.621 mi |
Winneshiek County is a county located in the U.S. state of Iowa. As of the 2020 census, the population was 20,070. The county seat is Decorah.
Iowa Highway 9 is the most northern of Iowa's east–west highways, traversing the entire northern tier of counties. It runs from the eastern terminus of South Dakota Highway 42 at the South Dakota border east of Sioux Falls, South Dakota near Benclare, to the Wisconsin border at Lansing where it continues as Wisconsin Highway 82. It is largely rural in character, bypassing any large city. Making a few dips north and south, the highway largely follows a very straight east–west alignment.
Burr Oak is an unincorporated community in Winneshiek County, Iowa, United States, very close to the Minnesota state line. Burr Oak is a census-designated place and the population was 166 in the 2010 census.
Iowa Highway 4 is a state highway which runs from north to south across the state of Iowa. It is 146 miles (235 km) long, beginning at an intersection with Iowa Highway 44 in Panora and ending at the Minnesota state line north of Estherville. It continues north as Minnesota State Highway 4. The route was created on January 1, 1969, when several route designations were changed to match other states' route numbers. Before 1969, Iowa 4 was known as Iowa 17.
Iowa Highway 15 is a north–south state highway in northern Iowa. It is 63+1⁄2 miles (102.2 km) long. The southern end of Iowa 15 is 7 miles (11 km) east of Pocahontas at an intersection with Iowa Highway 3. The northern end is at the Minnesota border, where the highway continues north as Minnesota State Highway 15 near Fairmont, Minnesota. Prior to 1969, the route was known as Iowa Highway 44; it was renumbered to match the highway in Minnesota.
Iowa Highway 38 is a 98-mile-long (158 km) state highway that runs through eastern Iowa. Iowa 38 begins at Iowa Highway 92 in Muscatine and ends at Iowa Highway 3 near Greeley.
Iowa Highway 1 (Iowa 1) is a state highway in the U.S. state of Iowa that extends from Keosauqua to Anamosa. It travels nearly 120 miles (190 km), mainly through rich farmland and small communities. Iowa 1 provides an important link to Iowa City and the University of Iowa as it passes through campus. Portions of the route today date back to the late 1830s, when Martin Van Buren was president, making Iowa 1 one of the oldest routes in the state, pre-dating the current primary highway system by nearly eighty years. The highway was seriously damaged by the Cedar River in the Iowa flood of 2008, which closed the highway for seven weeks.
Iowa Highway 25 (Iowa 25) is a north–south highway in the southwest and west-central portion of the state. It begins at Iowa 2 seven miles (11 km) south of Clearfield. It heads north along a two-lane road through Creston, Greenfield, and Guthrie Center on its way to its northern end at U.S. Route 30 (US 30) near Scranton.
Iowa Highway 26 is a 11-mile-long (18 km) state highway that runs from south to north in Allamakee County, Iowa. It begins in Lansing at an intersection with Iowa Highway 9 at the Black Hawk Bridge and ends at the Minnesota border at New Albin. It continues into Minnesota as Minnesota State Highway 26. Iowa 26 was created in 1969 in a numbering swap with Iowa Highway 182. The designation was changed to match TH 26. The highway is the northernmost leg of the Great River Road in Iowa. Most of the highway is designated the Driftless Area Scenic Byway.
U.S. Highway 52 is a 166-mile-long (267 km) United States Numbered Highway in northeast Iowa. The route begins at the Dale Gardner Veterans Memorial Bridge over the Mississippi River between Sabula and Savanna, Illinois. From Sabula, it heads north along the Mississippi towards Bellevue and Dubuque. At Dubuque, US 52 briefly shares an expressway with US 61 and US 151 before joining the Southwest Arterial, another expressway diverting traffic around the southern edge of Dubuque.
Iowa Highway 187 is a highway in northeastern Iowa. It begins at U.S. Highway 20 (US 20) southwest of Masonville and ends at Iowa 150 south of Fayette.
Iowa Highway 143 (Iowa 143) is a north–south state highway in northwestern Iowa. The highway is 12 miles (19 km) long. The route was designated in 1926 when its original number, Primary Road No. 75 was reused for U.S. Highway 75. It was originally a short spur route into Marcus, but was extended north to Iowa 10 in 1938. From 1941 to 1961, the highway extended south from Iowa 3 / Iowa 5 to the Cherokee–Woodbury county line.
Iowa Highway 340 connected U.S. Highway 18 Business in McGregor to Pikes Peak State Park. It was designated in 1936 to connect Pikes Peak State Park to the primary highway system, which it did until it was turned over to Clayton County in 2003. It was turned over along with 700 miles (1,100 km) of other short highways that primarily served local traffic. It was mostly replaced by County Road X56. Aside from a short connector to the state park gate, the route was a part of the Great River Road.
U.S. Highway 75 (US 75) is a United States Highway in northwestern Iowa. It begins at the Missouri River on a bridge with Interstate 129 (I-129) and US 20. Immediately upon landing in Iowa from Nebraska, I-129 ends at an interchange with I-29. US 20 and US 75 continue around Sioux City on a four-lane expressway until US 20 exits to the east. US 75 heads to the north-northeast, parallel to the Floyd River, until Le Mars. There, Iowa Highway 60 (Iowa 60) continues northeastward on the expressway while US 75 heads due north. Near Hull, it is briefly overlapped by US 18. It leaves the state and enters Minnesota north of Rock Rapids.
Iowa Highway 15 (Iowa 15) was a short state highway in Van Buren County. It ran from the Missouri state line, where it connected to Route 15 to Iowa 2 in Milton. The highway was designated on January 1, 1969, when the Iowa State Highway Commission renumbered several state highways in order to match up with adjoining highways in neighboring states. The route ceased to exist on July 1, 2003, when the Iowa Department of Transportation turned over 700 miles (1,100 km) of state highways that mostly served local traffic. While it was in service, there were two Iowa 15s in the state; the other was significantly longer and located in the northern part of the state thus avoiding confusion between the two routes.
Iowa Highway 99 (Iowa 99) was a state highway in southeastern Iowa. It began in downtown Burlington and generally followed the course of the Mississippi River north to Wapello. Most of the route was a part of the Great River Road. The highway was designated in 1931 and its course remained unchanged until it was removed from the primary highway system in 2003. It was replaced by County Road X99, though around Burlington, it is sometimes referred to as County Road 99.
Iowa Highway 91 (Iowa 91) was a short state highway in northwestern Iowa. It began at Iowa 9 between Rock Rapids and Little Rock and ended at the Minnesota state line. It continued north as Minnesota State Highway 91. The highway was part of the primary highway system for 23 years; it was designated in 1980 and removed in 2003. After it was turned over, it became County Road L14.
Howard–Winneshiek Community School District is a rural public school district headquartered in Cresco, Iowa.
U.S. Highway 59 (US 59) is a United States Highway that transverses the western third of Iowa. It begins at the Missouri state line southwest of Northboro and travels north in a zigzag pattern through Shenandoah, Avoca, Denison, and Cherokee. It ends at the Minnesota state line east of Bigelow, Minnesota. The highway was designated in 1934, though a concerted effort of community officials along today's route sought to bring a U.S. Highway to their cities for several years prior to US 59's creation.
U.S. Highway 63 (US 63) is a United States Highway that runs through the eastern third of Iowa. It begins at the Missouri state line southwest of Bloomfield and travels north through Ottumwa, Oskaloosa, Tama, Waterloo, and New Hampton. It ends at the Minnesota state line at Chester. Between Ottumwa and Oskaloosa, the highway is a four-lane controlled-access highway. Through Waterloo and New Hampton, it is partially controlled; that is, the road as both grade-separated interchanges and at-grade intersections. The rest of the highway is largely a two-lane rural highway.
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