Janibacter indicus

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Janibacter indicus
Scientific classification
J. indicus
Binomial name
Janibacter indicus
Zhang et al. 2014

Janibacter indicus is a species of Gram positive, aerobic, bacterium. The species was initially isolated from hydrothermal sediment from the Indian Ocean. The species was first described in 2014, and the species named refers to the Indian Ocean. [1]

The optimum growth temperature for J. indicus is 28-30 °C, and can grow in the 15-40 °C range. The optimum pH is 7.0-8.0, and can grow at 6.0-11.0. [1]

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  1. 1 2 Zhang, G.; Ren, H.; Wang, S.; Chen, X.; Yang, Y.; Zhang, Y.; Jiang, Y. (17 April 2014). "Janibacter indicus sp. nov., isolated from hydrothermal sediment of the Indian Ocean". International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. 64 (Pt 7): 2353–2357. doi:10.1099/ijs.0.059527-0. PMID   24744020.