Jeffrey Goldstone

Last updated

Jeffrey Goldstone
Born (1933-09-03) 3 September 1933 (age 90)
Alma mater Trinity College, Cambridge
Known for Goldstone boson
Linked-cluster theorem
Scientific career
Fields Quantum mechanics
Institutions MIT
Doctoral advisor Hans Bethe

Jeffrey Goldstone (born 3 September 1933) is a British theoretical physicist and an emeritus physics faculty member at the MIT Center for Theoretical Physics.


He worked at the University of Cambridge until 1977. He is noted for the discovery of the Nambu–Goldstone boson. He is currently working on quantum computation.


Born in Manchester, he was educated at Manchester Grammar School and Trinity College, Cambridge, (B.A. 1954, Ph.D. 1958). He worked on the theory of nuclear matter under the guidance of Hans Bethe and developed modifications of Feynman diagrams for non-relativistic many-fermion systems, which are currently referred to as Goldstone diagrams. [1] In 1957, he proved the linked-cluster theorem, showing that only connected diagrams contribute to the calculation. [2]

Goldstone was a research fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge, from 1956 to 1960 and held visiting research posts at Copenhagen, CERN and Harvard. During this time, his research focus shifted to particle physics and he investigated the nature of relativistic field theories with spontaneously broken symmetries. With Abdus Salam and Steven Weinberg, he proved that in such theories zero-mass particles (Nambu–Goldstone bosons) must exist.

From 1962 to 1976, Goldstone was a faculty member at Cambridge. In the early 1970s, with Peter Goddard, Claudio Rebbi and Charles Thorn, he worked out the light-cone quantization theory of relativistic strings. He moved to the USA in 1977 as Professor of Physics at MIT, where he has been the Cecil and Ida Green Professor of Physics since 1983 and was Director of the MIT Center for Theoretical Physics from 1983-89.

Goldstone published research on solitons in quantum field theory with Roman Jackiw and Frank Wilczek, and on the quantum strong law of large numbers with Edward Farhi and Samuel Gutmann. Since 1997, he has been working, with Farhi, Gutmann, Michael Sipser and Andrew Childs, on quantum computation algorithms. [3]

Awards and honors

See also

Notes and references

  1. Lindgren I. & Morrison J. (1986). Atomic Many-Body Theory (2nd ed.). Springer-Verlag. p. 215. ISBN   0-387-10504-2.
  2. Fetter, Alexander L.; Walecka, John Dirk (20 June 2003). Quantum Theory of Many-particle Systems. Courier Corporation. ISBN   978-0-486-42827-7.
  3. Bio at MIT
  4. APS Citation

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