Jens Olsen's World Clock or Verdensur is an advanced astronomical clock which is displayed in Copenhagen City Hall. [1] [2] The clock consists of 12 movements which together have 15,448 parts. [3] [4] The clock is mechanical and must be wound once a week. [5] Displays include lunar and solar eclipses, positions of the stellar bodies, and a perpetual calendar, in addition to the time. [1] The fastest gear completes a revolution every ten seconds and the slowest every 25,753 years. [1] [4]
The clock was designed and calculated by Jens Olsen (1872–1945), who was a skilled locksmith, and later learned the trade of clockmaking. He also took part in the beginning of the clock's construction, and died in 1945, 10 years before the clock was completed. [6]
The calculations for the clock were made up until 1928, after which they were supervised by the astronomer Elis Strömgren. [4] The drawings for the clock were made between 1934 and 1936, [7] and the actual production of the clock took place from 1943 until 1955. [8] The clock was started on 15 December 1955 by King Frederik IX and Jens Olsen's youngest grandchild Birgit. [1] [7]
Deviations in expected readings identified in 1991 were caused by increased friction from oil in the pivots hardening from prolonged sun and oxygen exposure. As a result the clock was largely disassembled to be refurbished and upgraded:
The clock is located centrally in a dedicated room, surrounded by smaller, related displays and descriptions of various aspects of the clock. The clock itself is enclosed in a large glass case with wooden and stainless framing, and sits on a granite base. The clock faces the singular entrance to the room, but visitors can view it from all sides to see the intricacy of the design. The enclosure has internal lighting, and is temperature and humidity controlled by a ventilation plant in the basement of the building. As it exists today the gearing and module structure is largely gold-plated brass, while the dials are rhodium plated [9] .
The escapement is a Dennison-style double triple-leg gravity escapement, a design choice common in later tower clocks that prioritizes accuracy over efficiency. In simple terms, the escapement itself acts as a remontoir such that variations in input torque are largely decoupled and do not influence the pendulum. However, this design choice necessitates significant input power (in the case of the World Clock significant weight) to compensate for the energy surplus that is "dumped" by the air-brake with each tick [10] . The pendulum is a "seconds pendulum" and therefore requires a theoretical length of 994.5 mm for Copenhagen's local gravity, although due to the dispersed mass the physical pendulum is slightly longer to give the correct period. Material selection is diligent: the pendulum rod is Invar, the impulse rods sapphire, and the movement is highly jeweled [11] . The escape wheel is a relatively unusual. 5-tooth design.
The clock movements are modular, such that an observer may more easily identify them and understand the functioning of the clock more readily. Additionally, it permits many movements to be removed and maintained without necessitating stopping the entire clock. The number of escapements is occasionally stated as 11 rather than 12, this ambiguity arises from whether the Mean Time and Sidereal Time are considered a single movement. All but the Equation Works movements have dials on the front of the clock, arranged in left, center, and right sections.
The Mean Time movement is located at the top of the center section and has the largest dial of the clock showing hours and minutes on a 12-hour dial, as well as a smaller inset dial with seconds on a 60-second dial.
The Sidereal Time movement is located directly below the Mean Time movement in the center section, and has a 24-hour dial with a minute hand and hour hand. There is also a smaller inset 60-second dial with a seconds hand.
The Main Calendar is located at the bottom of the center section, and includes 5 dials for dominical letter, epact, solar cycle, cycle of indiction, and lunar cycle. Below these is a display of the calendar noting the dates of moveable feasts, day-of-week for all dates, and dates of full, new, and quarter moons.
The "Triple Dial" is located at the top of the left section and includes three dials inset into a larger circular frame: The Equation of Time (top), Solar Time (lower right), and Local Mean Solar Time (lower left). The solar time dials each have a minute and hour had on 24-hour dials. The Equation of Time (EoT) dial has a hand for universal EoT (marked "A") and a hand for EoT at the clock's location (marked "B"). The difference between these hands is the local constant, a fixed value corresponding to the longitude difference between the clock's location (~13° E) and the time zone reference (UTC+01:00, so 15°E)
The Synchronoscope is the leftmost dial in the left section, and shows the time of day anywhere in the world. This is accomplished with a fixed map (in the form of a southern pole projection) around which a 24-hour dial rotates. This module also generates the impulse signal to the Gregorian Calendar (directly below it) and the Julian Period modules.
The Sunrise/Sunset movement is the rightmost movement of the left section, and includes a part of shutters that move throughout the year to indicate the time of sunrise and sunset. These can be read from an inner stationary 24-hour solar time dial or an outer 24-hour mean time dial (compensating for the EoT).
The Gregorian Calendar is located at the bottom of the left section. It displays the year, month, day of month, and day of week. These are changed discontinuously at mean midnight, and are otherwise not moving.
The Stellar Heavens movement is the top dial of the right section, and shows the current overhead celestial sphere. This is displayed using a stereoscopic projection (similar to an astrolabe), with fixed threads showing reference lines for meridian and zenith in the local frame and tropics, equator, and circumpolar circle in the celestial frame. The polar precession circle is also marked, which is notably the slowest motion in the clock.
The Heliocentric Revolution movement is located on the right side of the right section and is functionally an orrery, showing the 8 planets rotating about a fixed sun and their locations relative to a fixed outer zodiac dial. Pluto was discovered in 1930, shortly after the calculations for the clock were completed, however with the IAU redefining the term planet in 2006 the clock once again includes all planets. The motion of the planets is constant and circular, and the orbit spacing has been made uniform.
The Geocentric Revolution dial is located on the left of the right section, and shows the ecliptic longitudes of the sun, moon, lunisolar nodes, lunar perigee, and moon phase. These are all complex motions, particularly the moon position, however these calculations are not performed in this module alone. Rather, most of the formulation of anomalies is handled by the Equation Works and transmitted to the Geocentric Revolution dial, where they are combined with mean motions via differentials to produce the display.
The Julian Period movement is located at the bottom of the right section, and indicates both the Julian Year as well as the Julian Day. These are both discontinuous motions like the Gregorian Calendar, but with a roll-over time of 1pm CET.
The Equation Works movement has no display on the front of the clock, and is located behind the Main Calendar in the center section. However, it has labelling that is indicative of its various functions, as well as small dials for setting them. The purpose of the Equation Works is to create rotational rates of astronomical significance to be used elsewhere in the clock either directly, or to produce some linear motion at those rates to be used elsewhere. The Equation Works has its own weight as a power source and is regulated in time with a 36 tooth ratchet wheel advanced by an impulse from the Mean Time module.
These rates and their usages are listed here, in order of left to right when looking at the front of the clock (or right to left if viewing from the back, where the movement is more visible):
Information is passed between movements through three means, depending on the type:
A clock or chronometer is a device that measures and displays time. The clock is one of the oldest human inventions, meeting the need to measure intervals of time shorter than the natural units such as the day, the lunar month, and the year. Devices operating on several physical processes have been used over the millennia.
The term ephemeris time can in principle refer to time in association with any ephemeris. In practice it has been used more specifically to refer to:
A pendulum clock is a clock that uses a pendulum, a swinging weight, as its timekeeping element. The advantage of a pendulum for timekeeping is that it is an approximate harmonic oscillator: It swings back and forth in a precise time interval dependent on its length, and resists swinging at other rates. From its invention in 1656 by Christiaan Huygens, inspired by Galileo Galilei, until the 1930s, the pendulum clock was the world's most precise timekeeper, accounting for its widespread use. Throughout the 18th and 19th centuries, pendulum clocks in homes, factories, offices, and railroad stations served as primary time standards for scheduling daily life, work shifts, and public transportation. Their greater accuracy allowed for the faster pace of life which was necessary for the Industrial Revolution. The home pendulum clock was replaced by less-expensive synchronous electric clocks in the 1930s and 1940s. Pendulum clocks are now kept mostly for their decorative and antique value.
Terrestrial Time (TT) is a modern astronomical time standard defined by the International Astronomical Union, primarily for time-measurements of astronomical observations made from the surface of Earth. For example, the Astronomical Almanac uses TT for its tables of positions (ephemerides) of the Sun, Moon and planets as seen from Earth. In this role, TT continues Terrestrial Dynamical Time, which succeeded ephemeris time (ET). TT shares the original purpose for which ET was designed, to be free of the irregularities in the rotation of Earth.
A time standard is a specification for measuring time: either the rate at which time passes or points in time or both. In modern times, several time specifications have been officially recognized as standards, where formerly they were matters of custom and practice. An example of a kind of time standard can be a time scale, specifying a method for measuring divisions of time. A standard for civil time can specify both time intervals and time-of-day.
Eclipses may occur repeatedly, separated by certain intervals of time: these intervals are called eclipse cycles. The series of eclipses separated by a repeat of one of these intervals is called an eclipse series.
Barycentric Dynamical Time is a relativistic coordinate time scale, intended for astronomical use as a time standard to take account of time dilation when calculating orbits and astronomical ephemerides of planets, asteroids, comets and interplanetary spacecraft in the Solar System. TDB is now defined as a linear scaling of Barycentric Coordinate Time (TCB). A feature that distinguishes TDB from TCB is that TDB, when observed from the Earth's surface, has a difference from Terrestrial Time (TT) that is about as small as can be practically arranged with consistent definition: the differences are mainly periodic, and overall will remain at less than 2 milliseconds for several millennia.
An escapement is a mechanical linkage in mechanical watches and clocks that gives impulses to the timekeeping element and periodically releases the gear train to move forward, advancing the clock's hands. The impulse action transfers energy to the clock's timekeeping element to replace the energy lost to friction during its cycle and keep the timekeeper oscillating. The escapement is driven by force from a coiled spring or a suspended weight, transmitted through the timepiece's gear train. Each swing of the pendulum or balance wheel releases a tooth of the escapement's escape wheel, allowing the clock's gear train to advance or "escape" by a fixed amount. This regular periodic advancement moves the clock's hands forward at a steady rate. At the same time, the tooth gives the timekeeping element a push, before another tooth catches on the escapement's pallet, returning the escapement to its "locked" state. The sudden stopping of the escapement's tooth is what generates the characteristic "ticking" sound heard in operating mechanical clocks and watches.
An astronomical clock, horologium, or orloj is a clock with special mechanisms and dials to display astronomical information, such as the relative positions of the Sun, Moon, zodiacal constellations, and sometimes major planets.
A grandfather clock is a tall, freestanding, weight-driven pendulum clock, with the pendulum held inside the tower or waist of the case. Clocks of this style are commonly 1.8–2.4 metres (6–8 feet) tall with an enclosed pendulum and weights, suspended by either cables or chains, which have to be occasionally calibrated to keep the proper time. The case often features elaborately carved ornamentation on the hood, which surrounds and frames the dial, or clock face.
ʿAbu al-Ḥasan Alāʾ al‐Dīn bin Alī bin Ibrāhīm bin Muhammad bin al-Matam al-Ansari, known as Ibn al-Shatir or Ibn ash-Shatir was an Arab astronomer, mathematician and engineer. He worked as muwaqqit in the Umayyad Mosque in Damascus and constructed a sundial for its minaret in 1371/72.
Rasmus Jonassen Sørnes was a Norwegian inventor, clockmaker and radio technician, and is most famous for his advanced astronomical clocks, the most precise of which has an inaccuracy of 7 seconds during 1000 years. During his lifetime, Sørnes also designed and built a large variety of agricultural, radio-technical and mechanical devices, only a few of them patented.
A bob is a heavy object on the end of a pendulum found most commonly, but not exclusively, in pendulum clocks.
The Riefler escapement is a mechanical escapement for precision pendulum clocks invented and patented by German instrument maker Sigmund Riefler in 1889. It was used in the astronomical regulator clocks made by his German firm Clemens Riefler from 1890 to 1965, which were perhaps the most accurate all-mechanical pendulum clocks made.
A seconds pendulum is a pendulum whose period is precisely two seconds; one second for a swing in one direction and one second for the return swing, a frequency of 0.5 Hz.
A marine chronometer is a precision timepiece that is carried on a ship and employed in the determination of the ship's position by celestial navigation. It is used to determine longitude by comparing Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), and the time at the current location found from observations of celestial bodies. When first developed in the 18th century, it was a major technical achievement, as accurate knowledge of the time over a long sea voyage was vital for effective navigation, lacking electronic or communications aids. The first true chronometer was the life work of one man, John Harrison, spanning 31 years of persistent experimentation and testing that revolutionized naval navigation.
The history of timekeeping devices dates back to when ancient civilizations first observed astronomical bodies as they moved across the sky. Devices and methods for keeping time have gradually improved through a series of new inventions, starting with measuring time by continuous processes, such as the flow of liquid in water clocks, to mechanical clocks, and eventually repetitive, oscillatory processes, such as the swing of pendulums. Oscillating timekeepers are used in modern timepieces.
The Whitehurst & Son sundial was produced in Derby in 1812 by the nephew of John Whitehurst. It is a fine example of a precision sundial telling local apparent time with a scale to convert this to local mean time, and is accurate to the nearest minute. The sundial is now housed in the Derby Museum and Art Gallery.
An equation clock is a mechanical clock which includes a mechanism that simulates the equation of time, so that the user can read or calculate solar time, as would be shown by a sundial. The first accurate clocks, controlled by pendulums, were patented by Christiaan Huyghens in 1657. For the next few decades, people were still accustomed to using sundials, and wanted to be able to use clocks to find solar time. Equation clocks were invented to fill this need.
A computus clock is a clock equipped with a mechanism that automatically calculates and displays, or helps determine, the date of Easter. A computus watch carries out the same function.